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There are 1301 jurors from 130 countries. The voting will take place over the Internet max to four times a year. You will not travel, you will help.

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Certified juror
Hogr Mirzashexa

Hogr is founder and CEO of GoshaArch GoshaArch is involved in designing and realizing a diverse array of urban, cultural and commercial projects around the globe. GoshaArch is a collaboration of architects and designers that believe architecture is a practice of optimism. GoshaArch approach our projects with the attitude that to make great places, you must believe in the future, with respect of the past.

GoshaArch architecture emerges from the idea that a designs should be expressive and reflect contemporary life. Innovation is at the core of our design process. We believe that bold design must be realized with sustainable technology and we strongly believe that the art of architecture lies in creating a maximum impact within the constraints of budgets and functionality. We know from experience that great architecture comes from working with great clients; however, architecture is a public art and we hold ourselves accountable not only to the client, but to the communities, and cities in which we build.

Hogr Mirzashexa and his partners Ahmed and Zanwer, established GoshaArch in Erbil, Kurdistan, in 2019 after graduation of Salahadin University college of engineering
Architecture department.


Hogr is founder and CEO of GoshaArch GoshaArch is involved in designing and realizing a diverse array of urban, cultural and commercial projects around the globe. GoshaArch is a collaboration of architects and designers that believe architecture is a practice of optimism. GoshaArch approach our projects with the attitude that to make great places, you must believe in the future, with respect of the past.

GoshaArch architecture emerges from the idea that a designs should be expressive and reflect contemporary life. Innovation is at the core of our design process. We believe that bold design must be realized with sustainable technology and we strongly believe that the art of architecture lies in creating a maximum impact within the constraints of budgets and functionality. We know from experience that great architecture comes from working with great clients; however, architecture is a public art and we hold ourselves accountable not only to the client, but to the communities, and cities in which we build.

Hogr Mirzashexa and his partners Ahmed and Zanwer, established GoshaArch in Erbil, Kurdistan, in 2019 after graduation of Salahadin University college of engineering
Architecture department.

Certified juror
Apostolos Kyriazis

Urban regeneration, neighborhood scale, public space, urban morphologies, urban planning, urban design, housing.

Certified juror
Alejandro Delgado
Interior design
Certified juror
Mohana Das

I am an Architect and Urban Designer by profession.

My research interests are:

  • Healthcare Architecture,
  • Spatial planning,
  • Hospital Design and
  • Migration studies.
Certified juror
Muhammad Umair

My architectural focus is to find out the reality in design and as well as contextual progress. Also I am more closely focussed on working with different urban planners to develop more sustainable and economical projects. 

Certified juror
Alberto Conrado
All architectural topics
All architectural topics
Certified juror
Viktoriya Bazylevych
Contemporary architecture.Sustainable architecture.
Contemporary architecture.Sustainable architecture.
Certified juror
Vasiliqia Zoto
A strong believer in the ability of the research combined with design thinking for strengthening our societies. My focus consists in architectural design principles, patterns and practices.
A strong believer in the ability of the research combined with design thinking for strengthening our societies. My focus consists in architectural design principles, patterns and practices.
Certified juror
Jakub Heidler
Každý projekt je pro nás jedinečný. Jsme čeští architekti a naše projekty navrhujeme tak, aby v sobě odrážely osobnosti našich klientů. Společně s nimi najdeme jádro sdělení a kolem něho vystavíme nosný příběh. Ten rozvineme do architektonické studie a následně do uceleného řešení. Při tvorbě je pro nás klíčová empatie vůči investorovi, jeho myšlence a prostředí kde stavba či interiér bude sloužit.Naší prací posouváme kvalitu životního prostředí, které nás všechny obklopuje. Prosazujeme propojování oborů. Inspirujeme se v každém tvůrčím procesu uvnitř naší architektonické kanceláře i kdekoliv mimo ni. V dialogu se zadavatelem přidáváme inovace, zlepšujeme a posouváme výchozí představu o míle dál. Investora tím vtáhneme do kouzla architektury a společně tvoříme projekty se silnými příběhy.Ať už se jedná o návrhy nových kanceláří, bytů, bytových nebo rodinných domů vždy je pro nás klíčové vytvářet unikátní projekty dobré pro život i práci kde proudí ta správná energie.
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Rong Zhao

Museum exhibition designer at wHY New York.

Certified juror
Andrii Shtendera
Tutor of Architecture and Urban Planning at Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lead architect at Zelemin Architectural Office, and Researcher. I am interested in connections between old and new in form, height and volume.
Tutor of Architecture and Urban Planning at Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lead architect at Zelemin Architectural Office, and Researcher. I am interested in connections between old and new in form, height and volume.
Certified juror
Martin Jandera
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Ing.Arhc. Martin Dudaško
private company chief architect Professional settings
private company chief architect Professional settings
Certified juror
Michael Kinyumu

Sustainable Design

Certified juror
Notash Ghajar Dadjoo

Design orginality of the project and think out of the box to redefine project needs and gain new values for the architectural space.

Sustainability and green buildings.

Environmental concerns or solutions in building design.


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