Become a member of the world's biggest jury in architecture history. Help us to support students.

There are 1479 jurors from 131 countries. The voting will take place over the Internet max to four times a year. You will not travel, you will help.

Voting System

Jury Benefits

Certified juror
Alaeddin Noumi
I am a young architect driven by curiosity and passion for the multiple scales of architecture. My approach is to freely experiment with various design possibilities, to represent the perfect relationship between all parameters and to apply the new technologies to portray my ideas and vision.
I am a young architect driven by curiosity and passion for the multiple scales of architecture. My approach is to freely experiment with various design possibilities, to represent the perfect relationship between all parameters and to apply the new technologies to portray my ideas and vision.
Certified juror
Kristína Hanesová
Certified juror
Sulaiman Mahariq
In an effort to extract ideas to find creative solutions to the problems facing us, this is what polishes the golden value.
In an effort to extract ideas to find creative solutions to the problems facing us, this is what polishes the golden value.
Certified juror
Petra Indruchová
Specializace na interiéry rezidenčního i komerčního charakteru
Czech Republic
Certified juror
barbora černá
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Tomáš Irber
Hlavní náplní architektonického ateliéru je komplexní projektová činnost ve výstavbě a interiérovém designu. Náš tým nabízí komplexní služby v oblasti urbanistických a architektonických studií, projektové činnosti, návrhu interiérů a designu včetně výkonu autorského dozoru. Projekční činnost je vykonávána ve všech stupních projektové dokumentace od územního řízení až po realizační dokumentaci. U všech zakázek nabízíme k projektové dokumentaci inženýrskou činnost.
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Vanda Kotková
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Mário Regec
Architektura a urbanismus. Veřejné, residenční a bytové stavby. Komplexní projektové práce.
Certified juror
Elzbieta Komarzynska-Swiesciak
I am a licensed architect and have over 10 years of international working experience. I am interested in architecture that is susceptible to change, which transcends its location constraints and allows different functional programs to come together in time and space. My current research interests lie in the adaptation of abandoned spaces (terrain vague, post-communication spaces) and the applicability of Open Building strategies in adaptive reuse projects.
I am a licensed architect and have over 10 years of international working experience. I am interested in architecture that is susceptible to change, which transcends its location constraints and allows different functional programs to come together in time and space. My current research interests lie in the adaptation of abandoned spaces (terrain vague, post-communication spaces) and the applicability of Open Building strategies in adaptive reuse projects.

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