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Certifikovaný porotce
Mario Botta
MARIO BOTTA ARCHITETTI Official representative of the Holy See of the Vatican State in the INSPIRELI AWARDS international jury Architecture
MARIO BOTTA ARCHITETTI Official representative of the Holy See of the Vatican State in the INSPIRELI AWARDS international jury Architecture
Certifikovaný porotce
Marco Maio
Marco Maio Architects Founder Professional settings
Marco Maio Architects Founder Professional settings
Certifikovaný porotce
Michael Karassowitsch

Research-in-practice and education. • Focus in the relationship of technology to architectural value and spirituality. • Modern technological thought has brought us to an impass not unlike the pandemic of 2020. We will not be able to continue as we have. • Need is to inform architects' role in coming change; responsibility far surpasses what we are today doing. • Ground of my work is to bring spiritual practice near to architectural practice and bring to the fore the original questioning nature of architectural practice that gives measure as architectural loci in tune with nature. • Facilitate transformative use of the findings of science that technology enables. 

Certifikovaný porotce
Nico Lindow
Arquitecto independiente, docente de la carrera Arquitectura en la Fac de Tec y Ciencias Aplicadas, pertenece a la Univ Nacional de Catamarca.Secretario de Jurado de FADEA (Federación Argentina de Entidades de Arq) . Presidente del Colegio de Arq de la Prov de Catamarca, Argentina.
Arquitecto independiente, docente de la carrera Arquitectura en la Fac de Tec y Ciencias Aplicadas, pertenece a la Univ Nacional de Catamarca.Secretario de Jurado de FADEA (Federación Argentina de Entidades de Arq) . Presidente del Colegio de Arq de la Prov de Catamarca, Argentina.
Certifikovaný porotce
Michal Diviš
Certifikovaný porotce
Faruq Ibnul Haqi

Architectural Design; Urban and Regional Planning; Sustainable Urban Design; Urban Policy; Urban Architecture.

Certifikovaný porotce
Ceren Bogac
I am an architect interested in the ways in which people’s ways of life is translated into spatial dimensions or architectural language. My specific areas of expertise are environmental psychology, place attachment, sense of place, meaning in architecture, ecocity/eco-architecture, and urban peace-building studies.
I am an architect interested in the ways in which people’s ways of life is translated into spatial dimensions or architectural language. My specific areas of expertise are environmental psychology, place attachment, sense of place, meaning in architecture, ecocity/eco-architecture, and urban peace-building studies.
Certifikovaný porotce
Md Ashikur Rahman Joarder
Zero Emissions and Sustainable Building Design
Zero Emissions and Sustainable Building Design
Certifikovaný porotce
In-Souk Cho

Innovative design works based on the local traditional culture and history. 

Historic conservation and restoration for the good intervention.

Searching for the integrity with authenticity.

Seeking for harmony with nature, culture, and human beings.

Certifikovaný porotce
Diellëza Tahiri
Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design
Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design
Certifikovaný porotce
Roujia Bai
I am a Registered Architect in New York focusing on adaptive reuse existing structure into public projects that centers human, art, and cultivating community culture with a sustainable approach.
United States of America
I am a Registered Architect in New York focusing on adaptive reuse existing structure into public projects that centers human, art, and cultivating community culture with a sustainable approach.
Certifikovaný porotce
Tomas Durdis
Jsme společnost působící v oblasti investiční výstavby, kde poskytujeme klientům komplexní služby. Hlavní činností společnosti je vyhledávání investičních příležitostí, zhodnocení využitelnosti území i stávajících nemovitostí, zpracování kompletní projektové dokumentace včetně inženýringu i zajištení realizace staveb. Našimi klienty jsou multinárodní společnosti, státní organizace i privátní subjekty. Díky svým kvalifikačním předpokladům a modernímu technickému vybavení jsme schopni aktivní tvůrčí komunikace.
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Debanjana Chatterjee
Certifikovaný porotce
Eliel Wa Mbuyu Nsensele
Detail-Oriented Architect with 7 years of designing and executing open and close Residential, Commercial, Educational, Cultural, and Industrial buildings. Tireless in designing perfectly customized projects with unique technical approaches. Practiced creating ideal frameworks and structures that delve into sustainability and biophilia. Passionate researcher, writing on many subjects that make the practice of architecture better and human needs-centered.
Detail-Oriented Architect with 7 years of designing and executing open and close Residential, Commercial, Educational, Cultural, and Industrial buildings. Tireless in designing perfectly customized projects with unique technical approaches. Practiced creating ideal frameworks and structures that delve into sustainability and biophilia. Passionate researcher, writing on many subjects that make the practice of architecture better and human needs-centered.

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