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Jury Benefits

Certifikovaný porotce
David Chmelař
Tvoříme už od roku 1998. Máme zkušenosti s obytnými soubory, veřejným prostranstvím, kancelářemi i obchody, s rodinnými domy nebo interiéry. Výrazně jsme se také zapojili do kultivace městského prostředí v historickém kontextu, zejména v oblasti severovýchodních Čech. Vždy se snažíme stát plnohodnotnou součástí každého týmu, se kterým realizujeme daný projekt. Mezi nejvýznamnější klienty našeho ateliéru patří developerská společnost Crestyl. V té David Chmelař od roku 2009 působí na pozici Design Supervisor. Stejnou funkci zastával i ve firmě Spirit Invest v letech 2006 až 2012. Dalšími klienty našeho ateliéru jsou J&T Real Estate, CPI Group, JRD, Lexxus Norton, PSN a UBM. [EN] We have been creating since 1998. We have experience with residential complexes, public spaces, offices and shops, single-family houses, and interiors. We are also heavily involved in the cultivation of urban environments in a historical context, especially in the North East Bohemia region. We always strive to become a full part of any team we work with on a given project. Among the most important clients of our studio is the developer Crestyl. David Chmelař has been working there as a Design Supervisor since 2009. He held the same position at Spirit Invest from 2006 to 2012. Other clients of our studio include J&T Real Estate, CPI Group, JRD, Lexxus Norton, PSN, and UBM.
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Remy Kokes
Sídla a krajina, vytváření míst, přívětivý prostor, napojování budov na terén, proporce, kompozice, užití materiálů, udržitelný design, konstrukce budov, detaily, inovace, parasitická architektura, kontinualistický urbanismus, kanonická (klasická) i abstraktní architektura, praktická realizace užívání i údržba, organizace výstavbySettlements and landscape, placemaking, welcoming space, connecting buildings to the terrain, proportion, composition, use of materials, sustainable design, building construction, details, innovation, parasitic architecture, continuous urbanism, canonical (classical) and abstract architecture, practical realisation of use and maintenance, organisation of construction
Certifikovaný porotce
Hana Matějková
interiérová designérka, rezidenční i komerční projekty
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Ruchira Weerakoon
Bachelor of Architecture Honours graduate with a solid academic and industry background and with broadinterest and experience in areas of urban climate, climatic simulations, data analysing, thermal comfort,biophilic architecture and project management experiences in construction industry.
Sri Lanka
Bachelor of Architecture Honours graduate with a solid academic and industry background and with broadinterest and experience in areas of urban climate, climatic simulations, data analysing, thermal comfort,biophilic architecture and project management experiences in construction industry.
Certifikovaný porotce
Anthony Musevu Kashit
Educational building design and Urban design.
South Africa
Educational building design and Urban design.
Certifikovaný porotce
Kwon Chong Tan

Mr. Rien Tan Kwon Chong is a full time project architect and a part-time travel blogger. Rien graduated with honors from UCSI Univesity (bachelor Degree in Architecture) and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Master in Architecture) in year 2013 & 2015. Upon graduating, he travelled to Osaka, Taipei & New York where he worked with architecture firms to take up challenges on future residences and offices design. In Year 2016, he emerged as the winner for Asian Young Designer Award, beating 11 other participants from other Asian countries. In year 2018, Rien has been shortlisted as the Top 50 finalist in the International Inspirelli Design Award.  Rien is now based in KL focusing on high-rise design in W Design Associates. His passion towards architectural field and the society were spread through his design studio namely Rien Atelier and the other public sharing session.


Mr. Rien Tan Kwon Chong is a full time project architect and a part-time travel blogger. Rien graduated with honors from UCSI Univesity (bachelor Degree in Architecture) and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Master in Architecture) in year 2013 & 2015. Upon graduating, he travelled to Osaka, Taipei & New York where he worked with architecture firms to take up challenges on future residences and offices design. In Year 2016, he emerged as the winner for Asian Young Designer Award, beating 11 other participants from other Asian countries. In year 2018, Rien has been shortlisted as the Top 50 finalist in the International Inspirelli Design Award.  Rien is now based in KL focusing on high-rise design in W Design Associates. His passion towards architectural field and the society were spread through his design studio namely Rien Atelier and the other public sharing session.

Certifikovaný porotce
Abdelaziz Nour
I believe architecture is a tool that should solve our cultural, social, and humanitarian problems while taking into account the context.
I believe architecture is a tool that should solve our cultural, social, and humanitarian problems while taking into account the context.
Certifikovaný porotce
Konrad Wesołowski
Master engineer architect with experience in projects ranging from residential to commercial spaces in both polish and foreign markets. Experience in project management, client consultations, multi-discipline partnerships and cooperation with authorities. Enthusiast of new technologies
Master engineer architect with experience in projects ranging from residential to commercial spaces in both polish and foreign markets. Experience in project management, client consultations, multi-discipline partnerships and cooperation with authorities. Enthusiast of new technologies
Certifikovaný porotce
Mahesh Bangad
Learning by doing, understanding that Architecture is a product of the process and that it evolves with time. Architecture is about creating meaningful spaces / interventions that add value to the lives of people, the nature and changes the world one intervention at a time.
Learning by doing, understanding that Architecture is a product of the process and that it evolves with time. Architecture is about creating meaningful spaces / interventions that add value to the lives of people, the nature and changes the world one intervention at a time.
Certifikovaný porotce
Muhammad Mehdi
sustainable, vernacular, disaster resilient, empathetic design
sustainable, vernacular, disaster resilient, empathetic design
Certifikovaný porotce
Maxim Artamonov
Christian religious architecture.
Christian religious architecture.
Certifikovaný porotce
Ing.Arhc. Martin Dudaško
private company chief architect Professional settings
private company chief architect Professional settings
Certifikovaný porotce
Sudipti Biswas
Ergonomics and human factors in the built environment, environment and ecology, disaster management and risk reduction, urban design, urban informality.
Ergonomics and human factors in the built environment, environment and ecology, disaster management and risk reduction, urban design, urban informality.
Certifikovaný porotce
Eliška Krenarová

interior design

Certifikovaný porotce
Monica Pacheco
Housing; knowledge transfers and architectural education, their impact in the shape of the professional and the profession
Housing; knowledge transfers and architectural education, their impact in the shape of the professional and the profession

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