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Jury Benefits

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This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.

Samer Kasem

I focus on contemperary architecture and old buldings restoration.

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This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.

Benjamin Bross

Placemaking through designs sensitive to site history and context.

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This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.

Luis Pineda

Reorientar la formación profesional y activa de los que elegimos ser arquitectos, para volvernos a la arquitectura real, esa que no permite la dominación y control de un sistema que destruye, la que deja de ser esclava del poder y economía de unos cuantos que solo quieren llenar sus bolsillos para tener más poder, la que se aleja de los sistemas autocráticos que nos convierten reproductores y repetidores de modelos incoherentes, consumistas y poco éticos.  

Este modelo hegemónico destructor que domina la imaginativa responsable, ética y consciente, anula nuestra responsabilidad como arquitectos; por lo que, es necesario distanciarnos de estos modelos para hacer evidente la responsabilidad que tenemos desde nuestra disciplina.

No se trata de reaccionar impulsivamente en una dirección contraria,  sino de deconstruir y volver a construir en base a estos saberes y conciencia, una nueva visión para construir un futuro diferente, uno que nos permita inteligentemente disminuir, retrasar y si es posible, erradicar, la destrucción que hemos generado, revertir aspectos de deterioro, contemplar a los usuarios, el contexto físico, buscando el confort como un modo de dignidad que arrope a cualquier usuario para que se integre y se incluya en la responsabilidad y cuidado de su entorno. Así como, erradicar la discriminación y marginación que hemos creado en función de prejuicios sociales que tienen que ver con las condiciones económicas, políticas, sociales y culturales. Si podemos revertir la idea de la arquitectura como meramente intelectual e instrumental, lograremos crear estrategias para formarnos profesionalmente con un sentido claro de responsabilidad ética en la que somos encargados de construir un futuro diferente, porque si no hay futuro, no hay arquitectura.


Reorientar la formación profesional y activa de los que elegimos ser arquitectos, para volvernos a la arquitectura real, esa que no permite la dominación y control de un sistema que destruye, la que deja de ser esclava del poder y economía de unos cuantos que solo quieren llenar sus bolsillos para tener más poder, la que se aleja de los sistemas autocráticos que nos convierten reproductores y repetidores de modelos incoherentes, consumistas y poco éticos.  

Este modelo hegemónico destructor que domina la imaginativa responsable, ética y consciente, anula nuestra responsabilidad como arquitectos; por lo que, es necesario distanciarnos de estos modelos para hacer evidente la responsabilidad que tenemos desde nuestra disciplina.

No se trata de reaccionar impulsivamente en una dirección contraria,  sino de deconstruir y volver a construir en base a estos saberes y conciencia, una nueva visión para construir un futuro diferente, uno que nos permita inteligentemente disminuir, retrasar y si es posible, erradicar, la destrucción que hemos generado, revertir aspectos de deterioro, contemplar a los usuarios, el contexto físico, buscando el confort como un modo de dignidad que arrope a cualquier usuario para que se integre y se incluya en la responsabilidad y cuidado de su entorno. Así como, erradicar la discriminación y marginación que hemos creado en función de prejuicios sociales que tienen que ver con las condiciones económicas, políticas, sociales y culturales. Si podemos revertir la idea de la arquitectura como meramente intelectual e instrumental, lograremos crear estrategias para formarnos profesionalmente con un sentido claro de responsabilidad ética en la que somos encargados de construir un futuro diferente, porque si no hay futuro, no hay arquitectura.

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This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.

Masud Rashid

Sustainable and humanitarian housing for all. 

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This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.

Piyali Debnath

I have always been inspired by the pure form nature which inspires the rhythm and continuity between the edifice and nature. Every piece of architecture should be inextricably connected to nature which can only be possible by using proper use of art, science, and modern technology. Architecture is not just a language but also a soul, that can enrich and enhance the human society for a better future.

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This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.

Bader Shams Aldeen

In my prespective and point of view, the influence of the
designe can have affect and influnce the daily life of the
And for this reason each new project is a challenging
project, which need to have it’s own charachter and can
improve the general life of the use

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This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.

Asma Sebai
Function, Integration of nature, Quality and Comfort, Aesthetic, etc.
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This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.

Prosper Lusale

Ambitious Professional Architect thriving towards creating meaningful buildings and spaces that express and augment the environment and uplift the community, connecting people with nature.


Ambitious Professional Architect thriving towards creating meaningful buildings and spaces that express and augment the environment and uplift the community, connecting people with nature.

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This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.

Hogr Mirzashexa

Hogr is founder and CEO of GoshaArch GoshaArch is involved in designing and realizing a diverse array of urban, cultural and commercial projects around the globe. GoshaArch is a collaboration of architects and designers that believe architecture is a practice of optimism. GoshaArch approach our projects with the attitude that to make great places, you must believe in the future, with respect of the past.

GoshaArch architecture emerges from the idea that a designs should be expressive and reflect contemporary life. Innovation is at the core of our design process. We believe that bold design must be realized with sustainable technology and we strongly believe that the art of architecture lies in creating a maximum impact within the constraints of budgets and functionality. We know from experience that great architecture comes from working with great clients; however, architecture is a public art and we hold ourselves accountable not only to the client, but to the communities, and cities in which we build.

Hogr Mirzashexa and his partners Ahmed and Zanwer, established GoshaArch in Erbil, Kurdistan, in 2019 after graduation of Salahadin University college of engineering
Architecture department.


Hogr is founder and CEO of GoshaArch GoshaArch is involved in designing and realizing a diverse array of urban, cultural and commercial projects around the globe. GoshaArch is a collaboration of architects and designers that believe architecture is a practice of optimism. GoshaArch approach our projects with the attitude that to make great places, you must believe in the future, with respect of the past.

GoshaArch architecture emerges from the idea that a designs should be expressive and reflect contemporary life. Innovation is at the core of our design process. We believe that bold design must be realized with sustainable technology and we strongly believe that the art of architecture lies in creating a maximum impact within the constraints of budgets and functionality. We know from experience that great architecture comes from working with great clients; however, architecture is a public art and we hold ourselves accountable not only to the client, but to the communities, and cities in which we build.

Hogr Mirzashexa and his partners Ahmed and Zanwer, established GoshaArch in Erbil, Kurdistan, in 2019 after graduation of Salahadin University college of engineering
Architecture department.

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0 1


This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.

Robert Juśkiewicz
Architecture is my passion. I love shaping the space we live in. To create it based on the constects of places, history, traditions, conditions. It is important to me that the Architecture we create interacts harmoniously with the surrounding landscape. www.juskiewicz.art
Architecture is my passion. I love shaping the space we live in. To create it based on the constects of places, history, traditions, conditions. It is important to me that the Architecture we create interacts harmoniously with the surrounding landscape. www.juskiewicz.art
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This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.

Mikuláš Hladký
Autorizovaný architekt:odborné činnosti vo výstavbe v tomto rozsahu: - a) vykonávanie prípravnej predprojektovej činnosti, najmä vypracúvanie stavebných zámerov verejných prác, investičných zámerov, architektonických a urbanistických štúdií, územnoplánovacích prieskumov a rozborov, - b) vykonávanie komplexnej projektovej činnosti, najmä vypracúvanie architektonických návrhov a dokumentácie umiestňovania stavieb a ich zmien, projektovej dokumentácie stavieb a ich zmien, vrátane interiérov a exteriérov, ako aj rekonštrukcií a modernizácií budov a obnovy stavebných pamiatok, - c) spracovávanie územnoplánovacích podkladov a územnoplánovacej dokumentácie, - d) vykonávanie projektového a stavebného manažmentu, najmä riadenia projektu a koordinácie čiastkových projektov vypracovaných inžiniermi, krajinármi a inými špecialistami a výkon autorského dohľadu nad realizačnými projektmi a vykonávanie stavebného dozoru, - e) grafické spracúvánie a modelovanie architektonického diela, vrátane vypracúvania špecifikácií a technickej dokumentácie, - f) poskytovanie súvisiacich technických služieb, najmä poskytovanie architektonického poradenstva investorom a vlastníkom nehnuteľností, zastupovanie investora pri príprave a uskutočňovaní stavieb, - g) vyhotovovanie odborných posudkov, odhadov a dobrozdaní
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This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.

Maria Luisa Germanà

My research activity deals with various aspects of the Architectural Technology. The main themes tackled are considered as different facets of a scientific interest, which deals with processes of formation, transformation and maintenance of the built environment, in its most varied manifestations. The main research interests are: Architectural Heritage; Rural and Vernacular Architecture; Environmental Architectural Design; Sustainability in Architecture.


My research activity deals with various aspects of the Architectural Technology. The main themes tackled are considered as different facets of a scientific interest, which deals with processes of formation, transformation and maintenance of the built environment, in its most varied manifestations. The main research interests are: Architectural Heritage; Rural and Vernacular Architecture; Environmental Architectural Design; Sustainability in Architecture.

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This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.

Milena Zindović

Milena Zindović is an architect, currently based in Belgrade, Serbia, whose interests include architectural, urban and interior design and urban planning , as well as research on urban development and gender mainstreaming. She works as an independent architectural and planning professional in the fields of design, project management and  consulting services.

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This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.

Muhammad Abdi

Creating innovative views...

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This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.

Islam Elghonaimy

urban design

City Developing strategies 


Landscape Architecture 

Building technology 


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