Become a member of the world's biggest jury in architecture history. Help us to support students.

There are 1469 jurors from 131 countries. The voting will take place over the Internet max to four times a year. You will not travel, you will help.

Voting System

Jury Benefits

Certified juror
Vasyl Matsola

Architectural visualization

Certified juror
Jayraj Ghatge

Digital Tools

Parametric Architecture

Responsive and Kinetic Architecture

Computaional Design

Certified juror
Roland Baldi

CEO of Roland Baldi architects

The architectural studio Roland Baldi is active in architecture and urban planning, but also covers the fields of interior and landscape architecture as well as design. The projects - for the most part following successfully entered competitions - span over a large variety of different architecture manifestations including industrial, commercial and residential buildings, urban planning, infrastructure, buildings for educational purposes and a variety of other studies up to furniture design. The architect’s office is working under the motto „simple but different“ and focuses its attention on sustainability. Many of the implemented projects have been awarded with national and international architecture awards and presented in reputable exhibitions (i.a. Biennale of Architecture São Paulo 2012, Biennale of Architecture Venice 2006, 2014 e 2018, „New Architecture in South Tyrol 2006-2012“, solo exhibition in the Prisma Gallery in Bolzano 2012, alpitecture meets biennale 2014, Premio Architettura Città di Oderzo , South Tyrol Architecture Award 2013, best architects award 2014, Iconic Award 2014 e 2016).

Certified juror
Zeri Alfisyahrani

I focus on residential buildings, government buildings, offices and hospitals.

Certified juror

• Winner of architecture competiton: Collège Alain à Carcasonne - Atelier d'architecture Emmanuel Nebout.

• Designer at a new Royal Palace in Paris. (Consultant architect on site, current Job)


-3D rendering/ Architecture presentation

-Architectural concepts

-Interior Design/ Luxury interiors

-Green Buildings/ Sustainablity

-Technology & innovation in architecture



Certified juror
Muhammad U. F. Khan

Architecture is to give Shape to your thoughts through Masses by moving reshaping and resizing.

Certified juror
Ghazaal La'li

Ghazaal La'li is an Iranian Architect, Project manager, and photographer, who was born in Tehran, in 1993. She studied Interior Architecture at Sooreh University and holds a master of construction & project management from the Pars University of Tehran. She started her professional career in Arash G Tehrani Design Studio in 2014 and worked on several projects, which gained international attention and honored in several awards, such as 2A Continental Architecture Awards in Madrid, and Middle East Architecture Awards in Dubai, and Mirmiran Awards in Tehran. Besides architect, she has founded an advertising photography practice called Diman Photography, and also collaborated as the committee secretary in Iranian Interior Architecture's Society.




Professional Career:


Architect in Arash G Tehrani Design Studio

Secretary of the committee & official member, in Iranian Interior Architecture’s Society

Founder & principal of Diman photography group.

Vice-Chairman of the Board of directors at La’l Gostar Oraman Co.




Master of construction & project management from the Pars University of Tehran, 2019

B.A in Interior Architecture, Sooreh University, 2015


Skills: Interior design, Architectural design, Project management, photography, graphic presentations, Post Production, 3D modeling.


Software skills: AutoCAD, Sketchup, Ps Photoshop, Lumion, Revit, Corel Draw.



Awards & honors:


·           2019, Shortlisted & Nominated for 2A Europe Architecture Awards, University Housing for Genoa, Madrid/Spain.

·           2019, Shortlisted & Nominated for 2A Asia Architecture Awards, Golshahr Mosque & Plaza, Madrid/Spain.

·           2019, "13th Mirmiran Architectural Award", Mirmiran Architecture Foundation, Special Mentioned Project, Shelter for Refugees, Tehran / Iran.

·           2019, "13th Mirmiran Architectural Award", Mirmiran Architecture Foundation, Finalist Project, Shelter for Homeless, Tehran / Iran.

·           2018, Shortlisted & Nominated for CONCEPT DESIGN of the YEAR, Golshahr Mosque & Plaza, Middle East Architect Awards, Dubai/UAE.

·           2018, Prize winner & Special mentioned project in Golshahr Mosque & Plaza Competition, Tehran, Iran.


Magazine and Media Appearance:

·           2018, “ArchLine Magazine”, Issue 2, Cover and interview Photographs, December, Bandar Abbas / Iran.

·           2018, “ArchLine Magazine”, Issue 2, Golshahr Mosque & Plaza, December, Bandar Abbas / Iran.

·           2018, “Middle East ARCHITECT Magazine”, Volume 12 / Issue 12, Golshahr Mosque & Plaza / December, Dubai / UAE.

·           2018, “Middle East ARCHITECT Magazine”, Volume 12 / Issue 11, MeArch Awards shortlists / November, Dubai / UAE.

·           2018, “Middle East ARCHITECT”, Golshahr Mosque & Plaza, https://bit.ly/2QmsdUX, UAE.

·           2018, “Urban Player”, Golshahr Mosque & Plaza, https://bit.ly/2NAoVYa, Hungary.

·           2018, “Arch-News”, Golshahr Mosque & Plaza, https://bit.ly/2LrVkTm, Kuwait.

·           2018, “World PRO News”, Golshahr Mosque & Plaza, https://bit.ly/2JINXBW, USA.

·           2018, “DesignMENA”, Thoughts, Golshahr Mosque & Plaza, https://bit.ly/2yhmMhq, UAE.

·           2018, “Designboom”, Golshahr Mosque & Plaza, https://bit.ly/2LDcsSQ, Milan / New York / Beijing.

·           2017, “iF world design guide”, Shelter for Homeless, https://bit.ly/2NBex2l, Germany.

·           2016, Run! Candidates are coming! , The Designer Today Half-month Magazine, Article’s Photograph, Issue 18, Tehran / Iran.

·           2016, The Designer Today Half-month Magazine, Half-month Photograph, Issue 09, Tehran / Iran.

·           2016, The Designer Today Half-month Magazine, Half-month Photograph, Issue 11, Tehran / Iran.


·                     2019, International Professional Certificate, Certificate of Training Completion, Post-production, GRS ACADEMY, Ce No: GRSCE/23474.

·                     2018, Certificate of Paper Admission, Publication & Presentation, for: “The Effects of architectural competitions and Awards in developing the general taste”, International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Management in IRAN, University of Tehran, ISC: 96180-22102, CUM2018.com, VC: PE-DIIG

·                     2019, Science Nordic Certificate, International Conference on Civil engineering, Architecture and Urban Management, SNCERT.com, CE No: nspr45908.

·                     2019, Wissen Certificate, Attendance Certificate on Conference, 2nd International Congress on Science and Engineering, Hamburg – Germany, wissencert.com, Ce No: wis2176


Ghazaal La'li is an Iranian Architect, Project manager, and photographer, who was born in Tehran, in 1993. She studied Interior Architecture at Sooreh University and holds a master of construction & project management from the Pars University of Tehran. She started her professional career in Arash G Tehrani Design Studio in 2014 and worked on several projects, which gained international attention and honored in several awards, such as 2A Continental Architecture Awards in Madrid, and Middle East Architecture Awards in Dubai, and Mirmiran Awards in Tehran. Besides architect, she has founded an advertising photography practice called Diman Photography, and also collaborated as the committee secretary in Iranian Interior Architecture's Society.




Professional Career:


Architect in Arash G Tehrani Design Studio

Secretary of the committee & official member, in Iranian Interior Architecture’s Society

Founder & principal of Diman photography group.

Vice-Chairman of the Board of directors at La’l Gostar Oraman Co.




Master of construction & project management from the Pars University of Tehran, 2019

B.A in Interior Architecture, Sooreh University, 2015


Skills: Interior design, Architectural design, Project management, photography, graphic presentations, Post Production, 3D modeling.


Software skills: AutoCAD, Sketchup, Ps Photoshop, Lumion, Revit, Corel Draw.



Awards & honors:


·           2019, Shortlisted & Nominated for 2A Europe Architecture Awards, University Housing for Genoa, Madrid/Spain.

·           2019, Shortlisted & Nominated for 2A Asia Architecture Awards, Golshahr Mosque & Plaza, Madrid/Spain.

·           2019, "13th Mirmiran Architectural Award", Mirmiran Architecture Foundation, Special Mentioned Project, Shelter for Refugees, Tehran / Iran.

·           2019, "13th Mirmiran Architectural Award", Mirmiran Architecture Foundation, Finalist Project, Shelter for Homeless, Tehran / Iran.

·           2018, Shortlisted & Nominated for CONCEPT DESIGN of the YEAR, Golshahr Mosque & Plaza, Middle East Architect Awards, Dubai/UAE.

·           2018, Prize winner & Special mentioned project in Golshahr Mosque & Plaza Competition, Tehran, Iran.


Magazine and Media Appearance:

·           2018, “ArchLine Magazine”, Issue 2, Cover and interview Photographs, December, Bandar Abbas / Iran.

·           2018, “ArchLine Magazine”, Issue 2, Golshahr Mosque & Plaza, December, Bandar Abbas / Iran.

·           2018, “Middle East ARCHITECT Magazine”, Volume 12 / Issue 12, Golshahr Mosque & Plaza / December, Dubai / UAE.

·           2018, “Middle East ARCHITECT Magazine”, Volume 12 / Issue 11, MeArch Awards shortlists / November, Dubai / UAE.

·           2018, “Middle East ARCHITECT”, Golshahr Mosque & Plaza, https://bit.ly/2QmsdUX, UAE.

·           2018, “Urban Player”, Golshahr Mosque & Plaza, https://bit.ly/2NAoVYa, Hungary.

·           2018, “Arch-News”, Golshahr Mosque & Plaza, https://bit.ly/2LrVkTm, Kuwait.

·           2018, “World PRO News”, Golshahr Mosque & Plaza, https://bit.ly/2JINXBW, USA.

·           2018, “DesignMENA”, Thoughts, Golshahr Mosque & Plaza, https://bit.ly/2yhmMhq, UAE.

·           2018, “Designboom”, Golshahr Mosque & Plaza, https://bit.ly/2LDcsSQ, Milan / New York / Beijing.

·           2017, “iF world design guide”, Shelter for Homeless, https://bit.ly/2NBex2l, Germany.

·           2016, Run! Candidates are coming! , The Designer Today Half-month Magazine, Article’s Photograph, Issue 18, Tehran / Iran.

·           2016, The Designer Today Half-month Magazine, Half-month Photograph, Issue 09, Tehran / Iran.

·           2016, The Designer Today Half-month Magazine, Half-month Photograph, Issue 11, Tehran / Iran.


·                     2019, International Professional Certificate, Certificate of Training Completion, Post-production, GRS ACADEMY, Ce No: GRSCE/23474.

·                     2018, Certificate of Paper Admission, Publication & Presentation, for: “The Effects of architectural competitions and Awards in developing the general taste”, International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Management in IRAN, University of Tehran, ISC: 96180-22102, CUM2018.com, VC: PE-DIIG

·                     2019, Science Nordic Certificate, International Conference on Civil engineering, Architecture and Urban Management, SNCERT.com, CE No: nspr45908.

·                     2019, Wissen Certificate, Attendance Certificate on Conference, 2nd International Congress on Science and Engineering, Hamburg – Germany, wissencert.com, Ce No: wis2176

Certified juror
Satoru Sugihara

I seek qualities integrating complexity and rationality and diversity and consistency in designs. I also appreciate computational / algorithmic design thinking with sophisticated techniques or insightful visions. 

Certified juror
Jun Andres

Architects in Design Build studied in Far Eastern University

Certified juror
Amir Ghiasi

PH.D of Architecture.

Workshop Supervisor of " Saadat  Mall "
Head of " A.G " Architecture Atelier
Teaching in university

Certified juror


Certified juror
Jaime Marin
Certified juror
Iftikhar Ali

Sustainable Architecture, Architectural Theories, Resposive Architectural and Urban Spaces, Professional Practice, Restoration of Heritage Buildings, 

Certified juror
Sana Malik

I believe architecture organizes the socio-economic activities of all human beings irrespective of their gender, class, race and income levels. Well-designed built environment provides healthy, safe and inclusive spaces to its users.

Certified juror
Ayesha Malik

I have served in this profession for over a decade as an academacician and have been working as a practicioner in field as well. I have always focused on how bringing nature close to the humans daily activities and spaces by making them part of it as nature has a magical answer for many problems from healing to calmness, from energy saving to mood bootness etc. I belief you can do wonders with it. 


I have served in this profession for over a decade as an academacician and have been working as a practicioner in field as well. I have always focused on how bringing nature close to the humans daily activities and spaces by making them part of it as nature has a magical answer for many problems from healing to calmness, from energy saving to mood bootness etc. I belief you can do wonders with it. 

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