

Klaudia Giermanek
PPWSZ / Podhalańska Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Nowym Targu

Project idea

Concept of the project embassy is connect two total different countrys, Czech Republic and Ethiopia. In "Connect" main idea is connect Czech modernism and and Ethiopia; connect pure form and chaos.

Project description

The shape of the building was created after movig the border limits by 25 m. In this shape were made atrium and this surface transfered to next floor. Rooms have been lit up and got illusion chaos building. Big windows and simply shapes are reference to the Tugenhat Willa - poject of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Green roof protect from the sun. Building consist of five section: offical part, office, residence of Ambassador, residence for employess and warehouses. Lokal workforces was near plot border. Place of recreation is created around the building it increases safety.

Technical information

The site was designed according to Polish construction law.

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