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Jury Benefits

Certifikovaný porotce
Markéta Heralecká
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Emmanuel Gichana
urban planningsustainable architecture interior design commercial architecture residential architecture
urban planningsustainable architecture interior design commercial architecture residential architecture
Certifikovaný porotce
Andrea Rossi

I 'm an Italian architect who works in the fields of architectural design and interior design, urban planning and landscape design. Currently I'm working with several Italian engineering and architecture firms.

Certifikovaný porotce
Carolina Zamudio
Interior designa and urban
Interior designa and urban
Certifikovaný porotce
Khaled Fantar
My architectural focus is born from the sensations generated by a space. Proven ability to find functional design solutions.As an interior designer, i'm skilled in color combinations, area improvement, and use of materials and illumination, driving innovative and personalized creations.
My architectural focus is born from the sensations generated by a space. Proven ability to find functional design solutions.As an interior designer, i'm skilled in color combinations, area improvement, and use of materials and illumination, driving innovative and personalized creations.
Certifikovaný porotce
Hesam Taheri
architectural designbuilding information modeling3d visualizationGraphic design
architectural designbuilding information modeling3d visualizationGraphic design
Certifikovaný porotce
Pavel Chládek
Poskytujeme komplexní architektonické a projekční služby, od ověřovacích analýz, architektonických študií až po realizační projekty. Nabízíme zpracovaní všech fází projektu - dokumentace pro územního rozhodnutí, stavební povolení, realizační a tendrovou dokumentaci. Vedle zpracovaní dokumentace také zajišťujeme projednání projektů ve všech fázích záměru (inženýring), spolupráci na výběrových řízeních, autorský dozor a spolupráci při realizaci a zajištění kolaudace. Máme dlohodobé zkušenosti s návrhami obytných, komerčních a administrativních budov. Spolupracujeme s osvědčeným týmem inženýřů a špecialistů
Certifikovaný porotce
Joseph Nehme-Tannous
Design and Design Development
Design and Design Development
Certifikovaný porotce
Karol Drobniewski
In the circle of my scientific and creative interests, I focus primarily on the contemporary shaping of large-scale projects, regeneration of post-industrial areas, shaping creative urban strategies and solutions in the coastal zone related to climate change. I work as an academic teacher at the University of Lodz, where I teach urban design, and I am a designer at A2P2 architecture & planning. I am the author or co-author of articles in architectural magazines in Poland.
In the circle of my scientific and creative interests, I focus primarily on the contemporary shaping of large-scale projects, regeneration of post-industrial areas, shaping creative urban strategies and solutions in the coastal zone related to climate change. I work as an academic teacher at the University of Lodz, where I teach urban design, and I am a designer at A2P2 architecture & planning. I am the author or co-author of articles in architectural magazines in Poland.
Certifikovaný porotce
Pavel Borecký
Pozemní stavby
Czech Republic
Pozemní stavby
Certifikovaný porotce
Anna Nimsová
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Charbel Etel

Founder of Pilcrow Architects, I believe that architecture should combine logic, aesthetics and performance.

It is not about the design, but the logic of the design; not about the shape, but the performance of the shape and finally not about aesthetics but the adaptation of aesthetics to our daily use.

Certifikovaný porotce
Sara Rraja
Architectural representation
Architectural representation
Certifikovaný porotce

historical urban & architecture + public spaces and its changing under the impact of social / economic pressure.


historical urban & architecture + public spaces and its changing under the impact of social / economic pressure.

Certifikovaný porotce
Michal Hlaváček
The Czech Technical University in Prague Professor, Department of Architecture Academic settings
Czech Republic
The Czech Technical University in Prague Professor, Department of Architecture Academic settings

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