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I am pretty clear what architecture means to me, and after 50 years of being in this profession on three continents, I will not change my mind. There are great architects out there, and I just hope they see clearly the development of our profession. It is not about YOU anymore, it is about the survival of our planet. Please take this seriously!
Architecture is an emotional experience.
When artificial intelligence is used to build superstructures, then the human input can only be done by designers with great imagination and vision. High-Tech is terrific if it is applied to social benefit. We forget so quickly that everything we make, including artificial intelligence, comes from the raw materials of this planet.
I can see that people are fascinated by monstrous shiny skyscrapers, but the reality is, that this is nothing more than modern human anthills. Who wants to live there with thousands of others?
We should integrate the beauty of Nature harmoniously into our architecture. The grand design of Nature (mountains, valleys, meadows, lakes, streams, oceans shores) gives us enough inspiration to follow the idea to compliment Nature, instead of destroying it.
I have extensive experience as a lead architect for various projects of design, research and assessment in the field of architecture, interior, landscape and urban design.
My focus is on climate change and equitable human developments. My vision for 'green and sustainable' is beyond the tangible elements of human habitation. I believe that the sustainability of culture and tradition lies in the core values that are passed on from generation to generation.
I believe the synthesis of the sciences and the art in balance to how we inhabit the land is the highest form of expression.
historical urban & architecture + public spaces and its changing under the impact of social / economic pressure.
Place Making and Human behavior within the Urban Studies as well as Environmental &Urban Psychology
Actually, my architectural focus is on ideas and concepts laying behind the architectural product in any cultural society. I always eager to study the history of architecture from that point of view, other than studying its architectural product from its visual or formal values. I like to know and distinguish the cultural value that moves its architect to choose that way of designing and exclude others.
That is why, I like to teach history and theories of architecture to make my students learn from others how to be innovative and creative, and be able to distinguish between human values and physical values.