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la transparence deans la conception est mon premier materiau de construction
Actually, my architectural focus is on ideas and concepts laying behind the architectural product in any cultural society. I always eager to study the history of architecture from that point of view, other than studying its architectural product from its visual or formal values. I like to know and distinguish the cultural value that moves its architect to choose that way of designing and exclude others.
That is why, I like to teach history and theories of architecture to make my students learn from others how to be innovative and creative, and be able to distinguish between human values and physical values.
Sustainable Architecture, Interior Design, Functionality, Space Architecture.
Industrial and residential projects with a design appoach of innovative, lively, and sustainable cities for people.
My name is Sheyda Novruzzadeh. I'm Chairman of the Commission on Youth Affairs of the Union of Architects of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In 2010 I entered the Faculty of Architecture of Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, graduated from the University with bachelor's degree in 2014 and the master's degree in 2016. Currently , I'm continue my doctorate degree.
Since 2012, I have been the Assistant to the Chairman of the Management Board of the Union of Architects of the Republic of Azerbaijan. I also work as an architect in the architectural company "El & En".
From 2015 to present I have been the President of the Young Architects and Students Club under the Union of Architects of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
During my short architectural activities, I have implemented a number of projects within the architectural company "El & En": Youth Center in the National Park, "High Technology Park" in Pirallahi settlement, Regeneration of historic neighborhoods around Taza Pir Mosque complex, etc.
In 2015, on the occasion of Youth Day, Iwas awarded with the "Youth Prize" by the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Azerbaijan for my successful activity in 2014. According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated December 18, 2017, I was awarded the "Progress" medal for her contribution to the development of architecture in Azerbaijan.
working on the development of an innovative and responsible architecture, sustainable architecture, participative architecure, local architecture.
My architectural focus is combining the fasade design with the whole concept of the object.
The esthetic of the object should follow the meaning of the object. This is my first and main focus. In the same time I belong to that group of architects who think that the culture should reflect the way we build our reality and , but more than that it is how we build in order to change our way of living. So in this case I am curious to see if the students which will participate would consider to create their works in my terms ( esthetics and culture).
Architecture is a chance we have to make a better future. Creating spaces, ambience that reflect emotions, beauty, function and comfort.
Born on November 9 th of 1989 in Tirana, Albania, Gerdi is an architect who is passionate about computational and algorithmic design topics as well as digital fabrication. His first steps in the computational design field are taken as his high school education is focused on electronics. He finishes his master studies in Architecture and Urban Design at Polis University in 2014 where he deals with a thesis in Interactive Architecture. His main fields of interest from that point on focus on the digital aspects of designing architecture with a professional master in Parametric Design finished at Polis University in 2016. During this time he also practiced as an assistant lecturer at Polis University in the corses of Information Architecture as well as Computer Aided Design. He started his PhD studies in the joint doctorate program between Polis University and Ferrara in 2016-2017 where he is now developing a thesis on Digital Fabrication and Emergency Shelters.
graduated from Faculty of Fine Arts, Architecture Department in 2017.
Through my studies in college and projects detailed in my resume I am
experienced with building materials and systems, sustainability techni-
ques and construction administration on complex projects. I have exte-
nsive experience with a broad range of design software including [
AutoCAD, Sketchup, Revit, 3DS Max and Adobe photoshop ] .