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Jury Benefits

Certifikovaný porotce
Katarina Ambrosova

Architectural presentation, marketing and urban planning 

Certifikovaný porotce
My architectural focus is on creating sustainable, green designs that prioritize energy efficiency. I am dedicated to developing buildings that minimize environmental impact through innovative use of materials, renewable energy sources, and efficient systems. By integrating natural elements and eco-friendly practices, I aim to design structures that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also significantly reduce carbon footprints and promote a healthier, more sustainable way of living.
My architectural focus is on creating sustainable, green designs that prioritize energy efficiency. I am dedicated to developing buildings that minimize environmental impact through innovative use of materials, renewable energy sources, and efficient systems. By integrating natural elements and eco-friendly practices, I aim to design structures that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also significantly reduce carbon footprints and promote a healthier, more sustainable way of living.
Certifikovaný porotce
Besan Abudayah
My architectural focus is on developing architectural ideas, As it always starts with an idea; becomes something in mathematics, then it becomes about nature, which then becomes about engineering and solving problems in an unproblematic way... An amazing process to create designs that have a sense of possibility, playfulness, movement, and telling a story through your design.Eventually, It’s all about what a building could be and what an architect could do.
My architectural focus is on developing architectural ideas, As it always starts with an idea; becomes something in mathematics, then it becomes about nature, which then becomes about engineering and solving problems in an unproblematic way... An amazing process to create designs that have a sense of possibility, playfulness, movement, and telling a story through your design.Eventually, It’s all about what a building could be and what an architect could do.
Certifikovaný porotce
Oto Novacek

Oto Nováček is an Urban Designer and Researcher from Slovakia currently based in Bratislava. During his studies he managed to attend several international projects connected to contemporary urban challenges, urban research and participatory planning in Belgium, Turkey, Germany, and Slovakia.  In 2016 he was researching informal practices of “Arrival city” in Hamburg and subsequent integration processes of immigrants into German system. In 2017 he lectured at JKUAT University in Nairobi on the topic of Slum upgrading, and later he acted as an advisor for urbanisation at Permanent mission of Slovakia to the United Nations in New York. Further he was actively engaged in research and design of social housing for Roma populace in Slovakia. Currently he is working at the intersection of practice and research at Atrium studio on the topic of collaborative creation of public spaces and autonomous urbanisation.

Certifikovaný porotce
Meheroze Al Hassan

Planning & Design on Residential Single Unit to multi-storied building, Apartments & Housing.

Involved in some Urban Design Projects.

Few interiors projects including Bank,office have been successfully designed by me.

Certifikovaný porotce
Abdolrahman Kadkhoda Salehi
Islamic Republic of Iran
Certifikovaný porotce
Jawdat Goussous
Architectural Design, Architectural Heritage conservation, architectural design methodology.
Architectural Design, Architectural Heritage conservation, architectural design methodology.
Certifikovaný porotce
Jahangir Khan

Last two years I have worked  at ARCASIA to connect Asian architects to other regions of the world.

Certifikovaný porotce
Eliška Krenarová

interior design

Certifikovaný porotce

Аrchitectural projects, design, urban environment design


Аrchitectural projects, design, urban environment design

Certifikovaný porotce
Josef Brabec
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Pavel Shaban
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Mark Lester Valignota

Architecture and Design, BIM

Certifikovaný porotce
Pavel Chládek
Poskytujeme komplexní architektonické a projekční služby, od ověřovacích analýz, architektonických študií až po realizační projekty. Nabízíme zpracovaní všech fází projektu - dokumentace pro územního rozhodnutí, stavební povolení, realizační a tendrovou dokumentaci. Vedle zpracovaní dokumentace také zajišťujeme projednání projektů ve všech fázích záměru (inženýring), spolupráci na výběrových řízeních, autorský dozor a spolupráci při realizaci a zajištění kolaudace. Máme dlohodobé zkušenosti s návrhami obytných, komerčních a administrativních budov. Spolupracujeme s osvědčeným týmem inženýřů a špecialistů
Certifikovaný porotce
Natalya Popkova

Landscape architecture


Landscape architecture

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