Become a member of the world's biggest jury in architecture history. Help us to support students.

There are 1469 jurors from 131 countries. The voting will take place over the Internet max to four times a year. You will not travel, you will help.

Voting System

Jury Benefits

Certified juror
Matthias Marcel Jean Arnould
Udržateľná architektúra_malá mierka_experiment_hands on
Certified juror
Víťa Pivoňka
Software SketchUp, Vray, Enscape, Lumion
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Samuel Szkuban
Certified juror
Architectural design of entertainment, commercial and residential buildings, exhibitions and conferences, facade design and general location, in addition to the diversity in the use of modern and sustainable building materials.
Architectural design of entertainment, commercial and residential buildings, exhibitions and conferences, facade design and general location, in addition to the diversity in the use of modern and sustainable building materials.
Certified juror
Md Ashikur Rahman Joarder
Zero Emissions and Sustainable Building Design
Zero Emissions and Sustainable Building Design
Certified juror
Hana Košová
bytové domy, průmyslové stavby, výstavnictví, vyjímečné příležitosti RD
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Martina Kalivodová
Certified juror
Helena Paz
Architektura a interiér, novostavby, rekonstrukce, veřejný prostor
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Tomáš Klapka
Architekt a zakladatel ateliéru • tečka. Společně s kolektivem ateliéru se zajímá především o urbanismus a veřejný prostor obcí a v rámci komplexního přemýšlení nad rozvojem klade důraz na sociální a environmentální udržitelnost projektů a na mezioborovou spolupráci s odborníky.Mimo ateliérovou praxi působí na pozici městského architekta města Mnichovice.
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Gabriela Brzobohatá
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Bakhrom Khakimov
Working architect in the international company Rembox. Multiple Prize-Winner of the international completions in Milan, Minsk(Saint-Gobain Multi Comfort Contest). Finalist of the SkyCity Challenge in Changsha China, Inspireli Awards, architecture contest for Abu-Dhabi Municipality.Was published in the book for Architecture Biennale in Chicago. Participant of other international architecture competitions for students and working architects.
Working architect in the international company Rembox. Multiple Prize-Winner of the international completions in Milan, Minsk(Saint-Gobain Multi Comfort Contest). Finalist of the SkyCity Challenge in Changsha China, Inspireli Awards, architecture contest for Abu-Dhabi Municipality.Was published in the book for Architecture Biennale in Chicago. Participant of other international architecture competitions for students and working architects.
Certified juror
Jan Lebl
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Haryo Winarso
My undergraduate background is in architectural engineering from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. My Ph.D. is in urban studies from DPU, University College London. Now, I am teaching urban design and land and Housing development at Bandung Institute of Technology, My focus is on urban design that could integrate and accommodate the interest of the poor.
My undergraduate background is in architectural engineering from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. My Ph.D. is in urban studies from DPU, University College London. Now, I am teaching urban design and land and Housing development at Bandung Institute of Technology, My focus is on urban design that could integrate and accommodate the interest of the poor.
Certified juror
Mehdi Chohan
To incorporate sustainable solutions and benefits of BIM in Architecture and Construction industry.
To incorporate sustainable solutions and benefits of BIM in Architecture and Construction industry.
Certified juror
Emmanuel Kikanme
My architectural focus lies in the area of use, ergonomic and sustainability.
My architectural focus lies in the area of use, ergonomic and sustainability.

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