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V soutěži je 16 porotců z 1 zemí. Hlasování se bude konat přes internet maximálně čtyřikrát ročně. Nemusíte cestovat, můžete hlasovat z pohodlí domova.
Voting System
Jury Benefits
This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.
Jana Jakubičková
STU in Bratislava - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovensko
Jiaming Cui
Qingdao University of Technology, Čína
Aime Arantxa Castellano Wieder
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Tucumán, Argentina
Elicia Javiera
Tanjungpura University, Indonésie
Nitin Kale
University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering, Indie
This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.
Nisrina Putri Rianto
Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonésie
WENG Chia-Hua
Tamkang University, College of Engineering, Department of Architecture, Danshui District, New Taipei City , Tchaj-wan
Yentl Dobbels
KU Leuven - International Master of Architecture - Campus Sint-Lucas Ghent, Belgie
ahmed hammami
University Tunis Carthage, Tunisko
This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.
Architecture + Interior Architecture
This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.
Co-founder and partner at Simpraxis Architects. Focusing on contemporary architecture with projects ranging from private housing to public buildings and Interiors.
I am a practicing architect based in Cyprus and doctoral student at the Univeersity of Oxford reading Sustainable Urban Development. I have graduated with distinction from the University of Cambridge in Architecture and Urban Design and from the University of Sheffield in Architecture. My master’s thesis research was honoured with the Susan and Geoffrey Twining Egginton Scholarship from Downing College and the UCF/IAMCR Urban Communication Research Grant in 2017. I recently taught Design Studio at the University of Cyprus and I teach Design Research Methods on a postgraduate level at the Cyprus University of Technology as well as co-supervise and guest reviews diploma and studio projects in Architecture.
Exploring the intersection between architecture, art, performance, politics and activism.