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Certifikovaný porotce
Csanády Gábor Mátyás
Designer, architekt and interest of sacral architecture
Designer, architekt and interest of sacral architecture
Certifikovaný porotce
Eva Le Peutrec
Eva Le Peutrec Founder Professional settings
New Caledonia
Eva Le Peutrec Founder Professional settings
Certifikovaný porotce
Joelle Deeb
Our shifting world naturally empowers us to rethink the complex relationship between human and earth memory. As one of the more fundamental aspects when thinking of the re-naturalization of our sceneries, can the collective participate in reshaping our surrounding landscapes?
Our shifting world naturally empowers us to rethink the complex relationship between human and earth memory. As one of the more fundamental aspects when thinking of the re-naturalization of our sceneries, can the collective participate in reshaping our surrounding landscapes?
Certifikovaný porotce
Ekaterina Lepur
Certifikovaný porotce
Natalia Manca Sadir
I’m mainly focused on the integrity of the design, the connection between shapes and volumes, and the use of a sustainable approach, that could be done through design strategies, materials and new technologies implementation.
I’m mainly focused on the integrity of the design, the connection between shapes and volumes, and the use of a sustainable approach, that could be done through design strategies, materials and new technologies implementation.
Certifikovaný porotce
Kristýna Šimoník
Veřejný prostor, urbanismus, veřejné a rezidenční budovy, interiéry.
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Alejandro Delgado
Interior design
Certifikovaný porotce
Victor Jacinto

Architectural presentation and design conceptualization.

Certifikovaný porotce
Ondřej Valach

Philosophy of architecture and visualization.

Czech Republic

Philosophy of architecture and visualization.

Certifikovaný porotce
David Chmelař
Tvoříme už od roku 1998. Máme zkušenosti s obytnými soubory, veřejným prostranstvím, kancelářemi i obchody, s rodinnými domy nebo interiéry. Výrazně jsme se také zapojili do kultivace městského prostředí v historickém kontextu, zejména v oblasti severovýchodních Čech. Vždy se snažíme stát plnohodnotnou součástí každého týmu, se kterým realizujeme daný projekt. Mezi nejvýznamnější klienty našeho ateliéru patří developerská společnost Crestyl. V té David Chmelař od roku 2009 působí na pozici Design Supervisor. Stejnou funkci zastával i ve firmě Spirit Invest v letech 2006 až 2012. Dalšími klienty našeho ateliéru jsou J&T Real Estate, CPI Group, JRD, Lexxus Norton, PSN a UBM.
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Barbora Blahová
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Rafi Al Mahie

Contemporary Architecture, Built Form and Lighting, Temporary Structure

Certifikovaný porotce
Besan Abudayah
My architectural focus is on developing architectural ideas, As it always starts with an idea; becomes something in mathematics, then it becomes about nature, which then becomes about engineering and solving problems in an unproblematic way... An amazing process to create designs that have a sense of possibility, playfulness, movement, and telling a story through your design.Eventually, It’s all about what a building could be and what an architect could do.
My architectural focus is on developing architectural ideas, As it always starts with an idea; becomes something in mathematics, then it becomes about nature, which then becomes about engineering and solving problems in an unproblematic way... An amazing process to create designs that have a sense of possibility, playfulness, movement, and telling a story through your design.Eventually, It’s all about what a building could be and what an architect could do.
Certifikovaný porotce
Sindy Melissa Godínez de León
Hospital Planning
Hospital Planning
Certifikovaný porotce
Shanawaz Alli
Residential buildings, schools, hotels
Residential buildings, schools, hotels

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