Glavna tema su biciklizam i priroda. Tako se kao glavni oblik za formiranje trasa kretanja uzima LIST. Kako biciklizmu najviše odgovaraju blagi potezi i tupi uglovi, oblina lista se uzima kao potez kojim se pružaju biciklističke, kao i pešačke staze. Ideja je da vizuelno i funkcionalno odgovori na temu sportskog kompleksa, koji će biti centar biciklizna u glavnom gradu Srbije.
The main themes are cycling and nature. Therefore a LEAF was taken as the focal shape for forming the paths. As cycling prefers soft curves and dull angles, the curve of the leaf was the inspiration for the cycling and pedestrian tracks. The idea is to visually and functionally answer the task of forming a sports complex which would be the cycling center of the capital of Serbia.
Zadata likacija nalazi se na kraju Novog Beograda na razmeđi prirodnog i urbanog, pored bloka 45. Volumetrija objekata u ovom kompleksu prati poteze koje označavaju kretanje svih korisnika. Duž cele lokacije nalaze se biciklističke staze koje povezuju sve delove ovog sportskog kompleksa. Od sadžaja kompleks sadrži: velodrom / multifunkcionalnu salu, teretanu i prostor za iznajmljivanje i popravljanje bicikla, kafić, terene za košarku, BMX stazu, letnju scenu kao i velike ozelenjene prostore za uživanje i razonodu.
Na lokaciji se nalazi 371 parking mesto , rasporedjeno duž cele lokacije.
This recreation center is located at the end of New Belgrade on the interchange of natural and urban, next to block 45. The volume of objects in this complex is followed by moves that indicate the movement of all users.. Along the entire site there are bicycle paths that connect all parts of this sports complex. The complex contains: a velodrome / multifunctional hall, a gym and a space for renting and repairing a bicycle, a cafe, a basketball court, a BMX track, a summer scene as well as large green areas for enjoyment and entertainment.
There is a 371 parking place located throughout the entire location.
Kako bi se projekat predstavio, bili je potrebno uraditi detaljnu osnovu celog kompleka, odrediti tačne trase kretanja svih korisnika.
Takođe je bilo bitno predstaviti sve ambijente koje ovaj projekat pruža korisnicima.
To present the project, it was important to do detailed floor plans of the entire complex and predict sensible movement routs of the users. It was also important to present all of the interesting ambient which this space offers to its users.