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Voting System

Jury Benefits

Certifikovaný porotce
Jakub Vydra

Housing buildings, modernism in architecture, funcionality vs. aesthetics in architecture, technical details, tradition in nowdays

Certifikovaný porotce
Agata Legawiec

Interior designer and 3d artist

Certifikovaný porotce
Trésor Lumfuankenda Bungiena

Common sense and more sensitivity on local practices to create an original architectural production.

CONGOLESE (Dem. Rep. Congo)
Certifikovaný porotce
Ghaith Aouadi

My goal as an Interior Designer is to design spaces, meet the needs of modern life. www.I-Archi.fr

Certifikovaný porotce
Judith DiMaio


Certifikovaný porotce
Shadi Omidvar Tehrani

Urban Designer

Certifikovaný porotce
Danial Mohseni




Certifikovaný porotce
Elie Braks

As an architect I have been always looking for new trends and ideas in architecture, how technology is changing and evolving architecture helping us to see project with a new perspective.

Certifikovaný porotce
Somayeh Ravanshad Nia
  • PhD thesis in the field of cinema, city and sociology of art.
  • Professor of Azad University of Iran (Science and Research Branch & Central Tehran Branch)
  •  Co-founder of the design studio of Ravanshadnia and colleagues since 2011
  •  First place in the International Architectural Competition for the Design of the Great Square of Azerbaijan 2015.
  • 3rd place in the International Architectural Competition  INSPIRELI AWARD2016(Azerbaijan Square)
  • Finalist of the Asia-Berlin Architecture Biennial 2017 Award.(Azerbaijan Square)
  • Cooperation with Tehran Hashtak Consulting Engineers from 2009 in projects:

    ·        Design of phase zero and one in horse racing series in Norouzabad, Tehran

    ·        Design of phase 1 in Research Institute of Medical Sciences University in Tabriz University

    ·        Internal design of Amphitheater Hall in Malayer University

    ·        Design of library in Malayer University

  • Cooperation with Consulting Engineers Firm of Palardej Tehran (Shiraz Branch) on 2007

    -         Design and draw of phase 2 in Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Kongo-Kinshada Africa country

  • Different residential and commercial projects independently.


    Member of the brilliant talent club and elite of the Islamic Azad University of Science and Research Branch of Tehran
Certifikovaný porotce
Nicolas Turchi

Nicolas Turchi is a designer currently working at Zaha Hadid Architects and a Digital Futures PhD scholar at Tongji University. Nicolas holds a Master in Architecture II from the Harvard Graduate School of Design and a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Bologna. He has worked for several firms including Eisenman Architects, Xefirotarch, Mario Cucinella Architects and 5+1AA. Nicolas is particularly interested in emergent technologies and how they affect the theoretical aspect of the discipline. Nicolas has also been studying the relationship between architecture and philosophy and graduated with a thesis on Time and Space in architecture, influenced by the thoughts of Henri Bergson and Edmund Husserl.



Certifikovaný porotce
Patricia Báscones

SoPA (Social Practice Architecture) Architecture as a tool to improve life and society.

Certifikovaný porotce
Lara Briz

Architecture as a tool to improve life and society. SoPA (Social Practice Architecture)

Certifikovaný porotce
Michael Karassowitsch

Research-in-practice and education. • Focus in the relationship of technology to architectural value and spirituality. • Modern technological thought has brought us to an impass not unlike the pandemic of 2020. We will not be able to continue as we have. • Need is to inform architects' role in coming change; responsibility far surpasses what we are today doing. • Ground of my work is to bring spiritual practice near to architectural practice and bring to the fore the original questioning nature of architectural practice that gives measure as architectural loci in tune with nature. • Facilitate transformative use of the findings of science that technology enables. 

Certifikovaný porotce
Gihan Badi

Architectural design and building performan through form, function and fabric. Leeds Beckett University

Certifikovaný porotce
Mona Rady

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