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Certifikovaný porotce
Joelle Deeb
Our shifting world naturally empowers us to rethink the complex relationship between human and earth memory. As one of the more fundamental aspects when thinking of the re-naturalization of our sceneries, can the collective participate in reshaping our surrounding landscapes?
Our shifting world naturally empowers us to rethink the complex relationship between human and earth memory. As one of the more fundamental aspects when thinking of the re-naturalization of our sceneries, can the collective participate in reshaping our surrounding landscapes?
Certifikovaný porotce


This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.

Kenrick Nicholas Honggana

Raffles College of Higher Education, Indonésie

Ayshwarya Sankar

Dr.M.G.R University Chennai, Indie

Tomáš Lovětinský

VUT Brno, Česká Republika

Katia Sokyrko

Kyiv National University of Technology and Design, Ukrajina

Patrycja Ilcewicz

Academy of Art in Szczecin / Akademia Sztuki w Szczecinie, Polsko

Monika Żywiecka

Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, Polsko


King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT/Bangmod), School of Architecture and Design, Thung Khru, Bangkok, Kambodža

Sofia Liamina

NSUADA - Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design and Arts, Rusko

Chun Te Lee

Leibniz Universität Hannover, Německo

Abhrajit Roy Choudhury

Om Dayal School of Architecture (MAKAUT), Indie

Victor Montañez

Universidad Europea del Atlantico, Španělsko

Aleksandra Sułecka

Gdańsk Technical University (Politechnika Gdańska), Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk, Polsko

Артём Баскаков

Yaroslavl State Technical University, Rusko

Yelyzaveta Chmykhonkova

Faculty of Architecture and Design STU in Bratislava, Ukrajina

Guénault HOUCKE

École nationale supérieure d'architecture et de paysage de Lille, Lille , Francie

Esteban Naranjo

Ikiam, Universidad Regional Amazónica, Ekvádor

Nusrat Nasrin Ananna

Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladéš

Mohamad Hamad

Lebanese University - Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture, Libanon

Patryk Iwanczuk

Academy of Art in Szczecin / Akademia Sztuki w Szczecinie, Polsko

Maria Lebedeva

Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Rusko

Yishak Abraham

Addis Ababa Science and technology university, Etiopie

Md Salman Mehedi

North South University, Department of Architecture, Dhaka, Bangladéš

Jana Lambic

GAF - University of Niš - Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture , Srbsko


Bangladesh University, Department of Architecture, Dhaka, Bangladéš

Eman Mounir
Interior Architecture , Landscape Planning,Architectural Design Exhibition Design. -Master's degree: Health And Safety Standards And Their Role In Interior Architecture Educational Spaces Design.-PHD :The Role of Ethnography In The Sustainable Interior Design of Poor Slum Areas.
Interior Architecture , Landscape Planning,Architectural Design Exhibition Design. -Master's degree: Health And Safety Standards And Their Role In Interior Architecture Educational Spaces Design.-PHD :The Role of Ethnography In The Sustainable Interior Design of Poor Slum Areas.
Certifikovaný porotce


This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.


Dokuz Eylul University, Faculty of Architecture, Izmir , Turecko

Ahemd Kamel

Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University in Mansoura, Egypt

Duaa AlRifai

Abu Dhabi University, Department of Architecture and Design, College of Engineering and Computer Science, Abu Dhabi, Spojené arabské emiráty

Ebrahim Al-suwaidi

Thamar university, Jemen

Mehwish Javaid Hussain

Lahore College forWomen University, Pákistán

Sabrina Gonzalez Aleu Orozco

Universidad de Monterrey, Universidad de Monterrey, Departamento de Arquitectura, Mexiko

Trifa Jaafer

Salahaddin University-Erbil, Architectural Engineering Department, Irák

Mennat Allah Farag

Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University in Abbaseya, Cairo, Egypt

Md. Ferdous Rahman

Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladéš

Mahsa Mohebbi


Jennifer Murillo

Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Cumbaya, Ecuador, Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseno Interior, Ekvádor

Chee Kin Tan

Tsinghua University (THU), School of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Beijing, Malajsie

Martina Kocurišinová

TUL - Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Architecture, Česká Republika

Gabriela González

Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Cumbaya, Ecuador, Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseno Interior, Ekvádor

Francesco Csermely

Politecnico di Milano, Polytechnic University of Milan, School of Design, Itálie

Jana Trnková

Faculty of Architecture and Design STU in Bratislava, Slovensko


cyprus international university, Kypr

Anja Pantic

University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade, Serbia, Srbsko

kasem tarayrah

CIU, Palestinská autonomie

Růžena Mašková

CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Česká Republika

Simone Damiani

Politecnico di Milano, Polytechnic University of Milan, School of Design, Itálie

Ruitong Xu

Central Academy of Fine Arts, Čína

Williams Osei

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana

Mariia Redkolis
Architecture. Interior design. Landscaping project. Urban design.
Certifikovaný porotce
Jose Carlo Bolaños Padilla

The design of spaces that represent a preview of the future human behavior, where a balance between environment and technology is the goal to improve architecture and life.

Costa Rican

The design of spaces that represent a preview of the future human behavior, where a balance between environment and technology is the goal to improve architecture and life.

Certifikovaný porotce
Mariia Gonchar

Behance: https://www.behance.net/mariiagonchar

WW: https://workingnotworking.com/73463-mariia

Medium: https://medium.com/@MariaGonchar

411memorial.wordpress.com  411batterymemorialpark.wordpress.com 411batterymemorialinitiatives.wordpress.com


Certifikovaný porotce
Houida Khuzam
All fields in Architecture in general including:Architectural Design (specialized)Landscape and Urban DesignUrban PlanningExecutive Studies
All fields in Architecture in general including:Architectural Design (specialized)Landscape and Urban DesignUrban PlanningExecutive Studies

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