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Certifikovaný porotce
Eleni Thiresia Papakonstantinou
Dedicated architect freelancer with experience in designing and architectural composition, currently based in Athens. Passionate for innovative design and sustainable solutions such as renovation and restoration of old buildings and monuments.
Dedicated architect freelancer with experience in designing and architectural composition, currently based in Athens. Passionate for innovative design and sustainable solutions such as renovation and restoration of old buildings and monuments.
Certifikovaný porotce
Tomáš Němec
Přes dvacet let se podílíme na kultivaci prostředí, ve kterém žijeme. Ať už je to krajina našich měst nebo vnitřní prostředí domovů, k úkolům architektury přistupujeme vždy komplexně. Reagujeme na proměny životního stylu jednotlivců i společnosti, ke kterým dnes neodmyslitelně patří požadavek udržitelnosti. Kombinací tradičních zkušeností oboru a současných technologických inovací navrhujeme řešení, která naplní současné potřeby a přetrvají v čase. Široké portfolio našich projektů spojuje jedno: důraz na propojení estetických a funkčních řešení. Podstatný je pro nás řemeslně zpracovaný detail i funkční naplnění celku.Každodenně precizujeme individuální řešení pro celou typologii projektů. Zapojujeme urbanistické celky do organismu měst, kultivujeme veřejný prostor a krajinu, s citlivostí rekonstruujeme a konvertujeme budovy. Hledáme inovativní koncepty v rámci architektonických soutěží.
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Michael Karnet

urbanismus, architektura, design

Certifikovaný porotce
Mark Lester Valignota

Architecture and Design, BIM

Certifikovaný porotce
Davide Marchetti

Davide Marchetti received his Master’s in Architecture from the University of Rome La Sapienza in 2001 and joined the Massimiliano Fuksas Office in Rome upon graduation. The following year he became a member of the Italian Architects Registry, Chapter of Rome. In 2004, he began his own practice, specializing in architecture, urban planning and interior design. The office is driven by a consistent philosophical approach, not a predetermined style. It explores and develops new ways of thinking about architecture and the surrounding contextual environment in order to create models for change and innovation. Projects are approached with a comprehensive emphasis on environmental themes, materiality and cultural context. As a result, the studio aims to create specifically designed and detailed buildings that are deeply contextual with equal attention to function. High quality design results from the continuity of rigorous process and intensive dialogue with the client, consultants, contractors and inhabitants.Davide Marchetti has taught at Cornell University continuously from 2011, as a Visiting Critic in advanced design studios. He has been several times an invited critic at Pratt Institute, Syracuse University, Catholic University, University of Miami as well as at University of Rome La Sapienza and University of Pisa School of Engineering. He believes that the education of an architect manifests through a process; both the understanding and the application of the curriculum and studio discipline, as well as in the personal exploration of influences from multiple environments. These come from many sources, such as art and literature, science and medicine, history and economy. These conditions then consequently influence the scope of multidisciplinary practice that now permeates contemporary architecture. He is interested in fostering this environment, and adeptly responding to each students individual strengths, passions, and interests.


Davide Marchetti received his Master’s in Architecture from the University of Rome La Sapienza in 2001 and joined the Massimiliano Fuksas Office in Rome upon graduation. The following year he became a member of the Italian Architects Registry, Chapter of Rome. In 2004, he began his own practice, specializing in architecture, urban planning and interior design. The office is driven by a consistent philosophical approach, not a predetermined style. It explores and develops new ways of thinking about architecture and the surrounding contextual environment in order to create models for change and innovation. Projects are approached with a comprehensive emphasis on environmental themes, materiality and cultural context. As a result, the studio aims to create specifically designed and detailed buildings that are deeply contextual with equal attention to function. High quality design results from the continuity of rigorous process and intensive dialogue with the client, consultants, contractors and inhabitants.Davide Marchetti has taught at Cornell University continuously from 2011, as a Visiting Critic in advanced design studios. He has been several times an invited critic at Pratt Institute, Syracuse University, Catholic University, University of Miami as well as at University of Rome La Sapienza and University of Pisa School of Engineering. He believes that the education of an architect manifests through a process; both the understanding and the application of the curriculum and studio discipline, as well as in the personal exploration of influences from multiple environments. These come from many sources, such as art and literature, science and medicine, history and economy. These conditions then consequently influence the scope of multidisciplinary practice that now permeates contemporary architecture. He is interested in fostering this environment, and adeptly responding to each students individual strengths, passions, and interests.

Certifikovaný porotce
sarah ibrahimbasha

sustainable architecture /energy management in building

Syrian italian

sustainable architecture /energy management in building

Certifikovaný porotce
Joseph El Rahi
DIM. Architects Co-Founder
DIM. Architects Co-Founder
Certifikovaný porotce
Velika Ivkovska
An engineer architect and an assistant professor at International Balkan University (IBU) Skopje. Born in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia with Bachelor degree in Engineering and Architecture from the University of “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in 2004. Master of Science degree from the University American College Skopje at the Department of Architecture and Design with focus on the Building Heritage, in June 2013. PhD thesis completed at Istanbul Technical University between 2014 and 2018 at the Faculty of Architecture, the Department of History of Architecture. Active participant in conferences and seminars related to the history of architecture. The fields of interests cover the area of the Ottoman and vernacular architecture as well as the field of the Byzantine Architecture, Modern architecture, and the History of Garden Design.Member of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) Macedonia focused on the built heritage and its protection and preservation. Publishing widely on the architectural, vernacular, and urban environments. Teaching Design Studios as well as History and Theory of Architecture and Art, Architectural Conservation and Restoration, Basic Design, Representative Techniques in Architecture and Technical Drawing among other.Writer, editor, project designer, professor and architectural historian.
An engineer architect and an assistant professor at International Balkan University (IBU) Skopje. Born in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia with Bachelor degree in Engineering and Architecture from the University of “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in 2004. Master of Science degree from the University American College Skopje at the Department of Architecture and Design with focus on the Building Heritage, in June 2013. PhD thesis completed at Istanbul Technical University between 2014 and 2018 at the Faculty of Architecture, the Department of History of Architecture. Active participant in conferences and seminars related to the history of architecture. The fields of interests cover the area of the Ottoman and vernacular architecture as well as the field of the Byzantine Architecture, Modern architecture, and the History of Garden Design.Member of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) Macedonia focused on the built heritage and its protection and preservation. Publishing widely on the architectural, vernacular, and urban environments. Teaching Design Studios as well as History and Theory of Architecture and Art, Architectural Conservation and Restoration, Basic Design, Representative Techniques in Architecture and Technical Drawing among other.Writer, editor, project designer, professor and architectural historian.
Certifikovaný porotce
Salma Magd
I focus on almost all architectural design categories from residential to commercial to office buildings so almost any architectural design along with small scale urban design projects.
I focus on almost all architectural design categories from residential to commercial to office buildings so almost any architectural design along with small scale urban design projects.
Certifikovaný porotce
Place attachment, Space acquaintance, Brandspace,
Place attachment, Space acquaintance, Brandspace,
Certifikovaný porotce
Felissia Veliu

I am very interested in studying housing that addresses crucial issues, such as affordable living, sustainable design and flexible housing. 


I am very interested in studying housing that addresses crucial issues, such as affordable living, sustainable design and flexible housing. 

Certifikovaný porotce
My architectural focus is on creating sustainable, green designs that prioritize energy efficiency. I am dedicated to developing buildings that minimize environmental impact through innovative use of materials, renewable energy sources, and efficient systems. By integrating natural elements and eco-friendly practices, I aim to design structures that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also significantly reduce carbon footprints and promote a healthier, more sustainable way of living.
My architectural focus is on creating sustainable, green designs that prioritize energy efficiency. I am dedicated to developing buildings that minimize environmental impact through innovative use of materials, renewable energy sources, and efficient systems. By integrating natural elements and eco-friendly practices, I aim to design structures that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also significantly reduce carbon footprints and promote a healthier, more sustainable way of living.
Certifikovaný porotce
Mohammad Sazzad Hossain
Mohammad Sazzad Hossain is a practicing architect, researcher, and educator. His area of interest is architectural design with a special focus on heritage conservation. He was involved in different projects of ICOMOS and UNESCO. Mr. Hossain is an expert member of ICOMOS International Training Committee and ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for Twentieth Century Heritage. He was the Secretary, Heritage and Culture of the Institute of Architects, Bangladesh (IAB). He was also involved in ARCASIA Heritage Preservation Group and UIA work program on Heritage and Cultural Identity.
Mohammad Sazzad Hossain is a practicing architect, researcher, and educator. His area of interest is architectural design with a special focus on heritage conservation. He was involved in different projects of ICOMOS and UNESCO. Mr. Hossain is an expert member of ICOMOS International Training Committee and ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for Twentieth Century Heritage. He was the Secretary, Heritage and Culture of the Institute of Architects, Bangladesh (IAB). He was also involved in ARCASIA Heritage Preservation Group and UIA work program on Heritage and Cultural Identity.
Certifikovaný porotce
Zeri Alfisyahrani

I focus on residential buildings, government buildings, offices and hospitals.

Certifikovaný porotce
Valentina Osipova
Architecture, urban planning, interior design
Czech Republic
Architecture, urban planning, interior design

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