Become a member of the world's biggest jury in architecture history. Help us to support students.

There are 1450 jurors from 131 countries. The voting will take place over the Internet max to four times a year. You will not travel, you will help.

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Jury Benefits

Certified juror
Lee-Su Huang

Lee-Su Huang received his Bachelor of Architecture from Feng-Chia University in Taiwan and his Master in Architecture degree from Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design. He has practiced in Taiwan with various firms and in the United States with Preston Scott Cohen Inc. in Cambridge, and with LA.S.S.A Architects in Seoul, Korea. As co-founder and principal of SHO, his research and practice centers on digital design+fabrication methodology, parametric design optimization strategies, as well as kinetic/interactive architectural prototypes. Lee-Su is currently Lecturer at the University of Florida’s School of Architecture, teaching graduate and undergraduate level design studios as well as foundation and advanced digital media / parametric modeling courses.

Certified juror
Catherine Sani

Architect exploring design, writing and photography. Telling stories of people and place. Hued in the colours of the palette of Africa.

Malawian - Ethiopian
Certified juror

Institutional buildings especially Office blocks, Academic buildings ( universities and colleges) and Housing estates.


Institutional buildings especially Office blocks, Academic buildings ( universities and colleges) and Housing estates.

Certified juror
Katarina Ambrosova

Architectural presentation, marketing and urban planning 

Certified juror
Lenka Blechová

Architecture and architectural visualisations

Certified juror
Rafi Al Mahie

Contemporary Architecture, Built Form and Lighting, Temporary Structure

Certified juror


Certified juror
Bambara Evariste
Certified juror
Patrick Hamzo

I believe in a philosophy that entails design as an interdisciplinary, collective effort to respond to contemporary needs and future issues. A great design is the result of collaborative work combined with passionate, innivative, sensitive values that transforms a place or a space into a unique solution that responds to human needs.

Certified juror
Mikuláš Hladký
Autorizovaný architekt:odborné činnosti vo výstavbe v tomto rozsahu: - a) vykonávanie prípravnej predprojektovej činnosti, najmä vypracúvanie stavebných zámerov verejných prác, investičných zámerov, architektonických a urbanistických štúdií, územnoplánovacích prieskumov a rozborov, - b) vykonávanie komplexnej projektovej činnosti, najmä vypracúvanie architektonických návrhov a dokumentácie umiestňovania stavieb a ich zmien, projektovej dokumentácie stavieb a ich zmien, vrátane interiérov a exteriérov, ako aj rekonštrukcií a modernizácií budov a obnovy stavebných pamiatok, - c) spracovávanie územnoplánovacích podkladov a územnoplánovacej dokumentácie, - d) vykonávanie projektového a stavebného manažmentu, najmä riadenia projektu a koordinácie čiastkových projektov vypracovaných inžiniermi, krajinármi a inými špecialistami a výkon autorského dohľadu nad realizačnými projektmi a vykonávanie stavebného dozoru, - e) grafické spracúvánie a modelovanie architektonického diela, vrátane vypracúvania špecifikácií a technickej dokumentácie, - f) poskytovanie súvisiacich technických služieb, najmä poskytovanie architektonického poradenstva investorom a vlastníkom nehnuteľností, zastupovanie investora pri príprave a uskutočňovaní stavieb, - g) vyhotovovanie odborných posudkov, odhadov a dobrozdaní
Certified juror
Michelle Kassouf

A great building must begin with the immeasurable, must go through measurable means when it is being designed, and in the end must be unmeasured. Louis Kahn

Certified juror
Sithabile Mathe

Sithabile has 19 years of post-graduate experience in the built environment working with both design and implementation of projects. She qualified in Architecture in Glasgow, Scotland. In 2006, she established Moralo Designs, an Architectural Practice which now offers Urban Design, Architectural Design, Landscape Design, Interior Design and Project Management services. Her professional experience is also within contractual matters and project management of building projects as well as assessments of the financial viability of projects. 

Sitabile has extensive work experience from Botswana, South Africa, Norway, South Sudan and Tanzania and flourishes with an international work environment. She is registered with 4 professional bodies and serves as Chairperson of the Architect’s Registration Council of Botswana and as Deputy Chairperson of the BHC Board. She’s also a former Council Member for the Commonwealth Association of Architects (CAA) as Vice President Africa Region and the Chair of CAA Validation.

Certified juror
Delovan Delawer

Experimental Architecture and Design. Sustainable, Regenerative, and Futuristic Architecture.

Certified juror
Hajar Eslami

In quest for creating spaces compatible with the essence of nature and human beings, and using new technologies and innovative, compatible materials, in order to improve the quality of spaces for the man of today and future

Certified juror
Mitra Naghdi Vishteh

Interior design

facade design 



Interior design

facade design 


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