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Certifikovaný porotce
Mikuláš Hladký
Autorizovaný architekt:odborné činnosti vo výstavbe v tomto rozsahu: - a) vykonávanie prípravnej predprojektovej činnosti, najmä vypracúvanie stavebných zámerov verejných prác, investičných zámerov, architektonických a urbanistických štúdií, územnoplánovacích prieskumov a rozborov, - b) vykonávanie komplexnej projektovej činnosti, najmä vypracúvanie architektonických návrhov a dokumentácie umiestňovania stavieb a ich zmien, projektovej dokumentácie stavieb a ich zmien, vrátane interiérov a exteriérov, ako aj rekonštrukcií a modernizácií budov a obnovy stavebných pamiatok, - c) spracovávanie územnoplánovacích podkladov a územnoplánovacej dokumentácie, - d) vykonávanie projektového a stavebného manažmentu, najmä riadenia projektu a koordinácie čiastkových projektov vypracovaných inžiniermi, krajinármi a inými špecialistami a výkon autorského dohľadu nad realizačnými projektmi a vykonávanie stavebného dozoru, - e) grafické spracúvánie a modelovanie architektonického diela, vrátane vypracúvania špecifikácií a technickej dokumentácie, - f) poskytovanie súvisiacich technických služieb, najmä poskytovanie architektonického poradenstva investorom a vlastníkom nehnuteľností, zastupovanie investora pri príprave a uskutočňovaní stavieb, - g) vyhotovovanie odborných posudkov, odhadov a dobrozdaní
Certifikovaný porotce
Michelle Kassouf

A great building must begin with the immeasurable, must go through measurable means when it is being designed, and in the end must be unmeasured. Louis Kahn

Certifikovaný porotce
Sithabile Mathe

Sithabile has 19 years of post-graduate experience in the built environment working with both design and implementation of projects. She qualified in Architecture in Glasgow, Scotland. In 2006, she established Moralo Designs, an Architectural Practice which now offers Urban Design, Architectural Design, Landscape Design, Interior Design and Project Management services. Her professional experience is also within contractual matters and project management of building projects as well as assessments of the financial viability of projects. 

Sitabile has extensive work experience from Botswana, South Africa, Norway, South Sudan and Tanzania and flourishes with an international work environment. She is registered with 4 professional bodies and serves as Chairperson of the Architect’s Registration Council of Botswana and as Deputy Chairperson of the BHC Board. She’s also a former Council Member for the Commonwealth Association of Architects (CAA) as Vice President Africa Region and the Chair of CAA Validation.

Certifikovaný porotce
Delovan Delawer

Experimental Architecture and Design. Sustainable, Regenerative, and Futuristic Architecture.

Certifikovaný porotce
Hajar Eslami

In quest for creating spaces compatible with the essence of nature and human beings, and using new technologies and innovative, compatible materials, in order to improve the quality of spaces for the man of today and future

Certifikovaný porotce
Mitra Naghdi Vishteh

Interior design

facade design 



Interior design

facade design 


Certifikovaný porotce
Reza Keshavarznorozpour

Modern architecture projects in a historic urban environment


Modern architecture projects in a historic urban environment

Certifikovaný porotce
Augustine Akoma

An eco-friendly aspects of architecture, an architectural solution which is important from the aspects of preserving the environment and helps fighting abundant carbon dioxide emissions.

Certifikovaný porotce
Ali Mohammadzadeh

A strong believer in the ability of architecture and research combined with design thinking for strengthening our societies and having a positive effect on the world. Only together we can build a better future, therefore my communication and team working skills.

Certifikovaný porotce
Ana Dodic

I am currently engaged in the preparation of project documentation for the construction of residential and commercial buildings. Since my education is also in the field of urban planning, in the future I would like to expand my work to the field of synthesis of the object and its immediate and wider environment.

Certifikovaný porotce
Madona Salameh

Art and design have always marveled me, for that reason I chose to study architecture where I discovered that there is more than just building a beautiful exterior or just thinking architecture as an investment. It is about creating spaces where art and design can be expressed in multiple ways and thought as one element combining the exterior and the interior. In addition, I am a strong believer in the ability and the impact of the architecture and research combined with design thinking for strengthening our societies and having a positive effect on the world Among other things, I am fascinated by lighting design, set designs and event design planning as well as my passion for photography. Therefore, I am planning to expand my knowledge in the scenography field that combines all these elements and gain more experience in it

Certifikovaný porotce
Debanjana Chatterjee
Certifikovaný porotce
Anthony El Murr

Concept Methodology, Design, and Passion


Naval Architect


Certifikovaný porotce
Amanuel Sheferaw
Modern and Classical Architecture design, Urban and Architectural Heritage conservation, Adaptive reusing, Facade design, Vernacular architecture.
Certifikovaný porotce
Sepehr Sadeghi

Architecture Awards:
- 2nd Place in 5th annual "INSPIRELI AWARDS", Czech Republic, 2020.
- Finalist in 5th annual "INSPIRELI AWARDS", Czech Republic, 2020.
- Winner of the 34th cycle World Architecture Award Selected by jury, 2020.
- Candidates Project in Asia - Oceania Architecture Award, Spain, 2019.
- Honorable Mention ARCHIHACKERS Competition, Italy, 2019.
- Honorable Mention SCC Competition, Italy, 2019.
- 2nd Place in Imam Khomeini Square Competition, Tonekabon, Iran, 2018.
- Semi Final AYDA (Asia Young Designer Award) Competition, Iran, 2018.
And Attendee in more than 10 National and International Competitions.

- The Role of Art Identity in Landscape and Urban Cultural Perspective.
- The Impact of Cultural Identity on Urban Landscape (Case Study: Tonekabon County).
- The Role of Art and Cultural Identity in the Physical Structure of Urban Architecture.
- The Impact of Cultural-Artistic Space on Cultural Identity, Landscape and Urban Landscape (Case Study: Tonekabon County).


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