
Embassy of the Czech Republic

Soto Mariano Francis , Cosentino Dimani Leandro
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Tucumán

Project idea

The idea of ​​the project was based on the safety aspect as the main primisia. The design is inspired by an analogy of one of the architectural icons of the Czech Republic as is the castle of Prague. Taking an abstraction from it, we could obtain an architectural element such as "perimeter" and an architectural element as central (San Vito church). THE PERIMETER ELEMENT PROTECTS THE CENTRAL ELEMENT

Project description

Starting points
_ An urban restructuring was carried out to give more fuides to the surrounding context.
_We proposed the generation of public spaces to revive the activity in the sector.
_The accesses and exits were analyzed so as not to interfere with the activity already existing in the sector
_To achieve the total security of the project through the architectural design
_Lograr a project of emblematic character and that expresses this purpose.
The two elements obtained from the idea match: Perimeter and Central.
* In the PERIMETRAL element located at ground level are the residences of the workers and the residence of the ambassador
All the residences have their private overflows as well as an overflow to a large central patio where there is an orchard for the cultivation of the residents.
The living room of the ambassador has an area of ​​greater private overflow (swimming pool, tennis court), it has an exclusive elevator for its use.
* In the CENTRAL element located on the perimeter element, the embassy and the consulate are located, the only way to access said volume is from ramps that are placed at the ends of the terrain (with hills on the two opposite sides) ). In the first level we generate a protocolary seat.
To access the consulate or the embassy you must pass a second filter located at the ends of said plant.
The embassy and consulate are located on the second level and on the 3rd level representative spaces are located.
When raising the volume -central- on the -perimeter- and allowing the access only by ramps (with control points) we solve the main point at the time of approaching the project.

Technical information

The project will be carried out with two types of terminations following the idea of ​​a match.
The PERIMETRAL element will be constructed of tectonic (heavy) character.
The CENTRAL element (ELEVATED) of stereotomic (light) character.


Development of the project jointly with:
Francis Mariano Soto
Leandro Cosentino Dimani

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