Become a member of the world's biggest jury in architecture history. Help us to support students.

There are 1285 jurors from 130 countries. The voting will take place over the Internet max to four times a year. You will not travel, you will help.

Voting System

Jury Benefits

Certified juror
İmge Polat
Architectural Design, Urban Design, Public Buildings, Co-Housing, Socio-Cultural Sustainability
Architectural Design, Urban Design, Public Buildings, Co-Housing, Socio-Cultural Sustainability
Certified juror
Muhammad Mehdi
sustainable and vernacular
sustainable and vernacular
Certified juror
Iva Šmídová
Návrhuji a realizuji rezidenční interiéry, a zároveň učím ženy, jak si zařídit útulný domov. Mojí vášní je práce s půdorysem a vymýšlení praktických řešení s důrazem na detaily. Moje heslo je, že se vším se dá pracovat a útulný domov začíná na stavbě. Nakladatelství GRADA vydalo v říjnu 2022 moji knihu Útulný domov krok za krokem, která vás provede všemi fázemi zařizování nového, nebo úpravou stávajícího, domova. Knihu zakoupíte ve v každém dobrém knihkupectví. Věnuji se i psychologii prostoru a podvědomému vnímání prostoru kolem nás, které má přímý vliv na spokojenost v našich životech.
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Marketa Killi

Interior designer 

Certified juror
Mohana Das

I am an Architect and Urban Designer by profession.

My research interests are:

  • Healthcare Architecture,
  • Spatial planning,
  • Hospital Design and
  • Migration studies.
Certified juror
Mohamed Abdellatif

I am an award-winning architect from Egypt, Currently residing in Turkey, I have written a book which was published in Turkish called: Architecture design from analysis to presentation. I have got 4 architectural awards, and I ranked finalist in Mosul postwar camp competition. I have tutored in many workshops at different universities, I post my architectural compositions on my Instagram acc: @mr__tifa 

Certified juror
Notash Ghajar Dadjoo

Design orginality of the project and think out of the box to redefine project needs and gain new values for the architectural space.

Sustainability and green buildings.

Environmental concerns or solutions in building design.

Certified juror
Gabriela Brzobohatá
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Ahmet Turan
Entegrating the new technological structures, machines and materials with architectural design and creating new spaces.
Entegrating the new technological structures, machines and materials with architectural design and creating new spaces.
Certified juror
Kateřina Gayerová
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Maykel Rodríguez

Modern architecture. Urban design, rehabilitation and restiration.

Certified juror
Tharusha Randula

My architectural facus is nature freindly designs .using the sustainable strategies and local materials gives identity for the architectural design to give balance in between architecture and the nature how  architecture elements strong and make the design strong also. how young talents try to give new way of architecture .inspireli award is best place to young talents.

Certified juror
Miguel Angel Barrios Alfonso
Diseñador e investigador en pedagogía del diseño.Enfoque en vivienda colectiva y unifamiliar
Diseñador e investigador en pedagogía del diseño.Enfoque en vivienda colectiva y unifamiliar
Certified juror
Ondřej Dvořák
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Hani Al Huneidi

I am intrested in architectural heritage, historical buildings rehabilitation and cultural landscape (urbanism). I am also intrested in cities of culture and its projection on social development and sustainable tourism.


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