Become a member of the world's biggest jury in architecture history. Help us to support students.

There are 1469 jurors from 131 countries. The voting will take place over the Internet max to four times a year. You will not travel, you will help.

Voting System

Jury Benefits

Certified juror
Rim Zougheib
rszarchiects is a firm who creates engaging and tactile spaces that draw on personal experience to enrich the everyday
rszarchiects is a firm who creates engaging and tactile spaces that draw on personal experience to enrich the everyday
Certified juror
Martin Ducheček
Pozemní stavby
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Eliza Haider
Computational Architecture
Computational Architecture
Certified juror
Samuel Hajster
Certified juror
Mohamed Al Ghonaimy
sustainability - interior design - urban design - urban conservation
sustainability - interior design - urban design - urban conservation
Certified juror
Gaetano Gionta
Improve quality life of Dnipro inhabitants
Improve quality life of Dnipro inhabitants
Certified juror
Jana Jakubičková
Certified juror
Luboš Klabík
Naším cílem jsou dobrá a fungující místa pro lidi. Jsme architekti a urbanisté. Propojujeme se s dalšími odborníky a šijeme na míru řešení vašeho zadání. Nasloucháme vám, vyrážíme do terénu a bavíme se s lidmi. Přijďte za námi s problémem, jeho příčinu i nejefektivnější způsob jeho řešení najdeme společně. Řešit město, vesnici i krajinu je radost. Chceme, aby to bavilo nás i vás!
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Rada Doytcheva
Better lives, by design: Doing rational (not excessive) architecture that serves directly people's needs. Efficient planning is key to sustainability and equity of resources across the board. another focus: raising the leadership role of the architect, lost in today's world; giving more women a chance to have meaningful role in the profession.
Better lives, by design: Doing rational (not excessive) architecture that serves directly people's needs. Efficient planning is key to sustainability and equity of resources across the board. another focus: raising the leadership role of the architect, lost in today's world; giving more women a chance to have meaningful role in the profession.
Certified juror
Shanawaz Alli
Residential buildings, schools, hotels
Residential buildings, schools, hotels
Certified juror
Saimir duplikace jmén Kristo
Saimir Kristo, PhD is a practicing architect and urban designer, Vice-Dean and lecturerin the Faculty of Applied Sciences and Creative Industries at BARLETI University. From 2013 until2021 he has served as Vice-Dean in the Faculty of Architecture and Design at POLIS University. Asan alumnus of the International Visitor Leadership Program organized by the State Department ofthe U.S.A and member of civil society, He is active in engaging communities and developing acommon platform for discussion in the field of architecture and urban planning. He is the curatorof Tirana Architecture Week 2014 -[En] Visioning Future Cities and Tirana Design Week 2015 –Design NOW, following his experience in several Urban Regulatory Plans in Albania. Keynotespeaker in several conferences and member of international award juries. He is a board memberof A10 new European Architecture Cooperative in the Netherlands, Future Architecture Platformproject manager for Albania and organizer of PechaKucha Night Tirana. His research activitiesextend out of Albania with books and various publications in international journals. As he believessocial contribution is very important for the development of a sustainable community, he servesas Board member of “Fundjavë Ndryshe” philanthropic organization that aims to diminish povertyand social inequality in Albania.
Saimir Kristo, PhD is a practicing architect and urban designer, Vice-Dean and lecturerin the Faculty of Applied Sciences and Creative Industries at BARLETI University. From 2013 until2021 he has served as Vice-Dean in the Faculty of Architecture and Design at POLIS University. Asan alumnus of the International Visitor Leadership Program organized by the State Department ofthe U.S.A and member of civil society, He is active in engaging communities and developing acommon platform for discussion in the field of architecture and urban planning. He is the curatorof Tirana Architecture Week 2014 -[En] Visioning Future Cities and Tirana Design Week 2015 –Design NOW, following his experience in several Urban Regulatory Plans in Albania. Keynotespeaker in several conferences and member of international award juries. He is a board memberof A10 new European Architecture Cooperative in the Netherlands, Future Architecture Platformproject manager for Albania and organizer of PechaKucha Night Tirana. His research activitiesextend out of Albania with books and various publications in international journals. As he believessocial contribution is very important for the development of a sustainable community, he servesas Board member of “Fundjavë Ndryshe” philanthropic organization that aims to diminish povertyand social inequality in Albania.
Certified juror
Joaquin Abraham Montinho Bucce
My approach consists of determining details in the functioning of buildings derived from the misuse of elements that constitute an environment.
My approach consists of determining details in the functioning of buildings derived from the misuse of elements that constitute an environment.
Certified juror
Ahmet Turan
Entegrating the new technological structures, machines and materials with architectural design and creating new spaces.
Entegrating the new technological structures, machines and materials with architectural design and creating new spaces.
Certified juror
Helen Rubets
Design and architecture from the origins to the present day, philosophy of design, science and technology, urban sphere
Design and architecture from the origins to the present day, philosophy of design, science and technology, urban sphere
Certified juror
Vincent Marani
Marani Architects s.r.o. Founder Professional settings
Marani Architects s.r.o. Founder Professional settings

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