Become a member of the world's biggest jury in architecture history. Help us to support students.

There are 1479 jurors from 131 countries. The voting will take place over the Internet max to four times a year. You will not travel, you will help.

Voting System

Jury Benefits

Certified juror
Nico Lindow
Arquitecto independiente, docente de la carrera Arquitectura en la Fac de Tec y Ciencias Aplicadas, pertenece a la Univ Nacional de Catamarca.Secretario de Jurado de FADEA (Federación Argentina de Entidades de Arq) . Presidente del Colegio de Arq de la Prov de Catamarca, Argentina.
Arquitecto independiente, docente de la carrera Arquitectura en la Fac de Tec y Ciencias Aplicadas, pertenece a la Univ Nacional de Catamarca.Secretario de Jurado de FADEA (Federación Argentina de Entidades de Arq) . Presidente del Colegio de Arq de la Prov de Catamarca, Argentina.
Certified juror
Michal Kunc
„Domov není nutně místo; domov je taky myšlení a paměť a zlost a radost a láska a hněv, vůbec všechno, co v nás je. Tam jsme chyceni, ať jsme, kde jsme.“ Tvoříme domy a interiéry, které se stávají Domovem. Tvoříme prostory, kde je radost pracovat. Kanceláře jako místo pro život.
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Lucie Staňková
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Place attachment, Space acquaintance, Brandspace,
Place attachment, Space acquaintance, Brandspace,
Certified juror
Mohammadreza Ravanshadnia
I Focus on architecture and civil engineering .I inspired from Calatrava that he counted among architects with strong grip over engineering.The transition of Calatrava from small scale projects to major civic projects came through a competition in which he designed Zurich’s new train station. In early phase of his career, he gained fame as the architect of bridges. His engineering expertise helped him with getting through these projects and he made around 50 bridges right at the start. His asymmetrical bridge designs supported with concrete and steel and dramatic structures soon attracted worldwide attention and earned Calatrava a lot of international fame..
I Focus on architecture and civil engineering .I inspired from Calatrava that he counted among architects with strong grip over engineering.The transition of Calatrava from small scale projects to major civic projects came through a competition in which he designed Zurich’s new train station. In early phase of his career, he gained fame as the architect of bridges. His engineering expertise helped him with getting through these projects and he made around 50 bridges right at the start. His asymmetrical bridge designs supported with concrete and steel and dramatic structures soon attracted worldwide attention and earned Calatrava a lot of international fame..
Certified juror
Renata Bláhová
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Ondrej Palenčar
Enviromental architecture
Enviromental architecture
Certified juror
Svetlana Golounina
Naší specializací je design interiérů novostaveb rodinných domů a bytů v novostavbách developerských projektů.
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Zdeněk Jiran
The Czech Technical University in Prague Associate professor, Department of Architecture Academic settings
Czech Republic
The Czech Technical University in Prague Associate professor, Department of Architecture Academic settings
Certified juror
Szabolcs Kari
Certified juror
František FROLA
autorizovaný krajinářská architekt od ČKA, č.a. 02 041autorizovaný dokumentář a posudkář EIA, konceptář SEA
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Anzhelika Urbash
Design interieru
Czech Republic
Design interieru
Certified juror
Tomáš Kažimír
Certified juror
Pooya Lotfabadi
Design, Optimization, Energy Efficiency, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Interior Design
Islamic Republic of Iran
Design, Optimization, Energy Efficiency, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Interior Design
Certified juror
Zoran Abadić
Architectural and Urban Design
Architectural and Urban Design

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