Become a member of the world's biggest jury in architecture history. Help us to support students.

There are 1479 jurors from 131 countries. The voting will take place over the Internet max to four times a year. You will not travel, you will help.

Voting System

Jury Benefits

Certified juror
Mikuláš Hulec
The Czech Technical University in Prague Head of the Department of Architecture Academic settings
Czech Republic
The Czech Technical University in Prague Head of the Department of Architecture Academic settings
Certified juror
Matej Procházka
Civil engineer
Certified juror
Olena Korsun
More than 6 years of experience in Interior Design using modern stack and technologies.Experienced in developing and implementation projects from scratch.Ability to raise constantly the bar in development facing with challenges without any affairs.Design inspires me. I love learning something new and interesting.
Certified juror
Jakub Roleček
KEEO působí v oblastech architektury, urbanismu a krajinářské tvorby.
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Daniel Puszkar
Jsme architekti z Ostravy.Navrhujeme s úctou k místua respektem ke klientovi.
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Lukáš Janáč
Na začátku každého návrhu máme proces pochopení potřeb klienta v kontextu společnosti. Navrhujeme kanceláře velkých měřítek pro stovky a tisíce lidí. Svou velikostí jsou analogií měst. Tyto naše návrhy v sobě spojují urbanismus, architekturu a design. Vytváříme prostorové aplikace. Našimi klienty jsou startupy, firmy, společnosti, korporace. Díky jejich pestrým architektonickým potřebám se tak dostáváme i k řešení staveb pro obchod, výrobu a skladování nebo ubytování. Dlouhodobě poskytujeme architekturu Pro Bono.
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Kateřina Horych
Interiérový design
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Otakar Chochola
Rodinné domy, design, kancelářský design, poradenství feng shui. Výuka feng shui.
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Alaa Abbadi
I am very interested in issues of architecture and its development around the world, in particular issues of sustainability and the preservation of the planet. I am also interested in supporting young students in architecture.
I am very interested in issues of architecture and its development around the world, in particular issues of sustainability and the preservation of the planet. I am also interested in supporting young students in architecture.
Certified juror
Ing.Arhc. Martin Dudaško
private company chief architect Professional settings
private company chief architect Professional settings
Certified juror
Michal Hlaváček
The Czech Technical University in Prague Professor, Department of Architecture Academic settings
Czech Republic
The Czech Technical University in Prague Professor, Department of Architecture Academic settings
Certified juror
Jakub Sabol
Certified juror
Leonid Orel
translation of the visible, observable into an abstract sensation, search for consonant structures in abstract space, translation of these new structures as a continuation, addition to the existing tectonics
translation of the visible, observable into an abstract sensation, search for consonant structures in abstract space, translation of these new structures as a continuation, addition to the existing tectonics
Certified juror
Yurii Nikolaienko
3d printed building https://3dquanter.com/
3d printed building https://3dquanter.com/
Certified juror
Rron Beqiri
Spatial Planning, Urban Planning, Architecture, Urban Analytics
Spatial Planning, Urban Planning, Architecture, Urban Analytics

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