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Certifikovaný porotce
Filip Hejzlar
privátní vily, luxusní interiéry
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Ervin Taçi

Architecture for people 

Certifikovaný porotce
Olanrewaju Olusola

Real Estate Development, Landscape Architecture, Urban Development.

Certifikovaný porotce
Patrik Kotas
The Czech Technical University in Prague Head of studio, Department of Architecture Academic settings
Czech Republic
The Czech Technical University in Prague Head of studio, Department of Architecture Academic settings
Certifikovaný porotce
Jakub Mazur
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Ehsan Reza
Construction, IT in architecture, Sustainability
Construction, IT in architecture, Sustainability
Certifikovaný porotce
Roland Baldi
Office profileRoland Baldi Architects, based in Bolzano/South Tyrol, covers a broad spectrum of projects which vary in scale, context and function - from public and private buildings to commercial buildings, urban planning and interior design. Their architecture is characterised by a great sensitivity for context, functionality and a contemporary design language: simple but different. An essential aspect is to reduce architecture to its very essence and its most simple form, even for the most complex of tasks. The use of pure materials and colours as well as the consideration of local references, results in a clear, high-quality and timeless architecture. In all phases of the project, the office’s approach has as its centrality the user and their needs and expectations. Beyond project-related research and planning, the office participates actively, critically and reflectively in current debates on contemporary architecture, art and design.Some of the most important projects have been the Merano 2000 ropeway, the TechnoAlpin headquarters Bolzano, the Kindergarten Sluderno, the Civil protection centre Ritten, the Mobility centre Collalbo and many others. Many of the implemented projects have been awarded with national and international architecture awards and presented in reputable exhibitions (i.a. Biennale of Architecture São Paulo, Biennale of Architecture Venice, Premio Architettura Città di Oderzo, South Tyrolean Architecture Prize, best architects award, Iconic Awards, Premio Architetto dell'anno, Wood Architecture Prize).
Office profileRoland Baldi Architects, based in Bolzano/South Tyrol, covers a broad spectrum of projects which vary in scale, context and function - from public and private buildings to commercial buildings, urban planning and interior design. Their architecture is characterised by a great sensitivity for context, functionality and a contemporary design language: simple but different. An essential aspect is to reduce architecture to its very essence and its most simple form, even for the most complex of tasks. The use of pure materials and colours as well as the consideration of local references, results in a clear, high-quality and timeless architecture. In all phases of the project, the office’s approach has as its centrality the user and their needs and expectations. Beyond project-related research and planning, the office participates actively, critically and reflectively in current debates on contemporary architecture, art and design.Some of the most important projects have been the Merano 2000 ropeway, the TechnoAlpin headquarters Bolzano, the Kindergarten Sluderno, the Civil protection centre Ritten, the Mobility centre Collalbo and many others. Many of the implemented projects have been awarded with national and international architecture awards and presented in reputable exhibitions (i.a. Biennale of Architecture São Paulo, Biennale of Architecture Venice, Premio Architettura Città di Oderzo, South Tyrolean Architecture Prize, best architects award, Iconic Awards, Premio Architetto dell'anno, Wood Architecture Prize).
Certifikovaný porotce
Roman Kucirek


Civil engineering


Certifikovaný porotce
Liliana Crespo
Me enfoco en la creación de espacios que promuevan la salud mental, bienestar y el rendimiento cognitivo de las personas, utilizando conocimientos de neurociencias y psicología. En donde el centro del diseño es el ser humano; buscando reducir el estrés, fomenten la concentración, mejoren el estado de ánimo y promuevan la interacción social; reconociendo la profunda influencia que el entorno físico tiene en el cerebro y el comportamiento humano.
Me enfoco en la creación de espacios que promuevan la salud mental, bienestar y el rendimiento cognitivo de las personas, utilizando conocimientos de neurociencias y psicología. En donde el centro del diseño es el ser humano; buscando reducir el estrés, fomenten la concentración, mejoren el estado de ánimo y promuevan la interacción social; reconociendo la profunda influencia que el entorno físico tiene en el cerebro y el comportamiento humano.
Certifikovaný porotce
Nimra Qazi

Nimra Qazi is an Architect by profession, an entrepreneur, design thinker and a global shaper for the World Economic Forum (WEF) who is driven by the functional, spatial and technological advancement of our built environment for sustainable living through Eco-Friendly design solutions.

Certifikovaný porotce
Šárka Beranová
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Robert Racek
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Lukáš Mottl
Absolvent oboru Architektura a stavitelství - Fakulta stavební - ČVUT Spoluzakladatel a architekt v MOKA ateliéru.
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Rasha Mansour
My name is Rasha Mansour with a bachelor's degree in interior design from the Holon Institute of Technology HIT. 2rd place in the International Architectural Competition Inspireli Award 2021 In my opinion the details in each project you deal with are the most important and significant part in order to succeed in the project.
Certifikovaný porotce
Sahand Latifi

Digital Architecture , Parametric design , Digital Fabrication , Future technologies , Sustainable design 

Azerbaijan Iranian

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