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There are 1302 jurors from 130 countries. The voting will take place over the Internet max to four times a year. You will not travel, you will help.

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Certified juror
Mohammad Sazzad Hossain
Mohammad Sazzad Hossain is a practicing architect, researcher, and educator. His area of interest is architectural design with a special focus on heritage conservation. He was involved in different projects of ICOMOS and UNESCO. Mr. Hossain is an expert member of ICOMOS International Training Committee and ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for Twentieth Century Heritage. He was the Secretary, Heritage and Culture of the Institute of Architects, Bangladesh (IAB). He was also involved in ARCASIA Heritage Preservation Group and UIA work program on Heritage and Cultural Identity.
Mohammad Sazzad Hossain is a practicing architect, researcher, and educator. His area of interest is architectural design with a special focus on heritage conservation. He was involved in different projects of ICOMOS and UNESCO. Mr. Hossain is an expert member of ICOMOS International Training Committee and ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for Twentieth Century Heritage. He was the Secretary, Heritage and Culture of the Institute of Architects, Bangladesh (IAB). He was also involved in ARCASIA Heritage Preservation Group and UIA work program on Heritage and Cultural Identity.
Certified juror
Nikita Komlik
Residential and public buildings.
Residential and public buildings.
Certified juror
Revianto Santosa
Architectural history and theory
Architectural history and theory
Certified juror
Houida Khuzam
All fields in Architecture in general including:Architectural Design (specialized)Landscape and Urban DesignUrban PlanningExecutive Studies
All fields in Architecture in general including:Architectural Design (specialized)Landscape and Urban DesignUrban PlanningExecutive Studies
Certified juror
Architect and PhD Lecturer. Vice-Dean of studies and student affairs - Faculty of science and technology, University of Mostaganem in Algeria. I specialized in the didactics of architecture and research in communication sciences in intersubjective exchanges in architectural design learning workshops. I am mainly interested in urban projects and the development of public spaces.Every year, I lead end-of-study architecture projects that try to respond to local issues.
Architect and PhD Lecturer. Vice-Dean of studies and student affairs - Faculty of science and technology, University of Mostaganem in Algeria. I specialized in the didactics of architecture and research in communication sciences in intersubjective exchanges in architectural design learning workshops. I am mainly interested in urban projects and the development of public spaces.Every year, I lead end-of-study architecture projects that try to respond to local issues.
Certified juror
Sindy Melissa Godínez de León
Hospital Planning
Hospital Planning
Certified juror
Noman Afzal

“Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design.”

Certified juror
Yimeng Teng
I am a licensed architect practicing in Los Angeles. My design focus has been high end residential and higher education institutions.
I am a licensed architect practicing in Los Angeles. My design focus has been high end residential and higher education institutions.
Certified juror
Andrea Vokřálová
Interiérový design
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Iryna Shvets

spatial planning and urban networks; architectural education

Certified juror
Luis Pineda

Reorientar la formación profesional y activa de los que elegimos ser arquitectos, para volvernos a la arquitectura real, esa que no permite la dominación y control de un sistema que destruye, la que deja de ser esclava del poder y economía de unos cuantos que solo quieren llenar sus bolsillos para tener más poder, la que se aleja de los sistemas autocráticos que nos convierten reproductores y repetidores de modelos incoherentes, consumistas y poco éticos.  

Este modelo hegemónico destructor que domina la imaginativa responsable, ética y consciente, anula nuestra responsabilidad como arquitectos; por lo que, es necesario distanciarnos de estos modelos para hacer evidente la responsabilidad que tenemos desde nuestra disciplina.

No se trata de reaccionar impulsivamente en una dirección contraria,  sino de deconstruir y volver a construir en base a estos saberes y conciencia, una nueva visión para construir un futuro diferente, uno que nos permita inteligentemente disminuir, retrasar y si es posible, erradicar, la destrucción que hemos generado, revertir aspectos de deterioro, contemplar a los usuarios, el contexto físico, buscando el confort como un modo de dignidad que arrope a cualquier usuario para que se integre y se incluya en la responsabilidad y cuidado de su entorno. Así como, erradicar la discriminación y marginación que hemos creado en función de prejuicios sociales que tienen que ver con las condiciones económicas, políticas, sociales y culturales. Si podemos revertir la idea de la arquitectura como meramente intelectual e instrumental, lograremos crear estrategias para formarnos profesionalmente con un sentido claro de responsabilidad ética en la que somos encargados de construir un futuro diferente, porque si no hay futuro, no hay arquitectura.


Reorientar la formación profesional y activa de los que elegimos ser arquitectos, para volvernos a la arquitectura real, esa que no permite la dominación y control de un sistema que destruye, la que deja de ser esclava del poder y economía de unos cuantos que solo quieren llenar sus bolsillos para tener más poder, la que se aleja de los sistemas autocráticos que nos convierten reproductores y repetidores de modelos incoherentes, consumistas y poco éticos.  

Este modelo hegemónico destructor que domina la imaginativa responsable, ética y consciente, anula nuestra responsabilidad como arquitectos; por lo que, es necesario distanciarnos de estos modelos para hacer evidente la responsabilidad que tenemos desde nuestra disciplina.

No se trata de reaccionar impulsivamente en una dirección contraria,  sino de deconstruir y volver a construir en base a estos saberes y conciencia, una nueva visión para construir un futuro diferente, uno que nos permita inteligentemente disminuir, retrasar y si es posible, erradicar, la destrucción que hemos generado, revertir aspectos de deterioro, contemplar a los usuarios, el contexto físico, buscando el confort como un modo de dignidad que arrope a cualquier usuario para que se integre y se incluya en la responsabilidad y cuidado de su entorno. Así como, erradicar la discriminación y marginación que hemos creado en función de prejuicios sociales que tienen que ver con las condiciones económicas, políticas, sociales y culturales. Si podemos revertir la idea de la arquitectura como meramente intelectual e instrumental, lograremos crear estrategias para formarnos profesionalmente con un sentido claro de responsabilidad ética en la que somos encargados de construir un futuro diferente, porque si no hay futuro, no hay arquitectura.

Certified juror
Sayed Ahmed

Ar. Sayed Ahmed is a Bangladeshi practicing architect and academician. He studied architecture from SUST; Sylhet. He was lecturer in the department of architecture, Bangladesh University, Dhaka. He successfully got his master’s degree at Monumental heritage with DAAD scholarship from Anhalt university of Applied Sciences, Bauhuas of Dessau, Germany. He specializes design, art appreciation, cultural studies, art philosophy, architectural history, urban collective memory, material and climatic issues regarding vernacular architecture and so on. He has already published articles from several journals around the globe which include countries like UK, USA, Austria, Australia, Nigeria, India, China and Indonesia. He is also in editorial board of ATINAR journal, Greece and CHITROLEKHA journal, India. His recent study published from the largest platform of Asian architects, ARCASIA’s 19th forum.

Certified juror
Pietro Nicola Musolino

The subtle passage of architecture through the gemetrical and functional rigor.

Certified juror
Sébastien Dachy

ounded in 2014 by architects Matthieu Busana and Sébastien Dachy, MAMOUT explores a practice of architecture based on multidisciplinary and research-by-design. They develop projects of various scales and programs, mostly located in urban environment. They use physical paper models, graphic design and photography to explore themes like materiality, light and scenography.

Certified juror
Nancy Abdel-Moneim

Place Making and Human behavior within the Urban Studies as well as Environmental &Urban Psychology 


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