
Rating indicators

The INSPIRELI ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY RATING is based on the scoring of students and their success in an international comparison and is based on the initiative of doc. Ing. arch. Juraj Dulenčín, Ph.D., Head of the Department of Architecture FAST VUT, who initiated the creation of this rating.

The basis is the INSPIRELI AWARDS:







Each project can compete in one of the thematic INSPIRELI COMPETITION competitions at the same time as the INSPIRELI AWARDS competition. In this case, the points for both competitions are added together.





Honorary mention


3rd place


2nd place


1st place

* if there are no 2nd and 3rd places, the ranking corresponds to the INSPIRELI AWARDS

"Serban Tiganas, President of the Romanian Architects and UIA Secretary General, presented a study at the 2017 UIA International Congress that clearly demonstrated the correlation between the economic success of an architectural studio and its activity in international comparison. When universities encourage students to participate in architectural competitions, they significantly support their future successful careers."

Karel Smejkal, president of INSPIRELI AWARDS

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