Soutěž INSPIRELI AWARDS se již ve svém druhém ročníku stala největší soutěží pro mladé architekty na světě.
Ročníku 2016 se zúčastnilo 1,052 soutěžících z 99 zemí a více než 300 univerzit z celého světa, kteří celkem nahráli přes 2,900 soutěžních fotografií. Bylo přiděleno 25,626 soutěžních hlasů. Do finále postoupilo 50 soutěžících z 25 zemí a 37 univerzit. Vítěze soutěže vybírala odborná porota 55 předních architektů ze 6 kontinentů. Vítězi se stali soutěžící z Itálie, Japonska a Íránu. Cenu veřejnosti získal soutěžící z Francie.
2 814 soutěžních fotografií
1 050 soutěžících
101 národností
A visionary refurbishment by GG-loop turned an old house in…
"The city and its various parts can be seen as a music…
"The frozen image of a starry night acts like a clock, a…
project maneger:Somayeh ravanshadnia with association : …
Hollow space of Iranian architecture substance: In this…
Kompletní rekonstrukce hasičské zbrojnice. Navýšení kapacit…
Rekonstrukce rybářského domku u rybníka a návrh systému mol…
Návrh a realizace interiéru prodejny zeleného čaje.
Il s'agit d'une infrastructure sportive reliant sport,…
Il s'agit de quelques détails de conception et Design du…
Il s'agit d'un équipement d'accompagnement du Stade…
Na vizualizaci je zobrazena hlavní budova celého komplexu.
Na vizualizaci je zobrazena hlavní budova celého komplexu a…
Nové využití staré montážní haly, která bude poskytovat…
The final course project
The final course project
The final course project
Interactive exhibition by Tomas Bata University students.…
Hotel in Ivano-Frankivsk region, Ukraine
Hotel in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Hotel's Front facade.
This design is a part of a housing project. we designed a…
Office building facades.
Design furniture.
exhibition hall,project 1 course
exhibition hall, top view,project 1 course
exhibition hall,project 1 course
Memorial in Poland Please follow this link to get more…
Competition for a Pop Culture laboratory in Japan Please……
Features faceted window frames and stained glass. A unique…
Features faceted window frames and stained glass. A unique…
In this design pays special attention to climate issues is…
in collaboration with Atelier 6, s.r.o. foto: Peter Fabo
in collaboration with Atelier 6, s.r.o. foto: Peter Fabo
in collaboration with Atelier 6, s.r.o. foto: Peter Fabo
Rehabilitation of public space in the city center with the…
buried gym with the use of ecological materials and modern…
tourist cottage with the use of local materials in the…
The proposal of a sports center for the city of djaména…
The idea of the project is to propose a head office of bank…
The climate of chad is really hard. For these reason, the…
Master Project Proposal
master project proposal
master project proposal
3D video:
The main idea of this building is reflected.
The house has features compatible with nature as well as…
Bratislava, Slovakia
cultural center, Bratislava, Slovakia
cultural center, Bratislava Slovakia
выставочный павильон
выставочный павильон
Apartment Building in city Burgas, Bulgaria
The building is located close to one of the world wonders…
The building is designed to act as a landmark beside one of…
Due to the location and the weather in Saudi Arabia,One of…
DIPLOMA WORK Top mountain station from cable car
Winter morning in Malá Fatra
Autumn rainy day
Project of libraray of art is based on existng 3 elevetion…
Achieved 2. place, from 11 competitors
Competition proposal
Rīga, Matīsa street 52
power plant building with public programs
interior of a waste to energy power plant with social &…
An infill project for makers movement. Creating a passage…
Návrh podoby a atmosféry veřejného prostoru mezi novým…
Práce vychází z diplomové práce: Brno Open close Ground-…
Kulturní DEPO. Návrh revitalizace nevyužívaných budov kolem…
Architecture's heart and core lies in the ability to design…
Architecture's heart and core lies in the ability to design…
Architecture's heart and core lies in the ability to design…
Concept: One of the main tasks - creation of favorable…
Concept: One of the main tasks - creation of favorable…
Concept of section house: house consists of three different…
Plans and diagrams
3d view
Section, model and 3D detail
Interior design of a cafè bar called "СТРИП КАФЕ". A…
Interior design of a cafè bar called "СТРИП КАФЕ". Never…
My Scandinavian home #studioproject04 #finalwork …
Perspective and section rendering
model pic of graduations
section drawing of my graduations
The concept of this building is concertizing a tornado that…
The cubitum tower is poised to become a new city landmark;…
The shape of the stadium emerged from an interaction…
Exterior View - South Façade - Location : Iran . Guilan.…
Interior View - Atrium & Lobby - Location : Iran . Guilan.…
Compare Before and After Implementation - Location : Iran .…
Realizace kavárny na Náměstí Republiky v Plzni inspirovaná…
Během celkové rekonstrukce jsme kompletně změnili dispozici…
RD Davle – projekt na stavební povolení
this is my project for second year
day shot in 3d max - vray
this is my project for third year
Architect: Abdolrahman Kadkhodasalehi Location: Tehran,…
Architect: Abdolrahman Kadkhodasalehi Location: Tehran,…
Architect: Abdolrahman Kadkhodasalehi Location: BOUKAN,…