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Certifikovaný porotce
Khawaja Rashid Ali
I was born and brought up in Neelam Valley in Azad Kashmir, a village rich in history. I focused on urban studies and designed a corridor in Neelum that caters to Hindu pilgrims. In addition, I enjoy participating in regional projects.
I was born and brought up in Neelam Valley in Azad Kashmir, a village rich in history. I focused on urban studies and designed a corridor in Neelum that caters to Hindu pilgrims. In addition, I enjoy participating in regional projects.
Certifikovaný porotce
Leysan Aznabaeva
Morphological analysis of historical prototypes and integration of formal and phenomenological findings into modern architectural language.
Morphological analysis of historical prototypes and integration of formal and phenomenological findings into modern architectural language.
Certifikovaný porotce
Hilberto Riverol
Residential and Commercial Design
Residential and Commercial Design
Certifikovaný porotce
Pratyoosh Chandan
Studio AVT, a Design Consultancy Firm with a passionate approach to nurturing new paradigms of Architectural & Interior Designs, started in 2011 as a 2 person practice working out of a garage. Through the decade, the Studio has evolved as a Contemporary Design Practice with numerous Projects of diverse nature, scale & sizes in its strong portfolio of works including Private Residences, Schools, Office Spaces, Healthcare Projects, etc spread across the country.
Studio AVT, a Design Consultancy Firm with a passionate approach to nurturing new paradigms of Architectural & Interior Designs, started in 2011 as a 2 person practice working out of a garage. Through the decade, the Studio has evolved as a Contemporary Design Practice with numerous Projects of diverse nature, scale & sizes in its strong portfolio of works including Private Residences, Schools, Office Spaces, Healthcare Projects, etc spread across the country.
Certifikovaný porotce
Sarah Davis
Cultural Projects:Museums, Libraries, Music Venues, Universities, Recreation Centers, Galleries, Community Centers, etc.Addtl. special interest in residences, especially contemporary renovations of historic structures
Cultural Projects:Museums, Libraries, Music Venues, Universities, Recreation Centers, Galleries, Community Centers, etc.Addtl. special interest in residences, especially contemporary renovations of historic structures
Certifikovaný porotce
Mária Opavská
Obytné stavby, občanská vybavenost, urbanismus
Certifikovaný porotce
Szymon Opania
architecture and urban design
architecture and urban design
Certifikovaný porotce
Samah El khateeb
Urban Design, Landscape design, Environmental design
Urban Design, Landscape design, Environmental design
Certifikovaný porotce
Sustainability in use of locally available materials especially plant based.
Sustainability in use of locally available materials especially plant based.
Certifikovaný porotce
Abeer Muadhah
Architect and Interior Designer
Architect and Interior Designer
Certifikovaný porotce
Robert Provazník
Practicing architect, pedagogue working at the Department of Architecture of SvF STU in Bratislava, founding member of PRAKS and lecturer of practical workshops for architecture and construction students "PRAKS". As part of his research, he focuses on embodied emissions, low-emission materials and climate change mitigation in the construction sector. He designed and built several small-scale objects, mainly made of wood, clay and various other natural materials.
Certifikovaný porotce
David Kukan
Certifikovaný porotce
David Vašíček
poskytování kompletních služeb architekta -projektová (studie, projekty všech stupňů, dozorování staveb) a inženýrská činnost (zajištění stanovisek a povolení):bydlení (rodinné domy, bytové domy), veřejné stavby, průmyslové stavby, novostavby i rekonstrukce, pasivní domy, nová zelená úsporám
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Iveta Langerová
Zaměřujeme se na rodinné domy, bytové domy a interiéry. Rekonstrukce a novostavby.
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Tomáš Eckschlager
Památková péče,Rekonstrukce historických budov,Domovy pro seniory a zdravotnická zařízení,Bytové domy
Czech Republic

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