Become a member of the world's biggest jury in architecture history. Help us to support students.

There are 1469 jurors from 131 countries. The voting will take place over the Internet max to four times a year. You will not travel, you will help.

Voting System

Jury Benefits

Certified juror
Alphonse Kai
Al Jazera Consultants Principal Professional settings
Al Jazera Consultants Principal Professional settings
Certified juror
Martina Jansová
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Manon Cochereau
Sustainable architecture, serving as a common good.
Sustainable architecture, serving as a common good.
Certified juror
Ar. Samsiah Binti Abdullah
University of Technology Malaysia Lecturer Academic setings
University of Technology Malaysia Lecturer Academic setings
Certified juror
Gozel Charyeva
Architecture, urban, landscape
Architecture, urban, landscape
Certified juror
Nooriati Taib
• Building Information Modelling (BIM) in built environment• Thermal Comfort• Design of Transitional Spaces in High- Rise Buildings• Urban Greening on Rooftop and Building Facade• Biophilic Architecture• Informal Learning Spaces and Architectural pedagogy
• Building Information Modelling (BIM) in built environment• Thermal Comfort• Design of Transitional Spaces in High- Rise Buildings• Urban Greening on Rooftop and Building Facade• Biophilic Architecture• Informal Learning Spaces and Architectural pedagogy
Certified juror
Yuliana Kostyunicheva
I am a passionate landscape designer who passionately loves my field with all my heart. I started my journey in the field in 2019, when I worked in the "Landscape and Green Infrastructure" office at IPR hl. m Prague. Since 2020, I have graduated from the Department of Garden and Landscape Architecture at CZU, and I am currently a doctoral student. In 2020, she received the award «The Gift of Josef, Marie and Zdenka Hlávky». The Josef Hlávka Award for the best students and graduates of Prague's public universities. since June 2024, she founded her company to design garden and landscape improvements.
Czech Republic
I am a passionate landscape designer who passionately loves my field with all my heart. I started my journey in the field in 2019, when I worked in the "Landscape and Green Infrastructure" office at IPR hl. m Prague. Since 2020, I have graduated from the Department of Garden and Landscape Architecture at CZU, and I am currently a doctoral student. In 2020, she received the award «The Gift of Josef, Marie and Zdenka Hlávky». The Josef Hlávka Award for the best students and graduates of Prague's public universities. since June 2024, she founded her company to design garden and landscape improvements.
Certified juror
Martin Šenberger
společnost mar.s architects věří v transformační sílu designu, který dokáže změnit životní dráhy jednotlivců i celých komunit. když první inovátoři měnili způsob, jakým všichni žijeme, učíme se a pracujeme, my změnili způsob, jakým přemýšlíme o prostoru - jako o unikátním zdroji pro vyjádření jedinečné vize a podporu mimořádného úspěchu. i když se náš vliv a odborné znalosti rozšířily, náš flexibilní přístup k navrhování zůstává stejný. posouváme hranice, přičemž klademe důraz na navazování úzkých partnerských vztahů s klienty a důvěru potřebnou k tomu, abychom společně dokázali dělat velké i malé kroky vpřed. naši strukturu udržujeme otevřenou, což nám umožňuje vytvářet různorodé týmy se znalostmi šitými na míru dané výzvě. na základě důvěry získané od našich klientů překračuje mar.s hranice toho, co je, a představuje to, co by mohlo být. řešení zakořeněná v tradici, ale otevřená neočekávanému. průlomová řešení, která posouvají lidi a organizace k novým možnostem.
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Akshaya Kumar Beuria
I have completed my Masters in Architecture with speciallisation in Conservation from School of Planning & Architecture, New Delhi and in practice since 1994.
I have completed my Masters in Architecture with speciallisation in Conservation from School of Planning & Architecture, New Delhi and in practice since 1994.
Certified juror
Abubakar Ahmad Sama
My main focus is mainly on modern architecture.
My main focus is mainly on modern architecture.
Certified juror
Emilio Chacar
Sustainable Architecture
Sustainable Architecture
Certified juror
Anezka Kasiarova
Certified juror
Stanislav Hybler
Vodní prvky, Použití recyklovaných materiálů, Podpora biodiversity, Herní a workoutové prvky, Interiérová zeleň, Dendrologické průzkumy a posudky, Využití lokálních materiálů, Práce se zvířaty (voliéry, výběhy...), Střešní zahrady, Zimní zahrady a skleníky, Botanické a zoologické zahrady a Hospodaření s dešťovou vodou
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Lukáš Bosák
He is a graduate of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. During his studies at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, he deepened his specialized knowledge in building constructions, architecture, and building physics. This has helped him in solving problems related to building design. Alongside building design, he also engages in digital graphic design and visualizations. Since 2019, he has been working as an assistant professor and research worker at the Department of Building Constructions, Faculty of Civil Engineering at STU in Bratislava. In his teaching, he focuses on structural and technical subjects, BIM, virtual reality, 3D printing, and design. In his scientific work, he addresses issues related to BIM, research in the field of roofs, and biocomposites.
Certified juror
Vitalij Borisov
Studio Kist.Design se specializuje na návrhy a realizaci originálních interiérů na míru pro gastronomické, obchodní či jiné komerční prostory s důrazem na použití kvalitních materiálů. Naši doménou je vytváření podmanivé atmosféry a navrhování inovativních řešení osvětlení.
Russian Federation

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