Become a member of the world's biggest jury in architecture history. Help us to support students.

There are 1221 jurors from 130 countries. The voting will take place over the Internet max to four times a year. You will not travel, you will help.

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Jury Benefits

Certified juror
Besan Abudayah
My architectural focus is on developing architectural ideas, As it always starts with an idea; becomes something in mathematics, then it becomes about nature, which then becomes about engineering and solving problems in an unproblematic way... An amazing process to create designs that have a sense of possibility, playfulness, movement, and telling a story through your design.Eventually, It’s all about what a building could be and what an architect could do.
My architectural focus is on developing architectural ideas, As it always starts with an idea; becomes something in mathematics, then it becomes about nature, which then becomes about engineering and solving problems in an unproblematic way... An amazing process to create designs that have a sense of possibility, playfulness, movement, and telling a story through your design.Eventually, It’s all about what a building could be and what an architect could do.
Certified juror
Ho-gyeum Kim
Seasoned architect with expertises in multiple uses, including Mixed-use highries, hospitality, academic, and housing.
Seasoned architect with expertises in multiple uses, including Mixed-use highries, hospitality, academic, and housing.
Certified juror
Maxim Artamonov
Christian religious architecture.
Christian religious architecture.
Certified juror
Vikas Pawar
I'm an architect and urban designer with a special interest in sustainability. My award winning thesis project titled Eco-skyscraper done in 2011 has been published in 5+ print and 50+ digital publications. It was also exhibited at Degree & Profession Virtual Expo, Florence, Italy. I also delivered two TEDx talks about climate responsive architecture and sustainable design. I founded Rethinking The Future in 2012 with the mission to bring out the most innovative designs from across the world to the forefront, and today it is amongst the leading architecture and design platforms worldwide.
I'm an architect and urban designer with a special interest in sustainability. My award winning thesis project titled Eco-skyscraper done in 2011 has been published in 5+ print and 50+ digital publications. It was also exhibited at Degree & Profession Virtual Expo, Florence, Italy. I also delivered two TEDx talks about climate responsive architecture and sustainable design. I founded Rethinking The Future in 2012 with the mission to bring out the most innovative designs from across the world to the forefront, and today it is amongst the leading architecture and design platforms worldwide.
Certified juror
Ahmed Farea Al Sharjabi
Urban design StudiesArchitecture Studios Reconstruction After Natural disaster Conservation and Restoration
Urban design StudiesArchitecture Studios Reconstruction After Natural disaster Conservation and Restoration
Certified juror
Suraj Khanal

Nepali architect

Certified juror
Lukáš Kolibár
Certified juror
Florian Haydn
Dwelling, Urbanism, Social Design, Urban Planning, influence on Real Estate Development, Timeless Way of Building, Author
Dwelling, Urbanism, Social Design, Urban Planning, influence on Real Estate Development, Timeless Way of Building, Author
Certified juror
Theodor Matouš
Certified juror
Kristina Fadejeva
Certified juror
m.manar idelbi

focus on beauty in every detail

Certified juror
Maria Abi Raad

Architecture Graduate from the Holy-Spirit University of Kaslik, Lebanon. She was ranked third at the 19th Chaderji Award – (Lebanon 2019), first in Urban Design and Landscape at the Inspireli Awards (Prague 2019) and obtained an honorable mention at the Design that Educates Awards – (Germany 2019) for her project on the post-war reconstruction of Mosul. News of her project reached UNESCO Paris who then kindly requested it for instructive purposes. Interested in social and sustainable challenges, she plans to pursue a master's degree in International Urban Planning at l’Ecole d’Urbanisme de Paris.

Certified juror
Tomáš Němec
Přes dvacet let se podílíme na kultivaci prostředí, ve kterém žijeme. Ať už je to krajina našich měst nebo vnitřní prostředí domovů, k úkolům architektury přistupujeme vždy komplexně. Reagujeme na proměny životního stylu jednotlivců i společnosti, ke kterým dnes neodmyslitelně patří požadavek udržitelnosti. Kombinací tradičních zkušeností oboru a současných technologických inovací navrhujeme řešení, která naplní současné potřeby a přetrvají v čase. Široké portfolio našich projektů spojuje jedno: důraz na propojení estetických a funkčních řešení. Podstatný je pro nás řemeslně zpracovaný detail i funkční naplnění celku.Každodenně precizujeme individuální řešení pro celou typologii projektů. Zapojujeme urbanistické celky do organismu měst, kultivujeme veřejný prostor a krajinu, s citlivostí rekonstruujeme a konvertujeme budovy. Hledáme inovativní koncepty v rámci architektonických soutěží.
Certified juror
Marija Miloshevska Janakieska
Architectural Structures; Building Materials; Timer Structures; Engineered Wood Products (EWPs); Glass Facades; Sustainability; Biophilic Design; Energy Efficiency.
Architectural Structures; Building Materials; Timer Structures; Engineered Wood Products (EWPs); Glass Facades; Sustainability; Biophilic Design; Energy Efficiency.
Certified juror
Rafi Al Mahie

Contemporary Architecture, Built Form and Lighting, Temporary Structure


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