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Certifikovaný porotce
Francesca Sorcinelli
Francesca Sorcinelli holds a MArch at IUAV University of Venice. She is Co-Founder and Partner of DOnner SOrcinelli Architecture (DOSO) an award-winning Architecture Atelier based in Venice and Dubai. Her works with DOSO have been extensively published in architecture books and international magazines. Some of these works have been exhibited in international venues e.g. Architecture Biennale of Venice, Architecture Center Houston, The Architecture Foundation London as well as Van Alen Institute of New York, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Museum of Architecture Moscow, Daegu Architectural Culture Biennale and 24th UIA Tokyo Congress. She has been teaching Architecture and Interior Design in Universities in Italy and United Arab Emirates since 2008. Francesca is currently Assistant Professor at Zayed University where she teaches studios and theory courses. In her published research papers Francesca examines the dichotomy between housing and living habits coming from different cultural settings in existing urban contexts. She has been also investigating urban environments and landscapes in the United Arab Emirates by means of photography.
Francesca Sorcinelli holds a MArch at IUAV University of Venice. She is Co-Founder and Partner of DOnner SOrcinelli Architecture (DOSO) an award-winning Architecture Atelier based in Venice and Dubai. Her works with DOSO have been extensively published in architecture books and international magazines. Some of these works have been exhibited in international venues e.g. Architecture Biennale of Venice, Architecture Center Houston, The Architecture Foundation London as well as Van Alen Institute of New York, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Museum of Architecture Moscow, Daegu Architectural Culture Biennale and 24th UIA Tokyo Congress. She has been teaching Architecture and Interior Design in Universities in Italy and United Arab Emirates since 2008. Francesca is currently Assistant Professor at Zayed University where she teaches studios and theory courses. In her published research papers Francesca examines the dichotomy between housing and living habits coming from different cultural settings in existing urban contexts. She has been also investigating urban environments and landscapes in the United Arab Emirates by means of photography.
Certifikovaný porotce
Franc Obguia
Architecture and Sustainability
Architecture and Sustainability
Certifikovaný porotce
Jana Schnappel Hamrova
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Věra Dvořáčková
Komplexní rekonstrukce domů a bytůNávrhy interiérůKonzultace feng shui
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Pavel Borusík
krajinná architektura, urbanismus, účelové lesnictví
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Jan Slavíček
Architekt/projektant veřejných zakázek , HIP/HAP , BIM koordinátor.
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Alice Šindelářová
BIM, projects of all scales, visualisations, sketches
Czech Republic
BIM, projects of all scales, visualisations, sketches
Certifikovaný porotce
Elie Braks
The future of architecture and its role in changing the way we live.
The future of architecture and its role in changing the way we live.
Certifikovaný porotce
Eliise Harjak
Public, residential, hospitality, heritage, modern
Public, residential, hospitality, heritage, modern
Certifikovaný porotce
Mario Samayoa
Been an Architect with a vision to keep and transform in a sustainable and resilient way the world of design.
United States of America
Been an Architect with a vision to keep and transform in a sustainable and resilient way the world of design.
Certifikovaný porotce
Martin Jandera
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Zbyněk Mrkus
architecture and urban design
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Alberto Conrado
All architectural topics
All architectural topics
Certifikovaný porotce
Abdolrahman Kadkhoda Salehi
Islamic Republic of Iran
Certifikovaný porotce
Iva Šmídová
Návrhuji a realizuji rezidenční interiéry, a zároveň učím ženy, jak si zařídit útulný domov. Mojí vášní je práce s půdorysem a vymýšlení praktických řešení s důrazem na detaily. Moje heslo je, že se vším se dá pracovat a útulný domov začíná na stavbě. Nakladatelství GRADA vydalo v říjnu 2022 moji knihu Útulný domov krok za krokem, která vás provede všemi fázemi zařizování nového, nebo úpravou stávajícího, domova. Knihu zakoupíte ve v každém dobrém knihkupectví. Věnuji se i psychologii prostoru a podvědomému vnímání prostoru kolem nás, které má přímý vliv na spokojenost v našich životech.
Czech Republic

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