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Certifikovaný porotce
Zana Prelvukaj
Sustainable architecture
Sustainable architecture
Certifikovaný porotce
Abel Mamani Gutierrez
La arquitectura tiene que ser una herramienta, para mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas.
La arquitectura tiene que ser una herramienta, para mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas.
Certifikovaný porotce




Certifikovaný porotce
Martin Skovajsa
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Cristian Martìnez
Bùsqueda de una arquitectura para su sitio, revalorizando y promoviendo la reinterpretaciòn de tècnicas constructivas vernàculas, valorizar y enriquecer las diversas culturas.
Bùsqueda de una arquitectura para su sitio, revalorizando y promoviendo la reinterpretaciòn de tècnicas constructivas vernàculas, valorizar y enriquecer las diversas culturas.
Certifikovaný porotce
László Földes

My bigest aim is to rethink the architectural tradition.

The idea of Kenneth Framptons critical regionalism is close to me.

Architects should give useful answers to the challenge of environmental changes.

Most common projects in my practice: Housing, Schools, Kindergardens, Nurseries, Visitor Centers, Office buldings, Conference Center, Castle restaurations,

Certifikovaný porotce
Vity Nsalambi

As a world Citizen, I believe that is possible to change the world in a balanced way through the education, in fully respect of the nature, with the objective of contributing positively, improving the quality of people life. So, it is important to understand Architecture as a factor of social inclusion and human heritage preservation, generating self employment and income to reduce extreme poverty, education and preservation of built environment (urban and rural), low-cost housing proposals, better collective services and infrastructure and mitigation of the climate change effects.  

Certifikovaný porotce
Carl Salloum


Certifikovaný porotce
Štěpán Braťka

to make world a better place

Certifikovaný porotce
Sayed Ahmed

Ar. Sayed Ahmed is a Bangladeshi practicing architect and academician. He studied architecture from SUST; Sylhet. He was lecturer in the department of architecture, Bangladesh University, Dhaka. He successfully got his master’s degree at Monumental heritage with DAAD scholarship from Anhalt university of Applied Sciences, Bauhuas of Dessau, Germany. He specializes design, art appreciation, cultural studies, art philosophy, architectural history, urban collective memory, material and climatic issues regarding vernacular architecture and so on. He has already published articles from several journals around the globe which include countries like UK, USA, Austria, Australia, Nigeria, India, China and Indonesia. He is also in editorial board of ATINAR journal, Greece and CHITROLEKHA journal, India. His recent study published from the largest platform of Asian architects, ARCASIA’s 19th forum.

Certifikovaný porotce
Kwabena Abrokwa Gyimah
I aspire to architectural design with a strong research basis driving the design philosophy or concept. I specialize in building science and services.
I aspire to architectural design with a strong research basis driving the design philosophy or concept. I specialize in building science and services.
Certifikovaný porotce
Ignacio Fernández Torres

Prof. Architect ETSA Sevilla and TU Wien, partner of ftca architectos & asociados and ftca s.r.o. researcher and Director of ACCA magazine for architectonic graphics.

Certifikovaný porotce
Rasha El Zeiny
Sustainable interior architecture spaces, & story telling spaces.
Sustainable interior architecture spaces, & story telling spaces.
Certifikovaný porotce
Pawel Czarzasty
I'm looking for things to make sense. But at the same time I cherish all the out of the blue ideas and things which seem out of place but make an impact and are original. Also because to my film experience and interest I tend to focus on storytelling in architecture, the way it communicated its purpose, how it leads you in or make you feel good or anxious or any other way.The other thing would be technology and how it can make architecture less static and more animated. Construction and the building process are fascinating to me and I tend to appreciate designs which are aware of that stage and work with it not against it.
I'm looking for things to make sense. But at the same time I cherish all the out of the blue ideas and things which seem out of place but make an impact and are original. Also because to my film experience and interest I tend to focus on storytelling in architecture, the way it communicated its purpose, how it leads you in or make you feel good or anxious or any other way.The other thing would be technology and how it can make architecture less static and more animated. Construction and the building process are fascinating to me and I tend to appreciate designs which are aware of that stage and work with it not against it.
Certifikovaný porotce
Fredrik Gyllenhoff

Urban planner and architect from Copenhagen, Denmark.


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