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Born on November 9 th of 1989 in Tirana, Albania, Gerdi is an architect who is passionate about computational and algorithmic design topics as well as digital fabrication. His first steps in the computational design field are taken as his high school education is focused on electronics. He finishes his master studies in Architecture and Urban Design at Polis University in 2014 where he deals with a thesis in Interactive Architecture. His main fields of interest from that point on focus on the digital aspects of designing architecture with a professional master in Parametric Design finished at Polis University in 2016. During this time he also practiced as an assistant lecturer at Polis University in the corses of Information Architecture as well as Computer Aided Design. He started his PhD studies in the joint doctorate program between Polis University and Ferrara in 2016-2017 where he is now developing a thesis on Digital Fabrication and Emergency Shelters.
VGR Architects, mixed used architecture, interiors , residential, commercial architecture