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There are 1469 jurors from 131 countries. The voting will take place over the Internet max to four times a year. You will not travel, you will help.

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Certified juror
Maha Anber

My focus in Architecture since I got my PhD degree in 2017 has been on multiple fields. My main interest is environmental design and energy efficiency in buildings. This appears greatly in my researches and the courses I teach. I am interested in sustainability and how it can be achieved in both architecture and urban levels.
My focus in architecture as well is interior design. I teach interior design course for senior year where I highlight the interior space planning along with the lighting, furniture, materials, textures, design styles and flooring designs.

I also teach architecture design courses where I teach students the design principles, design considerations and site analysis. How to study the form, mass and void to present an integrated design project.

Certified juror
Ceren Bogac
I am an architect interested in the ways in which people’s ways of life is translated into spatial dimensions or architectural language. My specific areas of expertise are environmental psychology, place attachment, sense of place, meaning in architecture, ecocity/eco-architecture, and urban peace-building studies.
I am an architect interested in the ways in which people’s ways of life is translated into spatial dimensions or architectural language. My specific areas of expertise are environmental psychology, place attachment, sense of place, meaning in architecture, ecocity/eco-architecture, and urban peace-building studies.
Certified juror
Adli Nadia
Comercial Architecture and mixed use building design
Comercial Architecture and mixed use building design
Certified juror
Certified juror
Mostafa Magdy
Mostafa Magdy is a Teaching Assistant at the Architecture department of the Higher Institute of Engineering- Shorouk Academy (SHA). He won the first prize of designing the Egyptian booth of the first World youth forum in Sharm-Al Sheikh – Egypt (WYF) 2017, he participated in many international competitions and national ones like Keep Calm and design 2020 – Dubai By Sketchup Middle East & Sketchup hero 2017 – CAD Masters, He was the Instructor of "SKETCH-ION" Workshops -Sketchup & Lumion workshop- which was held by South Sinai Governorate-EgyptThroughout his academic career, Mostafa worked had an important role in establishing the system of the E-Learning of the Architecture department of Al Shorouk Academy researching all the ways to keep it updated and develop it as well, He was also a co-founder of the first-ever parametric design course in Al Shorouk Academy with Aly Magdy. He was a part of the team organizing the first worldwide conference of Al Shorouk Academy “Resilience in Architecture Education” which had International professional architects and professors in addition to the best architecture schools in Egypt, He is the competition coordinator of WE HELP BEIRUT which was held by INSPIRELI AWARDS at Al Shorouk Academy and also he has an important role in making a successful partnership between Al Shorouk Academy and INSPIRELI AWARDS organization He also participates in teaching Architecture Design, Working drawings, Graduation project courses.Behance link: https://www.behance.net/Quicksilverr
Mostafa Magdy is a Teaching Assistant at the Architecture department of the Higher Institute of Engineering- Shorouk Academy (SHA). He won the first prize of designing the Egyptian booth of the first World youth forum in Sharm-Al Sheikh – Egypt (WYF) 2017, he participated in many international competitions and national ones like Keep Calm and design 2020 – Dubai By Sketchup Middle East & Sketchup hero 2017 – CAD Masters, He was the Instructor of "SKETCH-ION" Workshops -Sketchup & Lumion workshop- which was held by South Sinai Governorate-EgyptThroughout his academic career, Mostafa worked had an important role in establishing the system of the E-Learning of the Architecture department of Al Shorouk Academy researching all the ways to keep it updated and develop it as well, He was also a co-founder of the first-ever parametric design course in Al Shorouk Academy with Aly Magdy. He was a part of the team organizing the first worldwide conference of Al Shorouk Academy “Resilience in Architecture Education” which had International professional architects and professors in addition to the best architecture schools in Egypt, He is the competition coordinator of WE HELP BEIRUT which was held by INSPIRELI AWARDS at Al Shorouk Academy and also he has an important role in making a successful partnership between Al Shorouk Academy and INSPIRELI AWARDS organization He also participates in teaching Architecture Design, Working drawings, Graduation project courses.Behance link: https://www.behance.net/Quicksilverr
Certified juror
Nazarenko Tatyana
Residential buildings
Residential buildings
Certified juror
Yimeng Teng
I am a licensed architect practicing in Los Angeles. My design focus has been high end residential and higher education institutions.
I am a licensed architect practicing in Los Angeles. My design focus has been high end residential and higher education institutions.

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