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Certifikovaný porotce
Robert Konieczny
KWK PROMES Robert Konieczny Founder Professional settings
KWK PROMES Robert Konieczny Founder Professional settings
Certifikovaný porotce
Junaid Khan

Ar. Junaid Ahmed Khan - LEED AP ID+C - Int'l. Assoc. AIA

My Architectural Design focus mainly tends towards two major areas;

1. Research and practice in computational and parametric design. I'm currently experimenting and research in the most advanced parametric design tools while aiming to integrate these tools with important architectural design aspects such as shape and topology optimization, environmental and structural analysis. 

2. Advanced Sustainable Design, for this reason I've been accredited as Pakistan's first LEED AP in Interior Design + Construction. My focus in this area is majorly on the latest construction technology and source material reduction in buildings.

Certifikovaný porotce
Mohsen Houzi

New Vision Studio, interior design, exterior design

Certifikovaný porotce
Jana Potiron
University of West Bohemia Associate, Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art Academic settings
Czech Republic
University of West Bohemia Associate, Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art Academic settings
Certifikovaný porotce
Iklyl Sari
Parametric Design & Biomimicry
Parametric Design & Biomimicry
Certifikovaný porotce
Javad Eiraji
Dr. Javad Eiraji is an Iranian architect-academician and faculty member at Islamic Azad University. His main research field and background is on tradition and modernity in architecture and design and he has founded his own international architecture and design academy, TraMod (Tradition + Modernity), in Istanbul which focuses on interactions between tradition and modernity in architecture and design. Culture, Nature, Creativity, Sustainability and Bionic-Parametric Design are some other parts of his researches and activities.
Beside different universities in Iran; such as Tehran Central Branch, Kish International Branch, South Tehran Branch of IAU, Javad also improved his international cooperation with different foreign universities and research centers and he was invited and worked as visiting assistant professor at faculty of architecture and design, Eskisehir Technical University, Eskisehir, Turkey, for two years.
Dr. Javad Eiraji is an Iranian architect-academician and faculty member at Islamic Azad University. His main research field and background is on tradition and modernity in architecture and design and he has founded his own international architecture and design academy, TraMod (Tradition + Modernity), in Istanbul which focuses on interactions between tradition and modernity in architecture and design. Culture, Nature, Creativity, Sustainability and Bionic-Parametric Design are some other parts of his researches and activities.
Beside different universities in Iran; such as Tehran Central Branch, Kish International Branch, South Tehran Branch of IAU, Javad also improved his international cooperation with different foreign universities and research centers and he was invited and worked as visiting assistant professor at faculty of architecture and design, Eskisehir Technical University, Eskisehir, Turkey, for two years.
Certifikovaný porotce
Meheroze Al Hassan

Planning & Design on Residential Single Unit to multi-storied building, Apartments & Housing.

Involved in some Urban Design Projects.

Few interiors projects including Bank,office have been successfully designed by me.

Certifikovaný porotce
Seher Ulusoy
Sustainability applications on architecture and urban levels of spatial planning. Climate mitigation and adaptation strategies.
Sustainability applications on architecture and urban levels of spatial planning. Climate mitigation and adaptation strategies.
Certifikovaný porotce
Lara Briz

Architecture as a tool to improve life and society. SoPA (Social Practice Architecture)

Certifikovaný porotce
Selim Senin

Approach to architecture is trying to discover new.

Certifikovaný porotce
Sahil Hundre
  1. To provide pleasant atmosphere in the interior and iconic designs on exterior, providing best landscape according to the structure, a modern and historic combination of structure with large openings, proper space management even in small area, providing elements according to the theme which creates harmony
  1. To provide pleasant atmosphere in the interior and iconic designs on exterior, providing best landscape according to the structure, a modern and historic combination of structure with large openings, proper space management even in small area, providing elements according to the theme which creates harmony
Certifikovaný porotce
Michaela Bíziková
Certifikovaný porotce
Michal Šourek
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Elsa Abi Ramia

My main focus is architecture in motion and sustainable architecture. As an architect and a dancer, I believe that every space should be perceived from its 4th dimensions, where the Human aspect constitutes the 4th dimension. My aim is to create and ensure harmony and interaction between humans and the architectural environment. As a young architect, my goal is to never stop dreaming... despite the hardships and tumultuous situation in our country at the moment, I think that in the world of architecture nothing is impossible, anything you can imagine can be turned into reality.

Certifikovaný porotce
Michael Karassowitsch

Research-in-practice and education. • Focus in the relationship of technology to architectural value and spirituality. • Modern technological thought has brought us to an impass not unlike the pandemic of 2020. We will not be able to continue as we have. • Need is to inform architects' role in coming change; responsibility far surpasses what we are today doing. • Ground of my work is to bring spiritual practice near to architectural practice and bring to the fore the original questioning nature of architectural practice that gives measure as architectural loci in tune with nature. • Facilitate transformative use of the findings of science that technology enables. 


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