Become a member of the world's biggest jury in architecture history. Help us to support students.

There are 1469 jurors from 131 countries. The voting will take place over the Internet max to four times a year. You will not travel, you will help.

Voting System

Jury Benefits

Certified juror
Irena Truhlářová
Dřevostavby, udržitelná výstavba, interiér
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Kateřina Pečeňová
návrhy interiérů, rekonstrukce, bytů, rodinných domů, kanceláří
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Nisali Siriwardene
I focus on sustainability development projects in architecture as well as eco-friendly designs with minimal impact on nature. I see that architecture is about being able to feel the feelings and emotions that a building's elements create. It is a narrative, a process, and a form of art that we can genuinely inhabit.
Sri Lankan
I focus on sustainability development projects in architecture as well as eco-friendly designs with minimal impact on nature. I see that architecture is about being able to feel the feelings and emotions that a building's elements create. It is a narrative, a process, and a form of art that we can genuinely inhabit.
Certified juror
Nevin Gharib
Conservation of historic districts History of architectureArchitectural restoration Architectural design
Conservation of historic districts History of architectureArchitectural restoration Architectural design
Certified juror
Ondřej Chudý
architecture and urbanism, city development
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Noveryna Reztrie
Green Building, Energy Efficient Building
Green Building, Energy Efficient Building
Certified juror
Cristian Martìnez
Bùsqueda de una arquitectura para su sitio, revalorizando y promoviendo la reinterpretaciòn de tècnicas constructivas vernàculas, valorizar y enriquecer las diversas culturas.
Bùsqueda de una arquitectura para su sitio, revalorizando y promoviendo la reinterpretaciòn de tècnicas constructivas vernàculas, valorizar y enriquecer las diversas culturas.
Certified juror
Abel Mamani Gutierrez
La arquitectura tiene que ser una herramienta, para mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas.
La arquitectura tiene que ser una herramienta, para mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas.
Certified juror
Janka Plinta
Certified juror
Michal Križo
Udržateľnosť, prírodné materiály, ekologická a experimentálna architektúra, výpočtový dizajn, parametrizácia a automatizácia.
Certified juror
Slava Filipenka
Zaměřuji se na minimalistický styl v architektuře, s důrazem na čisté linie, jednoduchost a funkčnost. Navrhuji praktické a funkcionalistické domy, které kladou důraz na účelnost a estetickou čistotu.
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Markéta Meďašová
návrhy a realizácie interiérov,. rekonštrukcie starých domov a bytov,. návrhy a realizácie hotelov, kaviarní, reštaurácii, administratív,. návrhy interiérov bytov a rodinných domov pre súkromné osoby
Certified juror
Aparna Sathish
Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism, Tropical Architecture and Urbanism
Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism, Tropical Architecture and Urbanism
Certified juror
Matej Vnad
Profesie, voda, bim koordinácia
Profesie, voda, bim koordinácia
Certified juror
Arun Kapur
To train students in architecture for future sustainable habitats and to make the earth a better place for everyone.
To train students in architecture for future sustainable habitats and to make the earth a better place for everyone.

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