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Voting System
Jury Benefits
This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.
Kenrick Nicholas Honggana
Raffles College of Higher Education, Indonésie
Ayshwarya Sankar
Dr.M.G.R University Chennai, Indie
Tomáš Lovětinský
VUT Brno, Česká Republika
Katia Sokyrko
Kyiv National University of Technology and Design, Ukrajina
Patrycja Ilcewicz
Academy of Art in Szczecin / Akademia Sztuki w Szczecinie, Polsko
Monika Żywiecka
Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, Polsko
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT/Bangmod), School of Architecture and Design, Thung Khru, Bangkok, Kambodža
Sofia Liamina
NSUADA - Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design and Arts, Rusko
Chun Te Lee
Leibniz Universität Hannover, Německo
Abhrajit Roy Choudhury
Om Dayal School of Architecture (MAKAUT), Indie
Victor Montañez
Universidad Europea del Atlantico, Španělsko
Aleksandra Sułecka
Gdańsk Technical University (Politechnika Gdańska), Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk, Polsko
Artyom Baskakov
Yaroslavl State Technical University, Rusko
Yelyzaveta Chmykhonkova
Faculty of Architecture and Design STU in Bratislava, Ukrajina
Guénault HOUCKE
École nationale supérieure d'architecture et de paysage de Lille, Lille, Francie
Esteban Naranjo
Ikiam, Universidad Regional Amazónica, Ekvádor
Nusrat Nasrin Ananna
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladéš
Mohamad Hamad
Lebanese University - Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture, Libanon
Patryk Iwanczuk
Academy of Art in Szczecin / Akademia Sztuki w Szczecinie, Polsko
Maria Lebedeva
Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Rusko
Yishak Abraham
Addis Ababa Science and technology university, Etiopie
Md Salman Mehedi
North South University, Department of Architecture, Dhaka, Bangladéš
Jana Lambic
GAF - University of Niš - Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture , Srbsko
Bangladesh University, Department of Architecture, Dhaka, Bangladéš
This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.
Kiera Smith
Harding University, Spojené státy americké
Lira Abdyli
University for Business and Technology - UBT, Kosovo
Bledar Hazrolli
University of Prishtina, Kosovo
Shanawaz Alli
Instituto Superior de Ciências e Tecnologia de Moçambique, Mosambik
shiraz almashni
Palestine polytechnic university, Palestinská autonomie
Mohammad Al Arnaout
Beirut Arab University, Faculty of Architecture, Debbieh , Libanon
Golub Architects Company and me, as the chief architect, have several focuses: firstly, it is a residential and commercial architecture (individual houses, apartment buildings, offices, cafes, restaurants, etc.); secondly, it is urban design; the third is the design of parks and recreational areas, landscape design. Also, now our company has a number of orders in a new field for us - these are memorial complexes (memorials are devoted to the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine).
This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.
Mohamed Mamdouh
Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering Architecture Department., Egypt
Sreezon Sifat Hasan
Khulna University, Architecture Discipline, School of Science, Engineering & Technology, Khulna, Bangladéš
Sena Şirin
Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University, Faculty of Architecture, Turecko
Luz Niño
University of los Andes, Bogotá Colombia, Faculty of architecture and design, Kolumbie
This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.
This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.
This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.
This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.
Syeda Sumaiya Nasrin
BRAC University, Department of Architecture, Dhaka , Bangladéš
Menna Mahmoud
Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University in Alexandria, Egypt
Anežka Piskáčková
CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Česká Republika
Zahidul Alam Arefin
Military Institute of Science and Technology, Bangladéš
This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.
Jessica Aurelia Wisaka
Ciputra University (UC / Universitas Ciputra), Indonésie
Jad Tarek
School of Engineering, Future University in Egypt (FUE), Cairo - Department of Architecture, Egypt
Shubhra Deb Chowdhury
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladéš
Renim Altala
CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Česká Republika
This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.
faiza ferdows
BRAC University, Department of Architecture, Dhaka , Bangladéš
Kian Daroudi
Islamic azad university of tehran-west branch, Irán
Nahin Iqbal Chowdhury
North South University, Department of Architecture, Dhaka, Bangladéš
Jrad Karim
Beirut Arab university, Faculty of Architecture, Tripoli, Libanon
This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.
This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.
Kim Williams
KU Leuven - International Master of Architecture - Campus Sint-Lucas Ghent, Belgie
Zarif Inqiad
Military Institute of Science and Technology, Bangladéš
Sofia Mikhailova
Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building, Rusko
Omar Al Mustafa
Beirut Arab university, Faculty of Architecture, Tripoli, Libanon