Best Celebration of Emerging Design Talent 2024 - Europe

INSPIRELI got nominated and won the „Best Celebration of Emerging Design Talent 2024 - Europe“ in the tenth annual Architecture Awards hosted by BUILD. BUILD Magazine continues to showcase and highlight a wide range of innovative and outstanding practices across the architectural and design industries worldwide.

Wish completed: Adela Moss visits BIG in Copenhagen

The wish of the winner of Interior Design at the 8th INSPIRELI AWARDS, Adela Moss from Poland, was to visit the HQ of the BIG atelier in Copenhagen. We received a tour by an INSPIRELI former finalist Oliwia Jagla, who now works at BIG, and got to spend a day at this unique place. INSPIRELI is now working on connecting Adela with BIG for work opportunities.

The architectural wish is a main prize in the INSPIRELI AWARDS, the largest student competition in architecture in the world. Winner in the category Architecture, Urban design or Interior gets to make a wish.

INSPIRELI World Architecture University Ranking

INSPIRELI World Architecture University Ranking was officially launched. INSPIRELI is proud to publish an objective list of the most successful universities of architecture on the planet.


Farewell to Duke Karl Schwarzenberg.

We regret to announce that our supporter Karel Schwarzenberg has left us. In 2015-2016, he represented both co-founders Václav Havel and Bořek Šípek at the INSPIRELI AWARDS ceremony.

Inspireli AWARDS is the winner of Global Business Awards by Corporate vision

Inspireli AWARDS is the winner of Global Business Awards by Corporate vision in category "Best Global Student Architecture Competition 2023“, which is given in order to Recognise businesses for doing truly great things within their field. Read more about the Awards and Inspireli’s profile here.


INSPIRELI offers architecture students from all over the world to participate in one of the world's most famous World War II stories. Design of the Schindler's Ark Survivors Museum. Reconstruction of a historic building. Interior design of expositions. Urbanism of the former textile factory. Conceptual design of the future site connections. Design of individual buildings.

Eight year of the competition

The winners were Jorge Vintimilla from Ecuador (Architecture category), Shivam Takulia, Anya Ghosh, Saanchi Rajpoot from India (Urbanism category) and Adela Moss from Poland (Interior category).

The Inspireli winner has been offered an internship at Ranný Architects studio in Prague!

INSPIRELI AWARDS make dreams come true. Winners can make a wish and the winner of the Architecture category wished for an internship in a European architecture studio. Architect Mojmír Ranný, the founder of RANNÝ ARCHITECTS s.r.o., helped to make this wish come true. The place in Prague is ready.

Winners of Miris Garden / Edu-project Croatia competition

INSPIRELI AWARDS offered architecture students from all over the world to participate in a completely unique educational project of a holiday resort in Croatia and now the winners are announced!

Inspireli Lumion Workshop for Miris Garden Winners

Among Prizes for Croatia Competition was also an Inspireli Lumion Workshop held at Faculty of Civil Engineering at CTU, when 13 winners from different parts of the world came to Prague for a week.
The students worked with architect Martin Dudaško and Lumion professionals Ondřej Valach and Jiří Mezera, receiving tutoring and tips to create top 3D visualisations of the winning designs.

Best Architecture Celebratory Event 2023 in Europe

BUILD Magazine Announces the Winners of the 2023 Architecture Awards, and Inspireli Awards won the category of Best Architecture Celebratory Event! With an emphasis on innovation and sustainability, the Architecture Awards 2023 proudly showcases the firms who excel in their fields. More about the BUILD Awards here and about Inspireli here

INSPIRELI AWARDS delegation presents Holy Father with stone from Beirut port ruins

The INSPIRELI AWARDS delegation met the Holy Father, presented their activities and presented him with a special gift - a stone from the ruins of the port of Beirut. Thanks to INSPIRELI AWARDS and the students who were not indifferent to the fate of Lebanon, the port of Beirut will rise again.

Source: INSPIRELI AWARDS © Vatican Media

Winner of Inspireli was offered a job at Zaha Hadid Architects!

Inspireli Awards makes dreams come true. The winners get to make a wish and winning team of the Urban Design category wished for a day spent at a world’s most famous architecture studio. And on top, one of them was offered a job there. See the whole video here.

First student's architectural wish fulfilled

Inspireli is making dreams come true. 7th year of IA introduced a new 1st Prize: „Make a Wish“. The winner of Interior Design, Behrooz Nakhaei, wished for obtaining funding to study Architecture at MIT in the US and Inspireli helped to make it happen. See the whole video here.

Beirut Port Competition among TOP 10 Architectural competition 2022

Inspireli's Beirut Port Renewal Competition was selected among the 10 BEST ARCHITECTURAL competitions in the world. Overlook the best projects printed in the Architecture Competition YearBook 2022 by Competitions.archi.



INSPIRELI offers architecture students from all over the world to participate in a completely unique educational project of a holiday resort in Croatia.

For the first time in our history, we will combine competition and education in a single project that, thanks to an enlightened developer, will not only allow students to be involved in shaping the final design, but most importantly to work with product and technology suppliers from design to implementation.

The „Wings to the Future“ trophy has been revealed.

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the ARCHINA studio, the "Wings to the Future" trophy engraved with the names of the winners of the seventh edition of the INSPIRELI AWARDS was unveiled in the main hall of the Municipal House in Prague.

Seventh year of the competition

The winners were Matvey Negoda from Russian Federation (Architecture category), Růžena Mašková, Jakub Tomašík, Adam Rössler from Czech republic (Urbanism category) and Behrooz Nakhaei from the Islamic Republic of Iran (Interior category).

We designed Beirut port

Beirut Municipality, together with INSPIRELI AWARDS, has launched an architectural competition to design the reconstruction of the explosion-damaged Beirut Port.

Nearly 580 students from 43 countries entered the competition. And the winners were Sergio Zgheib, Peter Aoun, Lea Lahoud, Rita Abi Zeid , Julien Mikhael, Nour Kreidy, Thea Bechara from Lebanon and Chee Kin Tan and Jennifer Wei Zhang from Malaysia

Farewell to the Chairman of the Jury Otto Dvořák

We are sad to announce that our long-time collaborator, friend and supporter Otto Dvořák has left us. His legacy will always be part of the INSPIRELI AWARDS idea he helped build.

October 15, 1938 - August 16, 2022

We celebrated with Africa

Architects from 24 African countries, members of our international jury, joined us in publicly congratulating the first ever winner from the African continent, Maha Aziz from Egypt (Urbanism category).


We designed STU CAMPUS in Bratislava

Slovak Technical University in Bratislava together with INSPIRELI AWARDS announced an architectural competition for the design of the revitalization of the university campus courtyard.

More than 180 projects from almost 30 countries have entered the competition. And the winner was. Jana Jakubičková from Slovakia.

We organized the second INSPIRELI LEGO® WORKSHOP

At the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague, we organized another INSPIRELI LEGO® WORKSHOP. Individual groups of 3 students spent a whole month building their own architectural designs from LEGO bricks.

A virtual faculty of architecture has been launched

We have invited innovators and architects from all over the world to take on the role of teachers and share their experiences and innovations from the world of architecture with generations of students through our platform.

IAESTE and INSPIRELI AWARDS partnership has been concluded.

IAESTE and INSPIRELI AWARDS have entered into an agreement to work together to support students around the world.

The BEIRUT PORT COMPETITION has been launched.

INSPIRELI offered to take part in the reconstruction of the explosion-destroyed port of Beirut, and our help was accepted.


The Tibetan Dalai Lama has blessed our competition

Our competition has received a blessing from His Holiness the Tibetan Dalai Lama a friend of our founder president Václav Havel.

Foto: Karel Cudlín

The Vatican nominated a representative of the INSPIRELI AWARDS jury

The Vatican City State has officially nominated a jury representing the Holy See in the INSPIREL JURY.

Mario Botta (Switzerland) and Santiago Calatrava (Spain).

BME in Budapest becomes a member of the Board of Directors

The largest technical university of the Hungary joins the Board of Directors of the INSPIRELI AWARDS competition.

We become a partner

Union of Mediterranean Architects becomes a partner of INSPIRELI AWARDS.

We designed Amphitheater
in Burkina Faso

We organize an idea competition for the design of the reconstruction of the amphitheater in Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso. Students from all continents take part in the competition.

The winners were Martinez Cristian Fernando, Ariel Fernando Mendez from Argentina.

We are becoming a partner of the African Union of Architects

The African Union of Architects and the INSPIRELI AWARDS sign a memorandum of mutual cooperation for international support of young students of African architecture.

The fifth year of the competition

142 countries took part in the competition.

The winners are students Mariam Jacob, Nada Khalaf (United Arab Emirates), MD Tanvirul Hakim, Junaied Saif Rumman, Payel SenGupta, Shohanur Rahman Shojib, Jorzina Farah, Punam Das (Bangladesh) and Jani Toçi (Albania)


Organized the first

LEGO® provides us with 116,000 cubes from the LEGO® Architecture studio collection to organize a workshop during the ceremony. 200 students from almost 30 countries celebrate the city together.

Created the largest
jury in the world

With the help of the Democracy 21 mathematician voting system by Karel Janeček, we created a unique three-round INSPIRELI competition voting system.

The largest jury in the history of architecture and a fair system of evaluation of student projects were established.

1000 projects exceeded

For the first time, the competition exceeds 1,000 projects and confirms the status of the largest student competition on the planet.

We become an AIA partner

INSPIRELI AWARDS becomes the official partner of the American Institute of Architects for connecting the young generation with this world's most prestigious architectural association.

STU in Bratislava becomes a member of the Board of Directors

The largest technical university of the Slovak Republic joins the Board of Directors of the INSPIRELI AWARDS competition.

We designed the Czech Embassy in Ethiopia

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic asks us to organize an idea competition for the proposal of the Czech Embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

More than 280 projects from all continents entered the competition and the winners were Kristína Boháčová and Jana Hájková from Slovakia.

CTU in Prague becomes a member of the board of directors

The largest technical university in the Czech Republic and one of the oldest universities in the world with more than 300 years of civil engineering history has joined the INSPIRELI AWARDS board.

The fourth year
of the competition

For the first time, the competition is only open to students. 3 categories are introduced. Interior, urbanism and architecture.

The winners are students of Tharusha Randula (Sri Lanka), Maria Abi Raad (Lebanon), Yankai Miao (China)


It competes with 100+ countries

INSPIRELI AWARDS involves more than 100 countries and becomes the largest architectural competition on the planet.

The third year of the competition

The competition has two categories: vision and realization. Complete projects are newly registered.

The winners are Francesca Vittorini, Andrea Tabocchini from Italy.


The second year
of competition

Competing students and young architects under the age of 35 can upload only three pictures of the same project.

The winner is the Italian young architect Giacomo Garciano.


A cup is created

The first prize is an engraving of the name of the winners on the last work of prof. Bořek Šípek. Similar to the "Stanley Cup" for students of architecture around the world.

The first year of the competition

The first year starts on May 1. Competing students and young architects under the age of 35 can upload only 3 pictures of any project.

Historically, the first winner is the Czech student Jakub Hofman.

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