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Certifikovaný porotce
Muhammad Habeeb ABDUL
My keen interest lies in Humanitarian architecture, with focus on Afrocentric and Parametric designs. Aside functionality, a space should be experiential through cultural, material, climatic, and site context.
My keen interest lies in Humanitarian architecture, with focus on Afrocentric and Parametric designs. Aside functionality, a space should be experiential through cultural, material, climatic, and site context.
Certifikovaný porotce

I am an Architect and a lecturer at CECOS University Peshawar, Pakistan. My Masters in Environmental Design is nearly to complete. I am frequently writing to different magazines & Websites locally like ArchiTimes, Banjaiega, info360 etc on Green & Sustainable Architecure. I am passionate about Climate Change, Energy efficient Architecture, Smart Buildings, Home Automation, Islamic Architecture with emphasis on Mosque Minarets and Mosque Architecture. I have published two conference papers and working on some papers for International Journalsas well. I am also working as a freelance for projects in my region in housing, universities, and recreational.

Certifikovaný porotce
Fernanda Luqueze
My architectural expertise is shaped by two key experiences: high-end residential architecture and commercial, multifamily, and mixed-use buildings of various scales. This diverse background has honed my ability to navigate and balance different architectural spectrums, developing a strong eye for design solutions and project coordination.
My architectural expertise is shaped by two key experiences: high-end residential architecture and commercial, multifamily, and mixed-use buildings of various scales. This diverse background has honed my ability to navigate and balance different architectural spectrums, developing a strong eye for design solutions and project coordination.
Certifikovaný porotce
Noman Afzal






Certifikovaný porotce
Luca Donner
Luca Donner is Assistant Professor at American University in the Emirates while he previously held academic positions at Canadian University Dubai as well as in Italy at the Universities of Ferrara, Padova, Udine and Brescia. Luca holds a PhD in Architecture from Lusiada University of Lisbon and a MArch from IUAV University of Venice. He is co-founder and design director of Donner Sorcinelli Architecture (, an award-winning Architecture Atelier, which pays specific attention to the theme of sustainable and affordable design in all its variants. His works have been extensively published in books and magazines (i.e. Arqa, Ottagono, d’Architectures, Concept) as well as exhibited in international venues as Architecture Biennale of Venice, The Architecture Foundation London, Van Alen Institute of New York. He has been also keynote speaker in congresses as well as jury member in international competitions including the Exhibition Design of the Korean Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai.
Luca Donner is Assistant Professor at American University in the Emirates while he previously held academic positions at Canadian University Dubai as well as in Italy at the Universities of Ferrara, Padova, Udine and Brescia. Luca holds a PhD in Architecture from Lusiada University of Lisbon and a MArch from IUAV University of Venice. He is co-founder and design director of Donner Sorcinelli Architecture (, an award-winning Architecture Atelier, which pays specific attention to the theme of sustainable and affordable design in all its variants. His works have been extensively published in books and magazines (i.e. Arqa, Ottagono, d’Architectures, Concept) as well as exhibited in international venues as Architecture Biennale of Venice, The Architecture Foundation London, Van Alen Institute of New York. He has been also keynote speaker in congresses as well as jury member in international competitions including the Exhibition Design of the Korean Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai.
Certifikovaný porotce
Alexandre Zein

My architecture focuses on the adaptation of each project in its own context with its own particular story. Also, my projects focus on humanity and climate change since architecture is for everyone, not just for privilege people. Therefore, the role of an architect is not only to build for rich and capable people, yet to everyone using specific architectural systems that will adapt to a specific situation. 

Elegance in design is crucial. However, there are many different ingredients assembeled all together in order to result with a good architectural project, and the social aspect is a major part of any project as well as sustainiblity and most importantly, the respect of nature and history. 

In our firm Zein Engineering we focus on several issues in the world such as scarcity of ressources, refugee crisis, displacement, immigration, poverty...etc.Well, Architecture could be the driving force to solve numerous problems in the world.  Also, Zein Eng. is recently commissioning several mega projects in Lebanon and the Gulf countries working with high-end projects and providing the best architecture possible for the client, for the context, and for society.

Certifikovaný porotce
Edirisooriya Arachchige Tharanga Suresh

We are all a part of nature, what we take from nature needs to be returned back in a sustainable manner, it is challenging and we needs to be sensitive and also design towards that. Depending on the context and circumstances you may face different challenges yet innovation should proceed reaching the set objectives. I believe this is the most futuristic idea for the planet earth !

Sri Lankan
Certifikovaný porotce
Sebastian Sticzay
I am interested in huge variety of architecture disciplines, however currently my main focus would be public buildings and urban planning
I am interested in huge variety of architecture disciplines, however currently my main focus would be public buildings and urban planning
Certifikovaný porotce
sarah ibrahimbasha

sustainable architecture /energy management in building

Syrian italian

sustainable architecture /energy management in building

Certifikovaný porotce
Joyce Khalaf
Ambitious graduate architect, hard-working and seeking knowledge with the eagerness to become a more qualified architect. I consider architecture as a tool of diversity that shapes our physical and visual environment. It is a tool that links our past to our current present and unpredictable future. Architecture is a representation of self-reflection, a reflection of our creativity, perspectives and ambitions.
Ambitious graduate architect, hard-working and seeking knowledge with the eagerness to become a more qualified architect. I consider architecture as a tool of diversity that shapes our physical and visual environment. It is a tool that links our past to our current present and unpredictable future. Architecture is a representation of self-reflection, a reflection of our creativity, perspectives and ambitions.
Certifikovaný porotce
Eva Lövenhöferová
Evalofa je studio interiérových architektů s vlastní stavební firmou. Zaměřuji se především na funkční interiér, styl a osobitost.
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Pavla Maxová
Interiéry i exteriéry převážně residenčních projektů, ale nejenom těch. Zabýváme se také rekonstrukcemi a veřejným prostorem.
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Štěpán Lajda
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Elio Charara

Modern or combination of old and modern architecture 

nice space

nice lighting


Modern or combination of old and modern architecture 

nice space

nice lighting

Certifikovaný porotce
Térence Télord BANGA
I'm a D.E.I.A.U architect who applies the art of design, i.e. from the traditional to the modern.
Central African Republic
I'm a D.E.I.A.U architect who applies the art of design, i.e. from the traditional to the modern.

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