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There are 1469 jurors from 131 countries. The voting will take place over the Internet max to four times a year. You will not travel, you will help.

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Certified juror
Mario Botta
MARIO BOTTA ARCHITETTI Official representative of the Holy See of the Vatican State in the INSPIRELI AWARDS international jury Architecture
MARIO BOTTA ARCHITETTI Official representative of the Holy See of the Vatican State in the INSPIRELI AWARDS international jury Architecture
Certified juror
Kristina Holá
Věnuji se návrhům interiérů, jak komerčních, tak soukromých. Nemám zcela vyhraněný styl, záleží vždy na zákazníkovi, co preferuje. Většinou jde o moderní interiéry s návazností na přírodu.
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Tomáš Jurica
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Barbora Skopalová
Stavební inženýr
Czech Republic
Stavební inženýr
Certified juror
Klára Butašová
Certified juror
Jainika Shah
As an Indian architect with master’s degree from Pratt University, my journey for a better tomorrow explores the developing principles of design to produce architectural endeavors. My mission has always been to create meaningful designs that add value to the existing community.
United States of America
As an Indian architect with master’s degree from Pratt University, my journey for a better tomorrow explores the developing principles of design to produce architectural endeavors. My mission has always been to create meaningful designs that add value to the existing community.
Certified juror
Wolfgang Gerlach
My focus is on the design from a single source. I love to combine different surfaces and materials in both exterior and interior design. The focus is on the areas of hotels, restaurants and event gastronomy.
My focus is on the design from a single source. I love to combine different surfaces and materials in both exterior and interior design. The focus is on the areas of hotels, restaurants and event gastronomy.
Certified juror
Lenka Stádníková
Návrhy interiérů a realizace, 3D vizualizace, konzultace
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Shino Mamand
Architectural design
Architectural design
Certified juror
Veronika Boráková
Návrhy interiérů bytových a komerčních prostor.
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Jan Klika
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Zuzana Šišková
She graduated from the civil engineering and architecture study program at the STU Faculty of Architecture and the architecture department at the STU Faculty of Architecture and Design in Bratislava. She currently works at the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Civil Engineering, STU. In his research and teaching activities, he deals with the issue of 20th century architecture. It focuses on increasing the level of awareness of the values ​​of this architecture as well as on the application of a suitable restoration methodology.
She graduated from the civil engineering and architecture study program at the STU Faculty of Architecture and the architecture department at the STU Faculty of Architecture and Design in Bratislava. She currently works at the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Civil Engineering, STU. In his research and teaching activities, he deals with the issue of 20th century architecture. It focuses on increasing the level of awareness of the values ​​of this architecture as well as on the application of a suitable restoration methodology.
Certified juror
Markéta Ekrtová
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Nikolas Maximov
Architectural design is an art of visionary, that defines the way of living and interacting of future generations. Human-centric design is to provide people with possibilities of self identification. Therefore, along with futuristic innovations, designer have to pay attention to ethnic, cultural, local, and other types of identities.
Russian Federation
Architectural design is an art of visionary, that defines the way of living and interacting of future generations. Human-centric design is to provide people with possibilities of self identification. Therefore, along with futuristic innovations, designer have to pay attention to ethnic, cultural, local, and other types of identities.
Certified juror
Salim Abou Rizk
Architecture and Urban Design & Planning
Architecture and Urban Design & Planning

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