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Certifikovaný porotce
Burak Pekoglu

Arch. Burak Pekoğlu (Turkey) – Founder BINAA. BINAA is a design and research studio, that was founded by Burak Pekoglu in 2012. The main objective of the studio is to generate conversations along the themes of Building, Innovation, Arts and Architecture with an exceptional cross-disciplinary collaborative model, characterized by the strong interaction among Research, Design and Execution.

Certifikovaný porotce
Klára Concepcion
krajinářský architekt
Czech Republic
krajinářský architekt
Certifikovaný porotce
Les Jordan

Currently, I am involved in a wide range of architectural project types in Austria and Central Europe. The projects vary in scope, but our specialties lie in architectural management, consulting, design and construction document planning for mobility architecture (rail, bus, automobile, bike and pedestrian interchanges), especially the spaces of interface, which are of architectural significance.

As upcoming AIA Europe president I am excited to respresent an engaged group of international planning professionals with the common goal of promoting educational programs and conferences for practicing architects, emerging professionals, and students alike.

Certifikovaný porotce
Sindy Melissa Godínez de León
Hospital Planning
Hospital Planning
Certifikovaný porotce
Jan Matyska
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Kateřina Tichá
Primárně rezidenční interiéry, okrajově kancelářské prostory.
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Visar Shllaku
Architectural Design
Architectural Design
Certifikovaný porotce
Petr Kolář
ADR Co-founder Professional settings
Czech Republic
ADR Co-founder Professional settings
Certifikovaný porotce
Sepehr Sadeghi

Architecture Awards:
- 2nd Place in 5th annual "INSPIRELI AWARDS", Czech Republic, 2020.
- Finalist in 5th annual "INSPIRELI AWARDS", Czech Republic, 2020.
- Winner of the 34th cycle World Architecture Award Selected by jury, 2020.
- Candidates Project in Asia - Oceania Architecture Award, Spain, 2019.
- Honorable Mention ARCHIHACKERS Competition, Italy, 2019.
- Honorable Mention SCC Competition, Italy, 2019.
- 2nd Place in Imam Khomeini Square Competition, Tonekabon, Iran, 2018.
- Semi Final AYDA (Asia Young Designer Award) Competition, Iran, 2018.
And Attendee in more than 10 National and International Competitions.

- The Role of Art Identity in Landscape and Urban Cultural Perspective.
- The Impact of Cultural Identity on Urban Landscape (Case Study: Tonekabon County).
- The Role of Art and Cultural Identity in the Physical Structure of Urban Architecture.
- The Impact of Cultural-Artistic Space on Cultural Identity, Landscape and Urban Landscape (Case Study: Tonekabon County).

Certifikovaný porotce
Amir Ghiasi

Architecture is a language

Certifikovaný porotce
Leandro Nicolosi Vece
Simplicidad y síntesis en el diseño. Relaciones bioclimáticas y con el entorno. Placer por los espacios reducidos.
Simplicidad y síntesis en el diseño. Relaciones bioclimáticas y con el entorno. Placer por los espacios reducidos.
Certifikovaný porotce
Bessong Thomas Tambe MIET

- Realizable

- Simplicity

- Innovating

- Beauty

- Natural lightening



- Realizable

- Simplicity

- Innovating

- Beauty

- Natural lightening


Certifikovaný porotce
Abdullah Ahmad
My focus is to bring something different. Something out of the box
My focus is to bring something different. Something out of the box
Certifikovaný porotce
Andrea Haase
Building space, creating a location
Building space, creating a location
Certifikovaný porotce
Thanh Nguyen
BIM, sustainability, renovation and redevelopment
BIM, sustainability, renovation and redevelopment

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