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Hermann Kamte is an award-winning Cameroonian Architect. He is the Founding Associates and the Creative Director at HKA | Hermann Kamte & Associates.
In 2016, He started after earned Master’s Degree in Architecture with « Distinction » at the prestigious EAMAU (École Africaine des Métiers de l’Architecture et de l’Urbanisme).
Through a series of award-winning design, Hermann has developed a reputation for designing project that are as programmatically and technically innovative as they are ecofriendly, Marketable, serviceable, affordable, sustainable and ecological conscious.
Hermann has received numerous awards and honors, including the WAFX Prize’s Cultural Identity Prize in 2017 at the World Architecture Festival, the Gold in Architectural Design at the American Prize of Architecture and the The Inaugural Archi. Awards Africa “Premiere” held by African Union of Architects (AUA) in 2018.
Alongside his architectural practice, Hermann have contributed and have been feature to international press such as “The Architectural Review” “Business Day” and “Financial Times”. He is becoming a frequent public speaker and has spoken in venues such as CTBUH, ARCHITECTURE ZA and LAFARGEHOLCIM FOUNDATION.
Discovering the hidden architectural talents around the world and give them a chance to get recognized globally.
From the republic democratic of Congo practising in south Africa.
My architectural philosophy consists of finding the right balance between being innovative,responsive, financially and enviromentally aware, in order to make good architecture accessible to all.
My Design process consist of 3 things:
I believe Architecture should be pushing its boundaries and that each building should not just be a functional structure but a unique answer to a social, a contextual or even an economical problem.