Staňte se členem největší světové poroty v historii architektury. Pomozte nám podporovat studenty.

V soutěži je 1285 porotců z 130 zemí. Hlasování se bude konat přes internet maximálně čtyřikrát ročně. Nemusíte cestovat, můžete hlasovat z pohodlí domova.

Voting System

Jury Benefits

Certifikovaný porotce
Veronika Boráková
Návrhy interiérů bytových a komerčních prostor.
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Amna Alazani
A passionate architect with a focus on sustainability and nanoarchitecture I am also interested in digital architecture and IA
A passionate architect with a focus on sustainability and nanoarchitecture I am also interested in digital architecture and IA
Certifikovaný porotce
Elie Braks
The future of architecture and its role in changing the way we live.
The future of architecture and its role in changing the way we live.
Certifikovaný porotce
Vicky Chan

I am the founder of Avoid Obvious Architects. We design happy cities and green buildings. We have won 39 awards in the last 5 years.

Certifikovaný porotce

All kind of projects and constructions

Certifikovaný porotce
Petr Háger
pozemní stavby, rodinné domy, bytové domy, stavby komerční
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Ugur Dagli
  • Design
  • Cultural and Natural Heritage
  • Design Education
Certifikovaný porotce
Blend Dema
As a practitioner the filed that I am focused and mostly prefer to work is Housing part, in now days is one of the biggest challenge in the world. Housing as an era where you have more responsibilities, working on a different scale and dealing with different kinds of people.
Certifikovaný porotce
Armin Sepic

Devoted to experimental architecture and competitions as well as architecture and interior design. Guidelines in my creative process are sustainability, energy efficiency, technology, simplicity and human, tailor-made approach. 

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Certifikovaný porotce
Ladislav Podracký
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Jeeva Wijesundara
As an Architect, and an Urban Designer, my focus mainly towards creating sustainable urban settings for peoples' satisfaction. My research interest is on urban form and sustainable neighbourhoods.
Sri Lankan, Canadian
As an Architect, and an Urban Designer, my focus mainly towards creating sustainable urban settings for peoples' satisfaction. My research interest is on urban form and sustainable neighbourhoods.
Certifikovaný porotce
Katarzyna Przała

My focus are public and private interiors. In design process I value authencity.

Certifikovaný porotce
Elie Saliba

Saliba Architects is an award-winning architectural firm located in Beirut, Lebanon.
It has extensive experience in several building types spanning both the private and public sectors.
Restaurants, bars and family homes are a few of the building types Saliba Architects has been
directly involved with, resulting in successful projects that the clients and building users found
enjoyable to occupy.

At Saliba Architects, we value beauty, efficiency, logic, pure expression of materials, and clean
lines and forms that allow the architecture- the space, light, materials, spatial relationships - and
its inhabitants to thrive. The result is an architecture that is current but timeless, serene yet warm,
and uniquely reflective of the values and characters of our clients. Saliba Architects offers the
following services as part of our program. Building Design - Interior Design – Landscapes –
Product Design – Furniture Selection – Experimental Installations – 3D Rendering.

Our Process
Idea & Start
Design & Crate
Build & Finish

Certifikovaný porotce
Aparna Sathish
Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism, Tropical Architecture and Urbanism
Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism, Tropical Architecture and Urbanism
Certifikovaný porotce
Tomáš Čech
Architektonická platforma POLYCHROME působí na poli architektury v různých podobách. Projektuje a navrhuje, popularizuje a zkoumá. Život lidí není „monochromatický“, je plný emocí, pocitů, zkušeností. Proto hledáme komplexní a adekvátní řešení, která odpovídají na otázky krásy, kvality, funkčnosti a udržitelnosti. „Polychromatická“ architektura nemusí být pestrobarevná, ale musí vytvořit optimální prostředí pro všechny aspekty lidského života. Ten bezpochyby „barevný“ je!
Czech Republic

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