
Information center for visitors of the Slavic hillfort Neštich

Peter Vislocký
STU in Bratislava - Faculty of Civil Engineering

Project idea

The main goal of this work is to design an object in a pristine nature
in the Protected Landscape Area of ​​the Little Carpathians above town Svätý Jur near Fortress Neštich in accordance with the elements of modern architecture and with respect to the forest.

Another purpose is to increase tourism in the area by Information center with archeological exposition and leisure time activities same as with creation of view to the hillfort, adjacent village and surrounding forests and hills.

Project description

The concept of my architecture is inspired by the nature and Slavic history. My intention was to create connection of the building with terrain but still retains its face and visibility. Current (probably also historical) communication
rises from the village to the hillfort. The location of the Information center is
at slightly sloping plot in front of the hillfort at the place ,where was historical entrance gate to the hillfort.

The mass was developed until final form, based on analyzes of territory. Considering that Information center is situated at forest ,there is no need for adiitional greenery, however the whole the concept is based on the protection and the replacment of the cutting trees. The solving of the problem with different heights at the plot undergone develepment and in the end was inspired by the wine taraces of town Svätý Jur. Consequently, modern architecture was incorporated into this solution. The whole work was harmonized into a single compositional unit, whose appearance is a smooth line rippling down a slope.

Technical information

MEP concempt:
The building will be connected to the sewerage system, which will flow into the local sewage treatment plant. Waste water and utility water will be used for further use. Water supply to the building will be from the well and appropriate technological measures will be adapted to drinking water. As the seasonal operation of heating and tempering in the building will be heat pump or electric heating.

The foundation is a 400mm reinforced concrete slab.

Vertical supporting structures:
The supporting vertical structures are enclosure walls of the sandwich structure. Structural art of wall consist of 250mm thick renforced concrete. Soil-filled walls have a thickness 300 mm of reinforced concrete.

Horizontal load-bearing structures:
The building has a reinforced concrete ceiling slab 230mm thick.

The cladding is made of sandwich wall construction with archtectural concrete. Al external wall structures march the requirements of thermal resistance and heat transfer coefficient. All admitted concretes will be
made of waterproof concrete.

Roof cladding:
Extensive vegetation mats are designed for surface treatment of the roof cladding greenery. The roof structure also march the requirements of building physics thanks double thermal insulation applied in the roof structure.

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