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Certifikovaný porotce
Ar. IDr. Ts. Rien Tan Kwon Chong

I am Ar. Rien Tan Kwon Chong, a full time Professional architect and a part-time lecturer. I graduated with first class honors from UCSI Univesity (bachelor Degree in Architecture) and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Master in Architecture) in year 2013 & 2015. Upon graduating, I travelled to Osaka, Taipei & New York where he worked with architecture firms to take up challenges on future residences and offices design. In Year 2016, I emerged as the winner for Asian Young Designer Award, beating 11 other participants from other Asian countries. Recently, Ar.Rien also won first price for International Design Competition on Tropical Housing for Orang Asli. I am now based in KL focusing on high-rise design in WDA Architects. My passion towards architectural field and the society were spread through the sharing session he has given in events like Pontian Home Coming Series 2017 and UCSI Architectural Graduates Show 2018 - 2020. I also been involved in a few volunteer project including EPIC Home (building shelter for indigenous community), PPIP (Pontian Tourism Association), PAM (Malaysia Architect Association) since year 2013.

Certifikovaný porotce
Mikuláš Hladký
Autorizovaný architekt:odborné činnosti vo výstavbe v tomto rozsahu: - a) vykonávanie prípravnej predprojektovej činnosti, najmä vypracúvanie stavebných zámerov verejných prác, investičných zámerov, architektonických a urbanistických štúdií, územnoplánovacích prieskumov a rozborov, - b) vykonávanie komplexnej projektovej činnosti, najmä vypracúvanie architektonických návrhov a dokumentácie umiestňovania stavieb a ich zmien, projektovej dokumentácie stavieb a ich zmien, vrátane interiérov a exteriérov, ako aj rekonštrukcií a modernizácií budov a obnovy stavebných pamiatok, - c) spracovávanie územnoplánovacích podkladov a územnoplánovacej dokumentácie, - d) vykonávanie projektového a stavebného manažmentu, najmä riadenia projektu a koordinácie čiastkových projektov vypracovaných inžiniermi, krajinármi a inými špecialistami a výkon autorského dohľadu nad realizačnými projektmi a vykonávanie stavebného dozoru, - e) grafické spracúvánie a modelovanie architektonického diela, vrátane vypracúvania špecifikácií a technickej dokumentácie, - f) poskytovanie súvisiacich technických služieb, najmä poskytovanie architektonického poradenstva investorom a vlastníkom nehnuteľností, zastupovanie investora pri príprave a uskutočňovaní stavieb, - g) vyhotovovanie odborných posudkov, odhadov a dobrozdaní
Certifikovaný porotce
Dana Margalith
Architectural Design: Urban Design & Architecture, Research: History and Theory of Architecture from the 18 to the 20th Century, Creativity in Architecture and Design.
Architectural Design: Urban Design & Architecture, Research: History and Theory of Architecture from the 18 to the 20th Century, Creativity in Architecture and Design.
Certifikovaný porotce
Duaa AlRifai
Junior Architect | Interior Architect | Research Assistant
Junior Architect | Interior Architect | Research Assistant
Certifikovaný porotce
Maxim Artamonov
Christian religious architecture.
Christian religious architecture.
Certifikovaný porotce
Iman Mirshojaeian Hosseini
Architecture Interior Architecture Energy
Architecture Interior Architecture Energy
Certifikovaný porotce
Helena Paz
Architektura a interiér, novostavby, rekonstrukce, veřejný prostor
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Haoheng Zeng
Public building, Co-living space, Open space, Installation, Green building, and Reuse
Public building, Co-living space, Open space, Installation, Green building, and Reuse
Certifikovaný porotce
Gaetano De Francesco

Gaetano De Francesco is the founder of DFR Architecture, a based in Rome design practice that investigates the contemporary condition of inhabited territory searching strategies and space solutions to make it livable, loveble, inclusive and resilient.

He is Phd in Architecture - Theories and Project at Department of Architecture and Project - Sapienza University of Rome, where make activities of research and teaching assistance and he is Authorized Rhinoceros Trainer and Adjunct Professor at Quasar Design University in Rome.

Certifikovaný porotce
Agata Legawiec

Interior designer and 3d artist

Certifikovaný porotce
Martin Ducheček
Pozemní stavby
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Julieta Chester

Respect for the land we habitate

Certifikovaný porotce
  • Sustainable Architectural Design.
  •  challenges and opportunities in smart city designs.
  • evolution of architecture  within specific cultural contexts including aspects of politics, society, religion and climate.
  • dynamic interface between man and his environment through its constituent aspects and elements in Architecture.
  • principles of architectural design.
Certifikovaný porotce
Ayushi Sawalka
I have keen interest in core architecture involving judicious use of materials, good sense of design and sensitivity towards the user.
I have keen interest in core architecture involving judicious use of materials, good sense of design and sensitivity towards the user.
Certifikovaný porotce
Kristýna Potůčková
rodinné domy, interiéry, nábytek na míru
Czech Republic
rodinné domy, interiéry, nábytek na míru

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