Schindler's ARK Finalists / INSPIRELI AWARDS Competition

video 09/19/2024

19th-century prosperous textile factory of the Löw-Beer family | Residence of Oskar Schindler during World War II | Rescue of 1,200 Jews against Holocaust | SCHINDLER'S ARK. Students designed a dignified memorial to survivors (Museum of Survivors) and preserve the legacy of the Oskar Schindler’s camp while determining the shape of the Northern area with a business...

19th-century prosperous textile factory of the Löw-Beer family | Residence of Oskar Schindler during World War II | Rescue of 1,200 Jews against Holocaust | SCHINDLER'S ARK. Students designed a dignified memorial to survivors (Museum of Survivors) and preserve the legacy of the Oskar Schindler’s camp while determining the shape of the Northern area with a business hub and educational spaces. See who the 30 finalist out of 150 projects submitted are.

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