Participate in the largest student competition on the planet and connect with a community from more than 160 countries.

Upload your student project to one of three categories - Architecture, Interior, Urban Design. Individuals as well as teams can compete.

Get inspired, inspire others.

Enter your project in the biggest student
architecture competition on the planet and

Time Schedule

September 25, 2023
Start of signing up for the competition
July 14, 2024
Termination of registration for the competition
July 15-24, 2024
Voting in the semifinals
August 1, 2024
Announcement of finalists in three categories
August 1-14, 2024
Voting in the finals
September 14, 2024
Announcement of the winners
1 projects, 1 participants, 1 countries
Register / Submit project General Conditions and Rules of Award
They are worth competing for!

Prizes for participants
Even if you don't win, you gain a lot!

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