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Jury Benefits

Certifikovaný porotce
Maha Aziz
Architecture | Urban Design and Planning | Building Information Modeling | Graphic Design and 3D Visualization| Lighting Design
Architecture | Urban Design and Planning | Building Information Modeling | Graphic Design and 3D Visualization| Lighting Design
Certifikovaný porotce
sadam Ali

A real building is one on which the eye can light and stay.

Certifikovaný porotce
Gaetano Gionta
Improve quality life of Dnipro inhabitants
Improve quality life of Dnipro inhabitants
Certifikovaný porotce
Jairo Galindo

My architectural approach is oriented in the structuring of the form.

Certifikovaný porotce
Mohamed Elshikhi

Climate change needs actions; otherwise, the next generations will suffer. As architects, we should try to reach zero carbon in the built environment to create a better future for coming generations on mother earth.

Climatic Design for Sustainable Architecture

Designing for A Changing Climate

Sustainable Environmental Design


Climate change needs actions; otherwise, the next generations will suffer. As architects, we should try to reach zero carbon in the built environment to create a better future for coming generations on mother earth.

Climatic Design for Sustainable Architecture

Designing for A Changing Climate

Sustainable Environmental Design

Certifikovaný porotce
Michaela Bergová
Architektura, Interiérový design
Czech Republic
Architektura, Interiérový design
Certifikovaný porotce
Helena Hexnerová
architektura, interiér, design, rekonstrukce
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Małgorzata Kotyczka
I run a design office specializing in interior design - obiekty studio. We are passionate about the dependencies between form and function. In our projects, we strive to reduce unnecessary artifacts and elements of equipment, maximizing the exposure of the newly designed spatial composition. We reach for bold, original solutions with unique functional and aesthetic values, color, texture, expressive form, giving the interior a personal character and stimulating artistically users of the designed spaces. We implement sustainable design solutions in our projects. In consequence of consciously made decisions, we are able to shape healthy interiors, free from harmful chemicals.
I run a design office specializing in interior design - obiekty studio. We are passionate about the dependencies between form and function. In our projects, we strive to reduce unnecessary artifacts and elements of equipment, maximizing the exposure of the newly designed spatial composition. We reach for bold, original solutions with unique functional and aesthetic values, color, texture, expressive form, giving the interior a personal character and stimulating artistically users of the designed spaces. We implement sustainable design solutions in our projects. In consequence of consciously made decisions, we are able to shape healthy interiors, free from harmful chemicals.
Certifikovaný porotce
Khaled Fantar
My architectural focus is born from the sensations generated by a space. Proven ability to find functional design solutions.As an interior designer, i'm skilled in color combinations, area improvement, and use of materials and illumination, driving innovative and personalized creations.
My architectural focus is born from the sensations generated by a space. Proven ability to find functional design solutions.As an interior designer, i'm skilled in color combinations, area improvement, and use of materials and illumination, driving innovative and personalized creations.
Certifikovaný porotce
Nico Lindow
Arquitecto independiente, docente de la carrera Arquitectura en la Fac de Tec y Ciencias Aplicadas, pertenece a la Univ Nacional de Catamarca.Secretario de Jurado de FADEA (Federación Argentina de Entidades de Arq) . Presidente del Colegio de Arq de la Prov de Catamarca, Argentina.
Arquitecto independiente, docente de la carrera Arquitectura en la Fac de Tec y Ciencias Aplicadas, pertenece a la Univ Nacional de Catamarca.Secretario de Jurado de FADEA (Federación Argentina de Entidades de Arq) . Presidente del Colegio de Arq de la Prov de Catamarca, Argentina.
Certifikovaný porotce
Olena Korsun
More than 6 years of experience in Interior Design using modern stack and technologies.Experienced in developing and implementation projects from scratch.Ability to raise constantly the bar in development facing with challenges without any affairs.Design inspires me. I love learning something new and interesting.
Certifikovaný porotce
Anna Valentiny

VALENTINY hvp architects

Chief Editor ADATO

Certifikovaný porotce
Himanshu Sanghani
I strongly believe in structuring and scrutinising the practical approach to draw strategies for future and instilling the idea of questioning thoughts and information before it is shared as knowledge. I try to inculcate the same amongst students and professionals.
I strongly believe in structuring and scrutinising the practical approach to draw strategies for future and instilling the idea of questioning thoughts and information before it is shared as knowledge. I try to inculcate the same amongst students and professionals.
Certifikovaný porotce
Sacchin Baddhe
Certifikovaný porotce
Lukáš Kolibár

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