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Certifikovaný porotce
Fereshteh Haji Gholami
Architecture, Interior Design, Product Design, Sustainable Architecture and product
Architecture, Interior Design, Product Design, Sustainable Architecture and product
Certifikovaný porotce
Bonfils Carter
Certifikovaný porotce
Christian Gasparini
Christian Gasparini teaches and researches at Politecnico of Milan, dedicating his activity to architectural urban and landscape plans of sea ports and railway stations, cultural centers, media libraries and libraries, university and temporary residences in Italy and Europe. Expert in bioclimatic planning at the University of Bologna, in 2000 he worked in Chile, to the international workshop and masterplan of Valparaiso city centre, that followed the election of the city to the status of humanity heritage by Unesco. Many are the participations in international meetings and conferences. In 2018 he founded a new architecture and landscape book series named Terzo Luogo and published by Licosia. In the same year he published "Smart Cities vs Smart Territories", a sort of debate with Elisabetta Bello, Maria Teresa Gabardi and Nunziante Mastrolia on the idea of smart cities. In 2019 he published "il progetto come connessione - architettura città paesaggio". The book is a research on the architectural fundamentals, in which the figure of the link/connection is the plan principle of architecture, city and landscape. In 2001 he found NATOFFICE, an architectural and urban planning practice, based in Reggio Emilia and Milan. NAT OFFICE, combining theoretical approach with applied research, turns its attention to the relationship between architecture, city and landscape and investigates modular structures and exhibit design in order to experiment typologies, morphologies and scales, for a new identity between place and people. Private and public architecture realizations are intertwined with the research on urban strategies to generate flexible interfaces and on modular structures that can be assembled and disassembled in different configurations. NAT OFFICE wins several awards in international and national competitions, such as Masterplan for Sport Citadel in Testaccio Rome or New Lorenteggio Library in Milan.
Christian Gasparini teaches and researches at Politecnico of Milan, dedicating his activity to architectural urban and landscape plans of sea ports and railway stations, cultural centers, media libraries and libraries, university and temporary residences in Italy and Europe. Expert in bioclimatic planning at the University of Bologna, in 2000 he worked in Chile, to the international workshop and masterplan of Valparaiso city centre, that followed the election of the city to the status of humanity heritage by Unesco. Many are the participations in international meetings and conferences. In 2018 he founded a new architecture and landscape book series named Terzo Luogo and published by Licosia. In the same year he published "Smart Cities vs Smart Territories", a sort of debate with Elisabetta Bello, Maria Teresa Gabardi and Nunziante Mastrolia on the idea of smart cities. In 2019 he published "il progetto come connessione - architettura città paesaggio". The book is a research on the architectural fundamentals, in which the figure of the link/connection is the plan principle of architecture, city and landscape. In 2001 he found NATOFFICE, an architectural and urban planning practice, based in Reggio Emilia and Milan. NAT OFFICE, combining theoretical approach with applied research, turns its attention to the relationship between architecture, city and landscape and investigates modular structures and exhibit design in order to experiment typologies, morphologies and scales, for a new identity between place and people. Private and public architecture realizations are intertwined with the research on urban strategies to generate flexible interfaces and on modular structures that can be assembled and disassembled in different configurations. NAT OFFICE wins several awards in international and national competitions, such as Masterplan for Sport Citadel in Testaccio Rome or New Lorenteggio Library in Milan.
Certifikovaný porotce
Alida Pjetri

I'm interested on Landscape desig but I love creating in general

Certifikovaný porotce
Peter Plachkov
building Swaziland since 1991
Bulgarian +Swazi
building Swaziland since 1991
Certifikovaný porotce
Mohammed Amine Khallaf

For my interest and passion, I am convinced that the appropriate design of each space improves the quality of life of the user. For this reason, I consider each new project as a personal challenge and I always aim for space production of the most high quality thanks to a dynamic architecture. Sociability, creativity, sense of organization and methodical sense are elements that characterize me.


For my interest and passion, I am convinced that the appropriate design of each space improves the quality of life of the user. For this reason, I consider each new project as a personal challenge and I always aim for space production of the most high quality thanks to a dynamic architecture. Sociability, creativity, sense of organization and methodical sense are elements that characterize me.

Certifikovaný porotce
Architectural Design, Sustainable Architecture, Ecology Architecture and Sense of Smell: Olfactory Architecture
Architectural Design, Sustainable Architecture, Ecology Architecture and Sense of Smell: Olfactory Architecture
Certifikovaný porotce
Iman Mirshojaeian Hosseini
Architecture Interior Architecture Energy
Architecture Interior Architecture Energy
Certifikovaný porotce
Davide Marchetti

Davide Marchetti received his Master’s in Architecture from the University of Rome La Sapienza in 2001 and joined the Massimiliano Fuksas Office in Rome upon graduation. The following year he became a member of the Italian Architects Registry, Chapter of Rome. In 2004, he began his own practice, specializing in architecture, urban planning and interior design. The office is driven by a consistent philosophical approach, not a predetermined style. It explores and develops new ways of thinking about architecture and the surrounding contextual environment in order to create models for change and innovation. Projects are approached with a comprehensive emphasis on environmental themes, materiality and cultural context. As a result, the studio aims to create specifically designed and detailed buildings that are deeply contextual with equal attention to function. High quality design results from the continuity of rigorous process and intensive dialogue with the client, consultants, contractors and inhabitants.Davide Marchetti has taught at Cornell University continuously from 2011, as a Visiting Critic in advanced design studios. He has been several times an invited critic at Pratt Institute, Syracuse University, Catholic University, University of Miami as well as at University of Rome La Sapienza and University of Pisa School of Engineering. He believes that the education of an architect manifests through a process; both the understanding and the application of the curriculum and studio discipline, as well as in the personal exploration of influences from multiple environments. These come from many sources, such as art and literature, science and medicine, history and economy. These conditions then consequently influence the scope of multidisciplinary practice that now permeates contemporary architecture. He is interested in fostering this environment, and adeptly responding to each students individual strengths, passions, and interests.


Davide Marchetti received his Master’s in Architecture from the University of Rome La Sapienza in 2001 and joined the Massimiliano Fuksas Office in Rome upon graduation. The following year he became a member of the Italian Architects Registry, Chapter of Rome. In 2004, he began his own practice, specializing in architecture, urban planning and interior design. The office is driven by a consistent philosophical approach, not a predetermined style. It explores and develops new ways of thinking about architecture and the surrounding contextual environment in order to create models for change and innovation. Projects are approached with a comprehensive emphasis on environmental themes, materiality and cultural context. As a result, the studio aims to create specifically designed and detailed buildings that are deeply contextual with equal attention to function. High quality design results from the continuity of rigorous process and intensive dialogue with the client, consultants, contractors and inhabitants.Davide Marchetti has taught at Cornell University continuously from 2011, as a Visiting Critic in advanced design studios. He has been several times an invited critic at Pratt Institute, Syracuse University, Catholic University, University of Miami as well as at University of Rome La Sapienza and University of Pisa School of Engineering. He believes that the education of an architect manifests through a process; both the understanding and the application of the curriculum and studio discipline, as well as in the personal exploration of influences from multiple environments. These come from many sources, such as art and literature, science and medicine, history and economy. These conditions then consequently influence the scope of multidisciplinary practice that now permeates contemporary architecture. He is interested in fostering this environment, and adeptly responding to each students individual strengths, passions, and interests.

Certifikovaný porotce
Eva Le Peutrec
Eva Le Peutrec Founder Professional settings
New Caledonia
Eva Le Peutrec Founder Professional settings
Certifikovaný porotce
Leoret Myftaraj
My architectural focus is on creating spaces that are sustainable, resilient, and adaptable. I believe that architecture should not only serve the present, but also anticipate the future. I use green design principles and materials to reduce the environmental impact of my projects, and I design for flexibility and modularity to accommodate changing needs and preferences. I also consider the social and cultural context of my projects, and aim to create spaces that foster community, diversity, and inclusion.
My architectural focus is on creating spaces that are sustainable, resilient, and adaptable. I believe that architecture should not only serve the present, but also anticipate the future. I use green design principles and materials to reduce the environmental impact of my projects, and I design for flexibility and modularity to accommodate changing needs and preferences. I also consider the social and cultural context of my projects, and aim to create spaces that foster community, diversity, and inclusion.
Certifikovaný porotce
Mahmoud Tawfik

graduated from Faculty of Fine Arts, Architecture Department in 2017.


Through my studies in college and  projects detailed in my resume I am

 experienced with building materials and systems, sustainability techni-

ques and construction administration on complex projects. I have exte-

nsive experience with  a  broad  range  of  design  software  including [

 AutoCAD, Sketchup, Revit, 3DS Max and Adobe photoshop ] .

Certifikovaný porotce
Kateřina Horych
Interiérový design
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Milica Vujošević

Sustainable architecture and energy efficiency in buildings 

Certifikovaný porotce
Shahriar Hasan Mridha Ratul
Conservation, Sustainable Design, Landscape Design, Vacation House Design, Aesthetics, Philosophical Design, Conceptual Design.
Conservation, Sustainable Design, Landscape Design, Vacation House Design, Aesthetics, Philosophical Design, Conceptual Design.

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